
Chapter 240 Submission of the Warlord's Credentials

Zhou Xiao showed a look of surprise, "Xie Qishan? How could it be you guys?"

"It is indeed us, just arrived in the Eastern District a little over a month ago."

Xie Qishan revealed a bitter smile, but he couldn't really complain. How could he say, "You Tree Domain pursued us so fiercely, you hardly gave anyone a chance to take refuge?"

"Captain Zhou, we've got something to discuss with Old Zhu."

"Boss Zhu is in the back; pick two representatives to go over, and don't summon the Angel Envoy."

Zhou Xiao glanced over the group behind Xie Qishan. Most were familiar faces from the group that had left the old north district, but there were also quite a few new faces, though it was uncertain if they were Eastern District survivors.


"Bi Qitian, you come with me."

Xie Qishan called over a man with a crew cut standing next to him and followed Zhou Xiao to join Zhu Xiong's team.


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