
Section 15 - Inescapable

"Major, good luck to you, everyone else, follow me!"

The wingman pilot "Devil Pepper" Irinei Rusios sniffed, gently pushed the control stick to converge with the other two "Big Mouth Monster" turboprop aircraft, forming a new three-plane formation. During the wide turn maneuver, she fired short bursts from the autocannon, and without hesitation launched combat bombs whenever the opportunity arose, employing all her tactics to provide fire cover for Unit 211, and trying her best to attract the Metallic Dragon's attention.

For Irinei Rusios, the nickname "Little Chili" was very personal, reserved only for those who were extremely close to her. Anyone else who wasn't that close would, as a matter of course, be met with a beating—a real spicy reaction from this "Chili" from the Amazon Rainforest region!

But this time, when Big Bear called her that so recklessly, she couldn't get angry at all.

Only true warriors can face life and death so directly.

At that moment, an alert suddenly came from the Aircrew Base 911.

"This is Tower 911, unidentified aircraft spotted at bearing 360, altitude 12,000 meters, speed Mach 5, attempting to identify."

All aircraft received the message, whether or not they were turboprop aircraft from 911.

At this critical moment, with the identity of the newcomer unclear, many hearts involuntarily leapt into their throats.

"A bunch of damn flies, are you in such a hurry to seek death?"

The roar of the Metallic Dragon echoed not only in the sky but also filled the public communication channels.

"Bit, do you realize what you are doing? Surrender now."

Another unfamiliar voice appeared on the public communication channel.


The Metallic Dragon's figure hesitated, looking toward the North.

"Flight Identification Code DD9D-2x54-0086-8ed1-12d6, searching for identification, Sky Knight Lin Ziyong, Class A access to the data link, verifying passkey, approved!"

The stranger from afar in the supersonic aircraft announced proactively.

"The sky of this world is protected by the Lin Family!"

The next second, both the encrypted data link's public talk channel and the open communication channels erupted like a pot boiling over.

"Lin? A Lin surname? WHOOOOPS! Is that really a Sky Knight from the Lin Family?"

"Thank goodness, we're saved, we're saved!"

"Is that a Crystal Jet coming? That Dragon of Slaughter is done for!"

"We must get to know such an important figure, quick, get ready!"

"Please get me an autograph from Lin Ziyong, his title is 'Death Tracer', my son is a huge fan, this is such a coincidence."

"I want one too!"

"Same here!"


The data link communication channel was in chaos, even the fighter pilots who were still engaged in battle with the Metallic Dragon didn't forget to join in on the excitement.

The Lin Family?

What other Lin Family could cause such a huge sensation but the one that protects the skies, a vow that remains everlasting!

According to the "Thucydides Trap", if not for the Lin Family mediating and restraining both sides, the Cangqiong Realm and the Blue Star Realm might still slide into the dangers of an interdimensional war even after jointly eliminating the threat of the Third Era Civilization Neanderthals.

Where there are people, there are "Jianghu", where there is "Jianghu" there are conflicts of interest, and where there are interests there are struggles, which can escalate. Wars have only two frequencies; zero or countless, and the monsters of war that taste blood will always consider humans their prey.

In fact, it's not hard to understand. The previous Columbus almost made it impossible for North American Indigenous Indians to even maintain reservations, while the South American Mayans became mere legend.

This time, two Columbuses discovered each other's new continents at the same time, and what followed wasn't a handshake, a hug, a kiss, a toast, and becoming best buddies, but rather... quick, draw swords and start slashing, my man!

Only after gauging each other's strengths will both sides sit down and get serious. This applies to people, to countries, to nations, and to civilizations; if you can't be harmed, why not take advantage and bully the weak as much as you can?

But now, the Dimensional Gate that connected the two realms was intricately linked to the Lin Family; the military couldn't even get through, so what fight could there be?

For that Metallic Dragon that suddenly left the Cangqiong Realm side of the Dimensional Gate and intruded into the Blue Star Realm on its own, the Lin Family had actually dispatched their own Sky Knight, meaning this round was stable!

"It's a Sky Knight, and it's one of the Lin Family, 'Peanut Butter', come back quickly!"

The short-haired girl, "Devil Pepper" Irinei Rusios, who was currently organizing the harassment, was both shocked and delighted.

A pilot is a pilot, but a Sky Knight is a Sky Knight, completely different levels of existence; the former carries out various flight missions, while the latter exists purely for war and offense.

However, the world's Sky Knights were divided into two types: Lin Family Sky Knights and other knights. The former had a lofty reputation, not faltering even in solo combat with a Giant Dragon.

When the sky falls, there's a tall one to catch it, and now the tall one had finally come. With a Lin Family Sky Knight taking action, Squadron Leader Chekhov no longer had to risk his life dangerously.

"Damn it!"


Squadron Leader Chekhov, who was ready to sacrifice himself as bait to launch the "Dragon Slayer Missile" at close range, cursed angrily.

"I've geared myself up already," and to not go through with it, that's really fucking @#¥%&...


Chen Fei couldn't care less about being a hero; he only knew he hadn't paid off his debts yet, only thinking about earning an extra day's worth for every day he can, every little bit counts—he literally couldn't afford to die.

But the next second, he noticed that the Metallic Dragon in his field of vision suddenly seemed much bigger.

Oh crap, not bigger, just closer!

The regenerated Blade Wing was raised high toward the turboprop aircraft he was in, evidently ready to come crashing down.

"Dragon Lord doesn't take shit from anyone, come and kill me if you can!"

The roar of the Metallic Dragon was filled with defiance and rebelliousness, ready to effortlessly swat the approaching little fly and declare its resolution.

What can the Sky Knights of the Lin Family do?

Even if a Dragon Knight of the Lin Family came, still no respect!

What goes around comes around, the rebellious Metallic Dragon that once gave the Dragon Kings of all types a headache now finally had its own kind's Dragon King feeling overwhelmed.

The Wind Type Dragon clan sent congratulations, the Terrestrial Dragon clan sent congratulations, the Water System Dragon clan sent congratulations, the Fire Dragon clan sent congratulations... Dragons of all systems throwing flowers! Thumbs up!

Finally managed to pass the buck.

If the Metallic Dragons were really that easy to control, the past Dragon Kings wouldn't have had to strictly confine them, leading to their kind becoming the least populous among the dragons, losing their own heritage, and nearly becoming extinct.

"Rookie, launch the missiles, fire everything but don't..."

Squadron Leader Chekhov wasn't keen on dying either; he gripped the control stick tightly, holding down the trigger for the autocannon, as vivid tracer paths streaked out, enveloping the encroaching Metallic Dragon.

The cockpit buzzed incessantly, Chen Fei frantically pressed away with his BiuBiuBiu, the A-39 "Big Mouth Monster" shuddered involuntarily a few times, blissfully releasing its load before suddenly becoming utterly dull.

Emptying the ammo to lighten the load, which theoretically could indeed boost maneuverability.

"...don't launch the, wait, 'Dragon Slayer Missile'?"

Squadron Leader Chekhov noticed one faint trail amidst the many missile contrails, moving at a shocking speed, like lightning that strikes before the thunder claps. He glanced at the ammunition interface—every hardpoint was empty.

He was just about to remind the rookie not to recklessly launch the "Dragon Slayer Missile."

"Launched it! You said to fire everything!"

Chen Fei's fingers hadn't even left the control panel, his face full of innocence; programming firing sequences was pretty fun.

Squadron Leader Chekhov yelled in frustration, "Ah, you idiot, we haven't even gotten clear..."

Who would set up such a crazy firing scheme!

This "rookie" was truly a rookie!

Before he could finish, a pale blue shockwave swept past in an instant.

The "Big Mouth Monster" was still within the inescapable zone of the "Dragon Slayer Missile," now they were really in trouble!

Like a powerless boat in a raging storm, the cockpit began to shake violently, the amplitude of which far exceeded the previous one caused by the aftermath of the "Dragon Slayer Missile." The cockpit canopy visibly twisted and was instantly riddled with cracks.

The external wings disintegrated without any resistance, reduced to short stumps of wing root, the tail fin also vanished, leaving the bare fuselage looking like an airplane stick.

"Eject! Quick!~"

Chen Fei vaguely heard Squadron Leader Chekhov's hoarse shouting, instinctively reaching between his legs, and then pulled hard.

That was a close one—he almost yanked his own balls out.

There was a soft click and tremor, and in the next second, his view changed instantly, as if his soul had left his body. He was outside the "Big Mouth Monster's" cockpit in the blink of an eye, watching as the battered aircraft spun apart in mid-roll, its various pieces flying chaotically in the sky.

If it wasn't for the inbuilt armor layer in the cockpit of the turboprop aircraft and the canopy shielding him from the most violent initial shockwave, it would be him that was falling apart.

As Chen Fei frantically tried to locate the technical manual that had slipped from his hands, a shiny object came whooshing through the hot, chaotic flow, striking him squarely in the chest with the force of a thunderclap.

Damn, it seemed to be Big Bear Squadron Leader's Blue Star Er Guotou bottle!

Before he could even feel the pain, Chen Fei lost consciousness.


An oddly-shaped aircraft approached from the sky, its tail flashing with white light, slowing down and circling in the area where the "Dragon Slayer Missile" had just exploded.

The deep rumble of thunder that sounded like a warning only arrived after the fact.

The previously rampant Metallic Dragon had vanished without a trace, with fire and iron descending from the sky...



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