

Harris didn't finish his words. But everyone knew what

he meant except Aunt Susie who knew nothing about computers.

The so-called firewall was a means of computer network defense. Generally speaking, it

was the most important means to resist the invasion of enemy hackers. Because of the

advanced development of computer science in Regan, they also had the most talented

hackers in the world.

In contrast, the firewall technology of Chesterton lagged behind. We can only watch their

hackers come and go freely in our computer networks. Damn it! Arthur was so angry that

he banged his fist on the table again.

How can we just let them steal our military information? Doesn't the NSB have any

computer geniuses? Anyone who can take them on? Arthur asked. Director Harris took

the reprimand with an embarrassed face and a cold sweat. He explained.

We've recruited many talented people in this field. But it is estimated that it will take

another five years to match the skills of Regan. Five years? At that time, the information

and secrets of Chesterton will be known by everyone.

Arthur was so furious that Nathan, Robert, and Sophie all stood up. Arthur, stop your

anger! Aunt Susie commanded. The energy in the room was tense.

But then a new voice sounded from the corner. Maybe I can do something about the

firewall. In a flash, all eyes turned to the voice in the corner.

Arthur looked at the young man with a smile and said, You, Aiden? Arthur thought of

Aiden's computer skills. But he still shook his head and as Director Harris said, This is a

government wall. It's not as simple as you think.

Director Harris's eyes showed contempt. He shook his head slightly as he thought Aiden

couldn't do this. Aiden may have cracked the one computer, swelling his ego.

But this was no time for big talk. How do you know if you don't let me try? Aiden wore a

calm smile and there was something wise behind his eyes. Try? When Director Harris

heard this, he thought Aiden had gone mad.

He said, we're talking about national security here and you're asking to try? Aiden didn't

respond but turned to look at Arthur instead. He knew that Arthur was the only one who

could convince Director Harris. Looking at Aiden without any sense of joking, Arthur

frowned and said, boy, are you serious? Arthur continued, I have to admit that you are a


But you don't think your ability can match those top computer talents in the FBI, do you?

Aiden rose to the challenge. How about a wager? If I can make a firewall, you have to

promise me again. But what if you can't do it? Arthur immediately asked.

If I can't do it, I'll fulfill the request you made on your last call. Arthur's eyes were bright.

He had asked Aiden several times to help compile a mathematics contest book for the

Mathematics Association.

Aiden had used his lack of time as an excuse and refused Arthur repeatedly. Well, boy,

are you sure about this? Arthur asked. Aiden replied, I tell you, I didn't win by chance

before and I dare not make a foolish bet with you.

I'll take your bet, Arthur said and then turned to the director. Nathan, you'll give him the

information on the firewall. I don't doubt him.

This boy can do anything. Director Harris was stunned at first. There was no way Aiden

could do this.

He can also help Arthur from the side of a small favor, get Arthur's favor, then agree to

come down. Nathan and Aiden exchanged contact information and Nathan promised to

pass the relevant information to Aiden after returning to headquarters. After that, the

atmosphere in the room was more relaxed and everyone agreed to change the subject.

Arthur asked Nathan about Springfield. After all, he hadn't been there in many years.

Talking and talking, I don't know how to talk about Nathan's position.

Nathan, I think I remember that you worked in the Wolf Brigade before you came to the

NSB, yes? At Arthur's words, Officer Roberts said in surprise, The Wolf Brigade? Isn't that

the most elite special ops team in the country? Aiden's look also slightly changed. The

Wolf Brigade was famous. Even high school students talked about it.

Robert, didn't you know Director Harris was a squadron leader in the Brigade? Selfie

pointed to Nathan and laughed. Robert was in awe, replying, The Wolf Brigade is the

assignment every soldier yearns for most. It is said that the people who come out of

spec ops can defeat a hundred men on their own.

People exaggerate, Nathan said with a bitter smile, bitterly, and a wave of his hand. But,

there was an operative who once killed a hundred international mercenaries in the

desert all on his own. Everyone gasped.

Who is this person? Robert asked. Nathan's mood suddenly became low. He is the former

captain of the Brigade.

He left the team five years ago to look for his missing wife. Nathan continued, The

captain didn't want us involved in his family affairs, so he hasn't contacted any of us for

five years. But we haven't stopped looking for him.

We all want to ask him to come back. Without their captain, the Wolf Brigade has no

soul. The more Aiden listened, the more he felt he knew something.

Special forces, five years, missing wife, it all felt so familiar. The captain mentioned by

Director Harris sounded like someone Aiden knew. Director Harris, I don't know the name

of the Brigade captain, Aiden started.

His name is Ross Doblar. Call sign Maple Leaf, Nathan replied. The corner of Aiden's

mouth twitched and he said, I think I may know his whereabouts.

Nathan looked at Aiden in shock. Everyone else focused on Aiden as well. He works as a

security guard in my house, Aiden explained.

Everyone froze in silence. That night, Nathan decided to go with Aiden to the restaurant

to see if Aiden's Ross Doblar was their missing Maple Leaf. Sophie, who liked an

adventure, joined them.

It was practically midnight, and most of the shops in East Street were closed for the

night. When they reached the midnight snack restaurant, sure enough, they had already

closed after a busy day. At this time, Ross must have gone back to his room to sleep.

So as to not disturb his family, Aiden phoned Ross and asked him to meet him out in the front of the restaurant. Nathan waited nervously, pacing back and forth. Manager, what's

the matter? Ross asked as he stepped outside.

Nathan was shocked by the voice behind and turned around.

Captain, is it really you? Nathan asked as he rushed forward with surprise and

hugged Ross. He continued with, Your brothers have been searching for you all these


Our Maple Leaf! Raven, what are you doing here? Ross replied, addressing Nathan by his

call sign. Nathan's face flushed slightly with embarrassment at the name and asked,

Captain, are you really a security guard here? After confirming Ross' identity, Nathan

was more shocked. The captain was a legend.

He was the first wolf who fought off countless hostile forces. How could he be a security

guard for a restaurant? Yes, the manager is very kind to me, Ross replied. No matter how

good it is, is this not the military? Nathan kept shaking his head in surprise, then

grabbed Ross' sleeve.

Captain, come back with me. We've heard about your wife. The brothers will help you

find her.

Ross was surprised and squeezed Nathan's shoulder. Brother, I know you mean well, but

this is a family matter. I can't use the power of the brigade.

Ross continued, I'm very happy that you came to see me today, but it's late and I need

to go back to bed. No way! Nathan's obstinate strength was like that of a bull. He

grabbed Ross' arm and held tight.

If I have to use force to take you with me, I will. You're wasting your talents working

here. After hearing Nathan belittle him in his restaurant, Aiden's eyebrows furrowed as

he frowned.

But not to mention, Aiden has long seen this guy unhappy. At Arthur's home, Nathan had

viewed Aiden with disdain, leaving Aiden feeling a little bit hostile. And now he wanted to

take away Aiden's employee.

How can he bear it? In his anger, Aiden didn't care if Nathan was some bigwig from the

NSB. Stop! he shouted. Nathan froze.

He had not expected Aiden to yell at him. Director Harris, you can't force him to go.

Since you regard Ross as the captain, how can you not respect his personal decision?

Aiden challenged him.

Sophie was so scared that she pulled Aiden's sleeve to get his attention. Hello? she said.

Do you know who you're talking to? Yes, Ross' former subordinate, Aiden answered.

You... Sophie was shocked. Did I need to remind you he's with the FBI?

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