

Cherry sighed, her mind exhausted from the revelations. She secretly hoped that this was all just a dream, or a prank that Troy would laugh off tomorrow. But deep down, she knew that this was her new reality.

Marcy's voice broke the silence. "I need to cast a temporary spell on your house to keep other terror beings out, it's a temporary spell but It'll last until morning, it's the same spell i used on the mansion but it is permanent, it drained my energy to cast it."

Cherry's eyes widened. "But during the party, another terror being attacked me."

Marcy's expression turned solemn. "Blood moons weaken the spell, creating vulnerabilities that can be exploited. That's why I need to reinforce it regularly."

Cherry's thoughts raced. "How will I get to school safely?"

Marcy smiled reassuringly. "I'll come over to your house, and your brother can drive us both to school. Troy's... indisposed, so you're stuck with me for now."

With that, Marcy vanished, leaving Cherry alone in her room. Cherry couldn't shake the feeling that this was her new life - living in fear of the unknown, constantly looking over her shoulder. She wondered if she'd ever find a way to break free from this supernatural world that had been thrust upon her.

* * * * *

Cherry gazed at her notebook, her pen scribbling furiously as she tried to process her thoughts. But when she saw the name "Troy Diavro" staring back at her, she hastily tore out the page, as if trying to erase the evidence of her musings. Had she really been thinking about him that much? It seemed her subconscious had taken over, betraying her efforts to ignore the mysterious vampire.

Determined to clarify her thoughts, Cherry turned to the paper she had written at the school library, the heading "THE TRUTHS ABOUT TROY" bold and unyielding. Though she couldn't speak the words aloud but she could write them down. She remembered that earlier this morning out of pure curiosity she wanted to see what would happen if she told her brother about Troy, she ended up telling him how she felt that his food sucks, this got him angry. She left an apology note in his bag afterwards but she felt like it would take a little more than that so fix his broken heart. Maybe she was going to make his favourite pastry when they got back home, chocolate fudge cake.

As Marcy entered the classroom, her eyes locked onto Cherry's desk, where she witnessed the paper's violent demise. "Tell me Travis didn't invite you to the match," she asked, concern etched on her face.

Cherry nodded, her voice barely audible. "He did."

Marcy's expression darkened. "And you're planning to go?"

Cherry shrugged. "I can't disappoint him."

Marcy's eyes rolled. "You care about him an awful lot, for someone who claims to dislike him."

Cherry's finger silenced Marcy's lips. "Shh, not so loud."

Marcy's gaze turned serious. "Cherry, you know your situation. You can't be reckless."

Cherry threw up her hands. "What do you expect me to do?"

Marcy's response was firm. "Ditch him."

Marcy couldn't bring herself to advise Cherry to do something she wouldn't do herself, if she were in Cherry's situation, she would abandon everyone and cower in fear. She genuinely believed the manor was the safest haven for her friend. She had invested immense energy in crafting a powerful spell, ensuring only Troy and herself couldenter, warding off all other malevolent beings. The spell had drained her, leaving her unable to cast another for a whole year. "I'm going to help you end this toxic relationship," Marcy declared, as Cherry nodded in agreement, following her out of the empty classroom, the school hall echoing their footsteps.

* * * *

Holland had warned Cherry earlier that he'd be leaving school early for a grade 12 program, leaving her and Marcy to walk home together. As they crossed the road, Cherry's heart raced inexplicably, her fear spiking with every step. It was as if she'd become trapped in a labyrinth of paranoia, with every path leading to a deadly trap. Yet, with Marcy by her side, she felt a sense of security - or so she thought.

As they turned into a quiet street, a sudden force slammed into Cherry's side, sending her flying through the air. Time seemed to slow as she realized she was hurtling towards the opposite sidewalk, her fate all but sealed. But just as all hope seemed lost, a mysterious red veil enveloped her, breaking her fall. Dazed and shaken, Cherry looked up to see Marcy standing tall, facing a snarling stranger.

His gaze was laced with malice, his eyes gleaming with an unholy light that seemed to portend death itself. The intensity of his stare sent shivers down Cherry's spine, as if she was gazing into the face of darkness incarnate. His presence exuded an aura of foreboding, leaving her with the chilling sensation as she was staring into his eyes which brought death.

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