

Cherry hastened towards a sleek white BMW in the school parking lot, its brown leather interior and tinted windows exuding luxury. The car's impeccable wax job glimmered like silver in the sunlight. A tall, athletic boy leaned against the vehicle, his 6'2" frame and chiseled physique a testament to his dedication to fitness. His blonde hair fell across his piercing blue eyes as he tapped his feet impatiently, his folded arms conveying a sense of anticipation. As Cherry approached, his gaze shifted towards her, his deep voice filled with a mix of care and authority. "I've been waiting for you." Cherry apologized, tossing her bag into the trunk. "I had to wrap up some things." As they entered the car, he reminded her, "You know Mom doesn't like us coming home late." With that, he started the engine and they drove off towards home.

"It doesn't matter, she's rarely home anyway, so the likelihood of her finding out is slim to none," Cherry said, her gaze drifting out the window.

A brief silence ensued before Holland glanced in the side mirror, catching Cherry's contemplative expression. "Hey, I read your article today. It was really good," he said, attempting to spark a conversation.

Cherry acknowledged his praise with a simple "thanks."

Holland's tone shifted from casual to concerned. "As much as I enjoyed it, I want you to promise me you'll never write something like that again. Troy might not have taken kindly to the attention, and we don't know much about him. He could be dangerous, Cherry. Please be careful."

Cherry's response was resolute. "Save the lecture for when it counts, Holland. As a journalist, I need to uncover the truth."

Holland countered, "You're not even serious about journalism, Cherry. It's just a hobby. You're a science student, remember?"

Cherry's reply was steadfast. "Anything worth doing is worth doing well. I won't back down."

Holland's concern was evident. "Just be careful, okay? Don't get hurt."

Cherry's assurance was calm and confident. "I won't."

They pulled up in the garage of a duplex, painted in charming blue and white, belied its spacious interior. With five bedrooms, a expansive living room, play room, study room, and a well-proportioned kitchen, the residence was a marvel of architectural design. The beautifully landscaped backyard, capable of accommodating at least 50 guests, was a masterclass in natural beauty.

As they stepped out of the car and into the house, the savory aromas of grilled chicken and gravy enveloped them, accompanied by the gentle sizzle of bacon or chips. Their mother, a petite woman with blonde hair and nutty brown eyes, emerged from the kitchen, her Cherry-like lips curled into a warm smile. Her hair was styled in a neat bun, and an apron adorned her clothes.

"Are my babies finally home?" she exclaimed, opening her arms to embrace Cherry and Holland. "Mum, you're home early!" Cherry said, excitement thinning her voice as she kissed her mother's cheeks.

Holland inhaled deeply, his eyes closing in appreciation. "Mmm, your cooking always tantalizes my taste buds, Mom." He planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Their mother's warm smile belied a hint of playful scolding. "I know you've been missing my cooking lately, Holland's cooking is not the best, so I decided to surprise you both by coming home early. Let's overlook your disobedience and enjoy a lovely family dinner instead." Her gaze turned to Cherry, her voice laced with a mix of care and gentle reprimand.

Holland's tone turned teasingly jealous. "So, the surprise is for Cherry, huh?"

Their mother's eyes sparkled as she handed him an envelope. "Don't worry, dear, I have a surprise for you too." Holland's anticipation was palpable as he opened the envelope, his eyes widening in excitement. "I've been processing your scholarship for weeks, you are expected to start immediately after graduation?"

His mother's arms opened wide, and Holland embraced her tightly, his gratitude evident. "No need for words, baby. I know how much you love me." She beamed, her eyes shining with warmth. "Now, who's ready to indulge in this delicious feast?"

Cherry's enthusiastic "Me!" echoed through the room as she hurried to set the table, her excitement evident.

After dinner, Cherry retreated to her room, a charming sanctuary painted pink and white. Though she wasn't particularly fond of pink, her parents' influence had resulted in a plethora of pink belongings. In reality, she was more drawn to the calming hues of blue. As she lay on her bed, her mind wandered to her scheme to convince Troy to host the party. She knew asking Holland for help was out of the question, given his clear disapproval of her involvement with Troy. But then, a sly grin spread across her face as she recalled the box Holland had brought into the house earlier. "Perfect," she muttered to herself, her eyes sparkling with mischief. With a newfound sense of purpose, she sat up, grabbed a jotter and pen, and began to scribble down her thoughts, her smile growing more devious by the second.

The next day unfolded like any ordinary day, but with a buzz of excitement as the grade 12 students gathered to select the party host. Classes A and B converged in one of the grade 12 classrooms, where Holland entered with a box in hand. He strode to the front, dropped the box on the table, and drew out a small piece of paper. The room fell silent as he read out the name: "Troy Rivers."

Instead of the expected cheers, the class turned towards Troy in unison, their faces a picture of shock. Troy himself seemed stunned, his book slipping from his grasp as he rose from his seat. "That's impossible," he protested, his tone harsher than intended. "I didn't even write down my name."

Holland's calm response left Troy speechless, "Then I guess someone wrote it down for you. We'll be at your house on Friday to prepare for the party." The tradition was longstanding, and every host had to accept the honor. Troy's glare swept the room, but he couldn't argue. "Who the hell wrote my name?" he muttered, sinking back into his seat.

Meanwhile, Cherry observed the scene unfold from her vantage point outside the classroom window, a sly smile spreading across her face.

"Yes!" Cherry whispered triumphantly, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she watched the scene unfold from her vantage point outside the classroom window. All her clandestine efforts the previous night had paid off, as she had painstakingly written Troy's name on multiple pieces of paper. She had even executed a daring move earlier that morning, swapping the original papers in the box with her own forged ones while her brother was distracted in the bathroom. It was a risky maneuver, but she had pulled it off flawlessly, leaving no trace of her scheme.

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