
Chapter 25


Author's Note:

Hello Author-san here, I guess that all talk and no action is kind of boring isn't it? The need for an epic fight and all, well it's coming sooner than you think trust me.

Anyway Enjoy 😃


(Flashback: Day of Massacre Incident)

Standing at the door, Annie knocked softly, her heart pounding with uncertainty. She heard rustling inside, and soon, the door creaked open. Jacob Schecht, better known as Translucent, peeked out, his eyebrows raising in surprise at seeing her.

"Starlight? What brings our innocent member to my home?" Translucent asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Annie glanced around the dimly lit corridor, her thoughts racing. 'Is this really the right choice?' She turned back to him, trying to steady her voice. "Could you please let me in so we could talk?"

Translucent studied her for a moment, a smirk playing on his lips. "Even with the rumors of my perversion?"

Annie took a deep breath, meeting his gaze. "Look, out of everyone in the Seven, I'd rather trust you and Maeve. Reggie saved me from Deep... and now, out of nowhere, he goes about killing people? Please?" Her voice cracked with desperation.

Translucent's expression softened slightly as he saw the genuine plea in her eyes. He hesitated, then glanced around the corridor before opening the door wider. "Alright, come in."

As she stepped inside, he closed the door behind them. "Excuse the mess, wasn't exactly expecting a visitor," he said, motioning to the cluttered room. He was shirtless, wearing only shorts, which added an unexpected layer of vulnerability to the scene.

Annie took in the disarray, feeling a pang of unease. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to focus. "Thank you," she said quietly. "I didn't know where else to go."

Jacob sat on a nearby chair, leaning back with a sigh. "So, what's this about Reggie? Why come to me?"

Annie hesitated, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. 'Can I really trust him?' She decided to take the plunge. "Reggie... he's changed. He did things I can't explain, things that go against the very things he stood for. I need to understand why."

Jacob watched her intently, his expression unreadable. "And you think I can help with that?"

She nodded, her voice trembling. "I don't know who else to turn to. You're not like the others. You've always been different."

He raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile touching his lips. "Different, huh? Never thought I'd hear that as a compliment."

Annie managed a weak smile in return. "Please, Jacob. I need to know what's going on."

Jacob sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Alright, let's figure this out together. But you need to promise me something."

"What is it?" Annie asked, her heart pounding.

"Promise me you'll stay safe. This world... it's not always as kind to people like you."

She nodded, determination filling her eyes. "I promise."

Jacob leaned back, looking reflective. "Look, it was just another Tuesday when all of a sudden he changed. Maybe even for the better. Most people, when they get to our position, they can easily get caught up in money, fame, the lavish lifestyle and whatnot. He, on the other hand, went against most of his itineraries to save the actual civilians in danger. Hell, I was jealous of him. Sure, I can go invisible and yes, I have near-impenetrable durability. But what good is that? I can't fly like Homelander, can't run like Reggie does, can't fight like Maeve does, even our dumbest member Deep is better with his abilities."

Annie listened intently, noting the nostalgic tone in Jacob's voice. She could see the flicker of genuine admiration and respect for Reggie.

"But Reggie? Oh, trust me when I say, he's like a bear. Intimidating, yes, but soft on the inside. I used to perv around, don't get me wrong. I guess I just needed someone to set me straight. He beat the living shit out of me when he caught me, true, but later he took me out for a beer. In fact, I have to thank him for helping me rebuild my bond with my estranged son. And now since then we hang out every once in a while, like father and son like we used to in the past." Jacob said, his voice filled with gratitude. His attention returned to Annie, his eyes earnest. "I know Reggie. He ain't that psychopath that was on the screen committing the massacre on the very civilians he saves. It's a ploy of Madeline's and Homelander's, of that I'm absolutely sure."

Annie's heart ached at his words, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. "I just... I just want to help him. I need to help clear his name."

Jacob reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this, Annie. You're not alone in this fight."

Annie nodded, a surge of determination coursing through her. "Thanks, Jacob. It means a lot."

Jacob gave her a small smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "Anything for a friend of mine."


The warmth of his reassurances gave her a small measure of comfort, but she knew they needed more help. She looked at Jacob, her mind racing. "We do need someone else. Someone who can help us dig deeper into this."

Jacob nodded, understanding immediately. "Maeve."

Annie stood up, her resolve firm. "Let's go find her."


Finding Queen Maeve was easier said than done. She often kept to herself, seeking solace in her own way. But Annie knew where to look. The bar on the outskirts of the city was dimly lit and sparsely populated downtown of Detroit, the kind of place where people went to forget.

Annie and Jacob in civilian outfits entered, the smell of stale beer and cigarettes filling their nostrils. They spotted Maeve dressed like a normal person trying to keep a low profile at the far end of the bar, nursing a drink. Her eyes were seemingly baggy, reflecting the weight of her own struggles.

"Maggie," Annie called out gently as they approached.

Maeve looked up, her expression hardening slightly before softening at the sight of Annie. "Annie? Jacob? What brings you two out here? Jacob I understand but you Annie?"

Annie took a seat next to her, while Jacob stood close by. "We need your help Maggie. It's about Reggie."

Maeve raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued as she tried to act indifferent. "What about him?"

Annie took a deep breath, recounting the events and suspicions they had. Maeve listened intently, her gaze never leaving Annie's face. When Annie finished, Maeve leaned back, her eyes seemingly thoughtful.

"So, you also think Reggie's been framed?" Maeve asked, her tone serious.

Jacob nodded. "We do. And we need to prove it."

Maeve sighed, finishing her drink before setting her cup down. "Ugh.....Alright. Let's get to the bottom of this shall we?"


The trio began their own investigation, with Jacob going invisible as he combed through Vought's records while the girls gathering intel from their own sources. It wasn't long before they stumbled upon something that made their blood run cold. Hidden deep within Vought's classified files was footage of Shockwave meeting with Madeline Stillwell.

Annie's hands trembled as she played the video. It showed Shockwave, hooded and masked, shaking hands with Homelander. The audio was muffled, but they could make out key phrases: "eliminate A-Train," "replace him," and "ensure his downfall."

Another file of him impersonating A-train, before taking a blue drug before he disappeared.

Maeve clenched her fists, her anger palpable. "That son of a bitch," she muttered. "They set Reggie up."

Jacob's face was a mix of rage and determination. "We need to expose this. But the question is how? If we leak this they'll suspect us, and Homelander knows how to sniff out fear."

Annie nodded, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and resolve. "We do need to get this to the public to Let them see the truth. But let's keep a hold on it for a bit, something tells me that we'll have the opportunity to do so."


(The Present, Flashback End)

The plan was risky, but with the appearance of Riftshade they used the timing to coordinate with trusted media contacts, ensuring the footage would be broadcasted without interference from Vought. On the night of the broadcast, they watched anxiously as the news anchor began.

"We have breaking news tonight," the anchor said. "Exclusive footage has surfaced, implicating key members of Vought International in a conspiracy against one of their own."

As the footages played, Annie felt a surge of hope. The truth was out. The world would see Reggie for who he really was – a hero framed by the very people he stood for.

The fallout was immediate. Public outcry erupted, demanding answers from Vought. Homelander and Madeline were summoned to emergency meetings, their carefully crafted images beginning to crumble like a house of cards.

Amidst the chaos watching the news, Annie, Jacob, and Maeve sat together, their conviction became stronger than ever all thanks to one man. They had fought for justice and truth, and they had won the battle.

But Annie knew their war was far from over. They still had to find Reggie, to try to bring him back and clear his name fully. They would not rest until Reggie was back where he belonged – back amongst his friends, fighting for what was right.


The night was far from over, and they had much to do. But for the first time in a long while, Annie felt a glimmer of hope. They had exposed the truth, and now, they would fight to restore justice.

Annie turned to Maeve and Jacob, determination in her eyes. "This is just the beginning. We still do need to find Reggie and bring him home."

Maeve nodded, her with a resting bitch face said. "Fine, I need my sparing partner back anyway. Besides Elena misses him."

Jacob grinned, his usual nonchalance replaced with resolve rolled his eyes at Maeve as he said. "For Reggie, My drinking buddy."

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Vekay_Legendcreators' thoughts
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