
My Favorite Sport Is Tennis

My eyes snapped to the box.

A new stamp holder? Sweet!

Then, I was pulled back to reality by Mila. "So? How did it go?" She asked.

"I… um." I stammered, my brain still processing the fact that there was a stamp holder nearby. "I think… it went pretty well."

She laughed, pulling me into a quick hug. "Of course it did! They'd be crazy not to let you in."

In the middle of the hug, I glanced up to see the stamp holder at the end of the corridor.

The now familiar blue arrow was above her head and pointing down. She wasn't passing through here but was taking the other turn.

I couldn't see her clearly but I saw that she was dressed in tennis gear, carrying a duffel bag and a tennis racquet.

I hoped she was going to play and was not leaving after playing because how else will I find out who she was if she isn't at the tennis courts.

The hug quickly ended and Mila smiled up at me. "That's the one compulsory activity of the day. What else would you like to do?" She asked as we began walking back to the lounge.

"Hmm." I made a show of thinking about it, a smile on my face. We both know exactly what I want to do.

"Choose wisely." Mila said playfully. "Take advantage of your guest status today."

"Let me see." I said before nodding decisively. "How about tennis?"

"Tennis?" Mila chuckled in mild surprise. "Didn't know you were interested in tennis."

"Well, it's a new interest." I replied.

Of course, I didn't care about tennis. Never really watched it either but how hard could it be to run around whacking balls?

Whatever happened, I had to find out about my new stamp holder.

"Hey, Nico!" Noah greeted us as we entered the lounge. He had been on his way out. "How was the interview?"

"It was nice actually." I nodded. "I think I can say it went better than I thought it would."

"Great." He nodded with a smile, glancing between Mila and I. "So, what are you guys up to?"

"Nico here wants to experience our tennis courts." Mila answered.

"You didn't look like a tennis guy." Noah remarked. "I guess looks can be deceiving."

"I guess." I agreed.

"Can I join you guys?" Noah asked with a smile.

"Of course." I answered with an even bigger smile. If Mila didn't know who the lady was, Noah was bound to. Either way, I'll know who my next target is.

Minutes later, we were walking into the male locker rooms. Noah already had his outfit and locker, pulling off his suit.

I glanced around the room, wondering how they were able to make a locker room look like a luxury hotel.

Pine Press was about as good as it got in Antarctica. The other continents might have better clubs but here, it was the king of country clubs and I could see that it deserved the title.

An attendant entered, handing me a fresh set of tennis outfits. I thanked him, and quickly changed, pulling on the crisp white polo shirt and matching shorts.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" I wondered aloud. How had the attendant gotten an outfit that fit like a glove on the very first try?

"Looks good on you." Noah complimented me, straightening his own shirt. "The club's got plenty of spares for guests, so make yourself at home."

"Appreciate it,." I replied, looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled confidently because today, tennis was my favorite sport.

We grabbed our duffel bags, heading to the courts where Mila would meet us.

I've always wondered what those athletes put in their duffel bags and today, I satisfied my curiosity.

My duffel bag contained towels , tennis balls, racquets, water bottles, headbands and wristbands.

I almost felt like a professional on his way to a match.

"So," Noah said as we walked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "What do you think of Mila?"

I made sure my expression didn't change as I glanced at him. What kind of answer was he looking for?

"Well," I said slowly, "I think she's got a lot of drive." I nodded. "I admire her work ethic and her intelligence. She's a good friend."

Noah smiled at my words, nodding. Then, he seemed to change his mind about something. Is this what I think it is?

"I like Mila." He said confidently. "More than just as a friend."

It is what I think it is. Noah had feelings for Mila, and while that wasn't exactly surprising, it was useful information.

I smiled back, playing the part of the supportive friend. "Hey, who wouldn't? Mila's amazing. You should go for it."

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe someday. But you know how it is. Complicated, with work and all that."

"Yeah, I get it." I said, making sure to keep my tone light. "But I think you'd have a shot."

Noah smiled appreciatively but didn't say anything else as we stepped out onto the pristine tennis courts. 

The courts themselves looked like they'd been perfectly manicured by a team of experts. A dazzling green that almost glowed under the sun.

Mila was already there, stretching and chatting with another club member. She looked over and waved, smiling as she saw us.

As I walked, my head darted around and the box popped up again.


[Stamp Holder detected.]

The arrow was still above her head. Well, it was good to know that the system would still show me the stamp holder if I didn't know their name yet.

There she was in the neighboring court, currently playing a match with another woman.

Her brown hair was bound in a ponytail and she moved athletically from one corner to the other, swinging her racquet this way and that.

"Hey, Noah." I said casually, slowing down our pace as we walked.

"Yeah?" He slowed down to match my pace.


"Who are those playing over there?" I asked, nodding towards the next court.

Noah glanced at where I'd indicated. "Oh, that's Charlotte." He said, gesturing to the first woman who was returning a serve.

"And the other one?"

"Quinn Adams."

Immediately I heard the name, the hovering arrow disappeared. 

It's time to multiply my wealth.

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