

A/N it just for fun because I did not find yuri in kill la kill as just rwatched it


[ MC POV ]

I was in floating space where everything is pitch black like abyss I don't remember how I get here i don't know how much time has passed then out of nowhere a blinding light and spoke I am what you call ROB I am giving you 5 wishes in exchange I will absorb the void energy you have accumulated over 1000 trillion centurys

I was shocked how much time has passed and what this being said if true I think I know what to get then I said my first wish is to sister of main protagonist of kill la kill for second I wish the life fibre in my body will multiply and grow stronger every second by 10 times for third I wish I can evolve infinitely forth I want system shop where everything in available from anime to manga even novels for fifth I wish for unlimited money of the system shop I begin to pry that my wish would get granted the being said ok but there are drawbacks becouse it is fun

Wait you are not serious please tell me it is lie

Okay I was just joking your wish second and third have drawback from beginning like emotionless , superior complex and final is my punishment you will be submissive in bed happy journey

[ In random labratory ]

A women said it failed again even if we two of them they both had my genes and were just born hmm seems like i need to find better solution

[ In random place ]

Time skip

There was a man being chased by car on the road the person in car shot rpg at him the man in car go to the place and found fryed body the person they were chasing and returned unknown to them the man just zip out of the suit he was wearing to fool them and returned to a mansion and chages his bodyto look like old scientist in his white coat and look over to the two girls sleeping on the sofa and continue his work with even more determined eye

[ MC PoV ]

I am now five we live in dormitory father rarely ever come we are now sitting in his office after he discovered i doing to my sister it is not my fault she is cute

My father said you are going to USA to study i now studing in rising school I am now student president due to superior complex I can't be just under someone with out any mission

Now I am sixteen there is still one year before the plotline I was just checking my powers because I have a enough to defeat the final boss so let's check

Weight manipulation i buyed it becouse due to my second wish my body mass multiply 10 times every second

Space immunity so I just not be walking blackhole due to my mass and other functions

Time immunity so now someone can't go to past and kill me and other functions

and I am just looking at skill to buy so chose world travel, gluttony and ciel and after buying my stuff I started to create some wepon from life fibre from my body because it just multiply it is not my issue I have way to much plus these way they can also evolve infinitely and grow stronger i created twin sword with hole instead of gaurd and it's colour is red and it can also be used as earings and a school uniform black shirt,black skirt red ribbon and black socks with red shoes i also learned every fighting techniques with or without twin sword becouse of life fibre I have very good memories I am also in touch with my sister we talk everyday on phone I just want look how much she has growned i also start hacking to have money becouse I can't let mako steal my sis i also start having connection with life fibre in the entire universe so I just brought the skill teleport and gone to every life fibre in the universe except the earth and devour every life fibre so just I can follow the plotline i just finished my school and i heading to the home there still a month left till the plot I am just waiting for my sis when she come and said hi sis it has been 13 years till we see each other I can't help but blush because my sis look like bad girl and said I love you I was just to shocked as she grabbed my face kissed me in lips and said does it feel good my brain was overloaded and just nodded and she grabbed my ass and i snapped out of my thoughts and and said w-we can't do it here and she said so we can do at home and i blushed said I-in my room she just smiled and give anthor kiss in my lips and smacked my ass

I was just to shocked and failed to notice wetness In my nither region and I was confused how much has she changed from orginal as I go to my room and sleep until i heard some sound I opened my I see my sis chaining me and pull out a huge dildo i said what you doing

She said fucking my dear sister don't you also want it and I just nodded as she pull out my clothes and my under wear then she kissed me in neck I just let out small moan


and she goes to my nither region and start licking my pusse I was moaning mess

A-ahhh a-ahhh

And then she said your juice are delicious and she show me dildo it was 10 inches I sad it was big but she didn't listen to me and put it in my pusse roughly i organism after she put half of it start speeding up i organism after organism as my eye shut down I fell asleep


First time writing

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