
Cakes and Reactions

*sorry for the lack of chapter yesterday, and the late one today. I was busy with some things. Here we are, continuing this journey. I shall do my best to keep it going and provide entertainment. Enjoy for now. Peace out and Deus vult*

The two followed the researcher to a room that was set aside from the others. It had more machines inside, mostly, which seemed to be for utility in common scenarios, sort of what Mark wanted at the moment. From synthesizing random things needed to just making food easily. The devices there were occasional, to say the least. 

"I see, so this room has all the junk Herta doesn't need. Got it," nodded Mark, taking a mental note of the place. The researcher showed them around, pointing to the synthesizing machine. 

"This is where you can input what you need and even focus on modifying the design to have it suit your needs." 

In a few minutes, both Mark and Himeko had an idea about how and what to do in order to get the process to the end. 

"I see how it is. Well, I'll have to focus on design now, since I got a clue, but I can't be sure about details." 

Himeko chuckled, checking her phone. It was another message from Stelle. 

"I suppose I'll have to leave you alone for a moment. The Express has to go get the others from Belobog. Just..." a hint of worry crept in her voice. "Take care of yourself. Alright, Mark?" 

He gave a determined nod, trying to ease her worries through the confident gesture. Despite that, she caught sight of his eyes drifting to the side, following what's not there, something only his mind could see. 

"I'll make sure to come back quickly, alright?" 

He nodded, waving goodbye before focusing on the machine. The researcher stood in the room, studying him for a while before speaking up. 

"I have to admit, it's impressive to see someone capable of 'eating' Stellarons in the way you do. Containing three of the strange things within your body... you truly are something. Three cancers eaten..." 

Mark nodded, partially absentminded as he kept working on the design of the things he needed. 

"Yeah, I did eat three of those things. Technically... yeah, it's a story for another time." 

He nearly let it slip that the first Stellaron was not something he willingly took in, yet revealing that bit of information was going to cause quite a ruckus, so he held it to himself. If Himeko had told someone, so be it, but he had to remain silent. 

"I see. Well, I shall be on my way. If you need help with anything, just contact someone who's near. The others should be able to lend a hand." 

Again, Mark's mind wandered to other places, working diligently on what he'd need while also focusing on the shadows that lingered along his vision. Hands tried to reach out to him, to grab him, but none could. His heart kept rushing randomly as it happened, but he held on. 

"So, I have to draw this here to modify this part over here; just a bit more protection here, some mobility needed here. What else could I use?" 

His mumbles were aimed at no one but him, fueling his creative mind to the brim with countless possibilities that opened the more he kept working on it. 


Himeko walked towards Mark, with Stelle following closely. It had been around two hours since her departure, meaning that Mark had time to at least try and come up with something. Still, she was worried that he'd crumble once more. 

"Are you alright, Miss Himeko?" 

Stelle's words snapped her out of it. Was it that obvious? 

"I'm fine, Stelle, it's just... Mark isn't exactly in the best possible state. We just have to keep an eye out on him. He's got some issues of his own that require time and care to be mended." 

Stelle nodded, trying to wrap her mind around what those issues were. Still, she chose not to press further into the matter, mainly because of Himeko's slightly wavering voice. 

"Now, let's see if Mark managed to finish what he wanted to do." 

Their steps went towards the room, only to notice a crowd gathered around someone. 

"Could it be? Is that Mark in the center?" 

His head was all that she could see thanks to the scientists who had piled up around, looking at him like he was some kind of rare specimen—which he was, but he didn't like the attention. 

"That's the Devourer of Cancers," mumbled a voice to the edge of the group, loud enough for Stelle and Himeko to hear. 

"Devourer of Cancers?" asked Stelle, baffled at the weird title. 

"Yes, you should know better than us. Rumor has it that he can contain Stellarons within himself, but no one is sure about it. He refuses vehemently to talk or give us any concrete information, but that's what we heard." 

There went his wish to keep things under wraps. It was only a matter of time before other unwanted figures would find out about this and learn a thing or two about Mark. 

"If anyone says anything like this one more time, I'm about to show you all just how much I can devour, and I mean, I'll eat all the snacks on the Space Station!" 

Mark didn't try to warn them more seriously, since he knew it was all futile. Plus, Herta would give everyone an earful—maybe because someone leaked official information. Well, most probably everyone would treat it as useless chatter and senseless rumors since what normal creature could house more than a single Stellaron inside? 

His eyes looked around, and he noticed Himeko and Stelle. He waved, and the entire group dispersed to make a path, revealing him in his full glory. Brand new equipment that went a notch above any expectations. The pants were similar to what he had before, just made of a sturdier material with some solid plating integrated in it to double as some sort of armor against slashes. His shoes were a solid pair of boots that shared a few similarities with military gear. 

Himeko's eyes roamed higher, tracing along the fine plates that formed his abdomen and chest, his equipment looking more like some modern-styled armor. Above that, he wore a coat that reached to his knees, keeping it tightened from the middle only with a belt that held a few compartments for whatever he'd like to hold in it. Still, nothing seemed to match the most vibrant addition. His left arm was clad fully in armor, the dark metal sitting comfortably on his flesh. 

"So, what do you think? I'd say I got a good mix of everything in it. Style, grace, and elegance." 

Both she and Stelle took a moment longer to admire him, and Mark turned around, showing his entire form. It did fit nicely, giving him a more serious air—something fit for a man like him who had finally managed to overcome some limitations. His head flicked to the side, a subtle movement that grabbed Stelle's attention, but she dismissed it. 

"I have to admit, the outfit is interesting. I like the choice, but why the metal-clad arm?" 

His gaze roamed over the protective layer, his left arm hidden neatly beneath, the gauntleted arm ready to shatter away whatever stood in his way. 

"There was this one style of combat I had always loved, but it wasn't exactly practical. Since I now have hand-to-hand combat knowledge and swordsmanship skills that reach a certain level, I should be able to finally do it..." 

He clenched his fist, lifting it up. 

"Glory to God, for that we fight. Time to use my fist and sword to bring about what should be." 

Everyone looked at him from all around the station, his voice thundering in the room. 

"This style of combat focuses on utilizing both sword and hand. Swing at me, I use the gauntleted arm to catch the blade, then my grip increases like crazy, and let's see you try to yank it away before I hit you square on. It's an interesting way to do battle focused on double timing from close range. Not sure how well it works, but I WILL try." 

His chuckle lightened the mood, making him forget about the images that sometimes flashed before his eyes. Himeko could see the subtle ways he kept looking around, knowing that it wasn't just the usual glances he stole of every place. 

"Well, this sure is a change. Here I was thinking we'd have to go shopping with you," chuckled Stelle, reminding Himeko about the idea. Mark's feet pointed away as he nearly dashed at full speed. 

"Oh, yes, we still have to go shopping sometime. It will be fun, Mark, so don't worry," reassured Himeko, beaming him a warm smile. His heart was won over with just that gesture. 

"Fine, fine, we'll go shopping. Herta should be handling that as well, so we're good. Oh, speaking of Herta, I should probably hand her my phone. I'll go to the Express to fetch it. Mind tagging along?" 

They both nodded, keeping up with him as their gentle rhythm settled in their steps. He was grinning from ear to ear, checking his outfit as they walked, feeling how comfortable it all settled on him. It hugged his frame well, using his height to his advantage, giving a mix of dignified and rugged, just like a battle junkie turned general. 

"How did you even come up with this design? I'm pretty sure you were wearing only casual clothing before, nothing too serious, only to now come up with this. Isn't it heavy?" 

Stelle's words held value, but he didn't care much. 

"It works well. It's some light alloy that can tank quite the punch. I'm not even going to ask questions about how that machine works, since I'm sure it's some scientific mumbo-jumbo that will drive me insane with the complexity. For all I know, it might straight up reshape atoms; I don't care." 

His nonchalant attitude was something that didn't change when the topic was light. The Express soon came into view, neatly parked near the docking platform. 

"You guys want anything from inside? If not, I'll quickly go grab my phone, then come back and head over to Herta." 

Both of them shook their heads, so Mark just shrugged and walked in on his own. He came back just as quickly, watching as Stelle was on her phone, messaging someone. 

"Hm, Ruan Mei, that's one interesting name," chuckled Himeko, her attention on Stelle's screen. 

"Ruan Mei?" 

His nose bled out slowly as he began thinking of more information on her. The memories came back easily, meaning that the time for stuff to happen was close. Forcing it a notch more, he caught a glimpse of a further event that awaited them, something that made his blood boil. Thinking much on the creature took a toll on him, allowing the shadows to try and gnaw at his being, but none could reach him. 

"Should we wait here and say hi?" 

Stelle shrugged, not really interested by this matter. 

"Most probably someone would have to come and escort her. I believe that waiting might be for the best." 

Himeko's word was final, both because it was her and because Mark wanted to wait willingly. He knew of Ruan Mei as a cold, emotionless woman who didn't shy away from using people as her lab rats. He was going to do his best to get on her nerves and expose her inner-most personality, that which she only showed traces of when witnessing some of her failed creations. 

The clock ticked away, marking time's passing until a large spaceship came into view. It only stopped until everyone left, only to then take to its journey again. On the edge of the railway platform, a single woman awaited alone, eating what looked like a slice of cake. Mark chose to cuss himself out if he'd end up falling for it and eating from the tasty treat. 

"Sometimes I'm stupid like that. Well, let's go and say hi, just in case." 

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