
Unforeseen Circumstances

*YEYO, back again with a new chapter. Hope you'll like this one. We're reaching that one point that I've been waiting for. I hope that what I have in store will be to your liking. Until then, get ready, since we're reaching the climax. Peace out and Deus vult*

With Serval leading the way, they made quick work of finding them, even if they didn't work. They had been tinkered with, or at least it seemed that way, meaning that the Silvermane Guards had cut off their sole escape in order to bring down the monsters as well, should their barricade fall. 

"Come on, let's go look for the energy supply installation itself." 

Right ahead, that was the sole available path. Indeed, it was the right one, even if the fence surrounding the energy supply was pretty solid. It made sense, at least for Mark. The last thing you'd need is someone meddling in with the energy and causing some crisis. 

Serval asked a nearby soldier for permission, only to be told that she needed an encryption key from none other than Dunn, someone that she knew well. Mark sighed, nearly facepalming as he recalled the second-hand embarrassment that followed that scene. With a quick motion, he wiped the crimson bead that ran down from his nose. He was slowly getting used to it, even if the tiny sting annoyed him. 

"Serval, do you know this Dunn?" asked March, her curiosity knowing no end. 

"Of course I do. We go way back." She chuckled and whispered with a wink. "Watch me persuade him." 

Mark crossed his arms and followed along, watching the charade unfold. Indeed, the smell was awful, but it didn't bother him. Hardly any scent could cause him discomfort. 

Dunn was in great luck that his face was covered by the helmet. Mark was willing to bet anything on him being as embarrassed as possible. It was time for him to take action and smooth out the situation. 

"Talk-no-jutsu activated, I guess." 

With a faked cough, he took a step forward, standing between Dunn and Serval. He motioned to the captain, speaking in a serious, admiring tone. 

"Well, that's the smell of a true soldier, someone who willingly throws away the comfort of a warm home and a good shower in order to ensure that the people are being protected all day long." 

Stelle was quick to catch on and went along with him, acting just as serious and in awe. 

"Oh, that's right. A true soldier, fighting for the people." 

Dunn stood there, but from what Mark could see, he seemed taller, clearly infatuated with the praise. Serval smiled and gave him a warm look, the type that Mark feared but also wanted in a woman. 

"Damn good-looking women... the way she's looking at him is making ME melt... hell, Dunn is done for, that's for sure." 

It didn't take much for Dunn to play the humble part, which went along as Mark had expected it to. 

"Oh, you speak too highly of me. I'm merely fulfilling my duty." 

Serval moved a bit closer to him, leaning in as if wanting to take a look beneath the helmet. She had him cornered, and Mark nearly cried out as a fellow man wishing to save another from more heartbreak. 

"How may I assist you, Serval? If everything's in order, you should head back to the city. It's not safe here." 

Serval carried on with the conversation, smoothly asking for the encryption key. Dunn, clearly reluctant, wished to check in with Gepard since he had returned. Mark unfolded his arms, moving in closer to Dunn, whispering. 

"Listen, Dunn, it's clear that you like Serval. Lend her a hand this time, and I'll put in a good word that maybe she should go out with you sometime, since you know... women tend to like guys who are willing to help. Plus, you're reliable, so all she needs is a bit of an external push to fall in your arms." 

He leaned even closer, his words dripping with honey, luring Dunn in like a mermaid's song. 

"I'll be that push she needs, only if you hand her the key. She's tired, and wasting more time is going to cause her to get upset. You don't want her to be upset now, do you?" 

Mark's tone was pretty much hypnotic at this point, wrapping Dunn around his little finger. Time passed quickly and quietly, until Dunn spoke again. 

"Fine. Here you go, Serval. Just... make sure to return it quickly, and speak no word of this, ok?" 

She took it with a big smile, her face radiating with joy. Mark felt something die inside of him—a tinge of pity for Dunn. Still, he would ask that Serval give him a chance. In the end, it was her choice, but he could at least try to uphold his word. 

Before leaving, Mark turned around and winked at Dunn, silently reminding him that the deal is on. Quickly, she moved over to the energy supply, checking it with a few grunts at how badly it was designed. Nonetheless, she found it. 

"Quick, let's move." 

Out they went, and she handed the key to the soldier that stood guard there. 

"Please hand it over to Dunn. Thank you." 

The group kept walking, and Dan Heng approached Mark. 

"What did you say in order to persuade Dunn?" 

Mark sighed and chuckled, shaking his head in pure irony. 

"I kinda told him I'd try to set him up with Serval." 

She turned around instantly, throwing Mark a glare that was a pure flip from the joyous expression she had on. He nearly lost his balance, but his words took over again. 

"Yeah, Serval, you know how it is. He likes you. I'm not sure about the entire history you share, but do give the man a shot. At least a date or something. Pretty please." 

She sighed, grabbing Mark by the ear, pinching it. 

"Fine, but next time you better ask me before offering me up for dates. Got it?" 

He nodded, forced to do so. Compliance or death, that's how he saw it. 

"Well, better get ready. The moment I turn the bridge, we're most likely going to be labeled as enemies," warned Serval as she worked on the terminal. Immediately, the bridge did a ninety-degree turn, leading directly to the frontline. 

"This is it. Moment of truth. Run!" shouted Mark, dashing ahead with everyone. The guards were quick to ring the alarm, and everyone came in shouting from all sides. It was different from how it originally went, so it did buy them some time, but apparently, Gepard was still there, ready to meet his sister. 

"Damn it!" cussed Mark, trying to find more words to try and persuade others. Still, in the way he saw it, a battle might be the only way to solve things. 

"Serval? Why are you with them? Get away from them slowly, and stand behind me. You're not like them." 

Mark nearly blew a fuse at that one line, but he allowed Serval to go on. 

"I'm sorry, Gepard, but I stand with them. I gave my word; I will see it through." 

Her expression became downcast, having to fight with her brother once more—a pill hard to swallow. 

"Just give me a few minutes and I will explain-" 

She was cut short, something she did expect. 

"Enough, Serval." 

Mark snapped, already tired of the cliche bullshit where misunderstandings kept happening left and right. 

"No, you shut up, Gepard. You heard me? You'll sit there and listen to your sister, because she's the one telling you the truth, not Cocolia. All of you here, Silvermane Guards, ready to die for the people, yet all of you are blind..." 

Mark's tone went somber, his eyes piercing through the armed crowd that had gathered around. Gepard tried to argue back, but Mark didn't let him. 

"I told you to shut up! You throw the Landau name left and right, but do you even understand what honor is?" 

Mark's words hit a sore spot, that much was clear. Still, he didn't budge, his tone heavy and low, no shouts, just raw feelings poured out of his heart. 

"You talk about honor when you, outsiders, are here to steal the Stellaron for your own gain? Yes, I know about it, Madam Cocolia informed me of it, and she also told me about your goal." 

Mark sighed, his tone remaining the same. 

"Idiot to the core. Will you believe her instead of your own family? Instead of your sister? Are you that much of an idiot? Cocolia is playing you, ALL OF YOU, on her fingers like puppets, and you're too blind to even notice." 

He took a step closer, despite the soldiers lifting their weapons, ready for anything. Gepard's gaze never wavered, standing fixed on Mark, who had stopped in close proximity. 

"I made a promise, that I will see things through to the end... a promise about saving Cocolia herself, who's under the influence of the Stellaron... why else would she try to stop others from taking it? She's throwing the blame on us, the 'outsiders', saying that we want to fulfill our selfish desires, and yet she's the one who, until the bitter end, will cling to its power." 

Mark clenched his fists together, his knuckles turning white. It was much, he held a lot in, but he couldn't let it burst. Around him, everyone looked at him, silent, in pure contemplation of his words. Some called him mad, while others thought him to be speaking nonsense, but some began seeing past the image they were made to believe—but not Gepard. 

"The Supreme Guardian has the duty of protecting the people of Belobog. She is doing what must be done for the people. It's our duty as Silvermane Guards to follow orders and ensure that the people do not suffer more than they are already." 

His words were filled with conviction, that much was something that Mark appreciated more than words could put into perspective, yet he was set on the wrong path, like an obedient lamp sent to death. 

"Gepard, open your eyes and see. That's the cause of the Eternal Freeze, we even have proof that would take too long to be brought up here. We've seen things, heard things, and know things. Cocolia wouldn't even know what to do with the Stellaron, she's merely being led by it." 

Mark shook his head, tired of running his mouth like crazy. It was clear that Gepard wouldn't quite buy it, so instead, he chose to take a step back. 

"Fine. All of you, soliders, people, whatever you wish to be called... it's your call. I put before you the truth, it's up to you to believe it or not." 

He crossed his arms, standing silently, feeling the cold metal of the pipe resting against his neck. It felt familiar, in a way. Serval looked at her brother, the words lingering on her lips, unable to come out fully. 

"Gepard, when you stand for something, you stand for it until the end. One must uphold their conviction, and you know me. I'm not one to back down, so don't think that I'll turn tail and run. I'll stand up and resist until the end." 

Gepard shook his head, the idea sitting wrongfully with him. 

"In my capacity as Captain of the Silvermane Guards, I hereby declare you guilty of treason against the Architects. Arrest them." 

The soldiers seemed reluctant to move in, but orders were orders. As everyone got ready to fight, however, the barrier gave out. Before their very eyes, tens, maybe hundreds of Fragmentum monsters burst in. 

"Shit!" yelled out Mark, feeling his blood boil as his heart picked up the pace. It was no time to hesitate, and the adrenaline did its effect quickly and neatly. Before Gepard could have a moment to think, Mark already chose to act like he saw in movies. His voice rang over the roaring of the incoming monsters. 

"Soldiers! In formation! We stand here to protect the people of Belobog, families, and friends alike! Don't hesitate and fire at will!" 

The soldiers were quick to form two rows and fire their rifles relentlessly in a syncronized manner, holding the enemy line at bay, halting their advance just enough for a breather. Mark turned to the others. 

"Serval, you go with them. I know you'd like to help here, but you also wish to see the Stellaron. Plus, I have a feeling that you'll be needed there more. I'll try to hold the fort here with the other soldiers." 

Stelle gripped his wrist. 


He chuckled, brushing it off with a tiny smile. 

"No worries, I don't plan on dying. After all, it takes a lot more to kill me." 

In his mind, he knew how different the actual truth was. He was boasting a huge game, but he had nothing to back it other than hollow words. 

"Make sure to live, ok? We still have to board the Express together," said March, worry clear in her eyes. Even Dan Heng seemed a little troubled by Mark's choice. The sheer number of monsters was too much, and they were closing in. 

"Make a run for it, got it? Seele, your scythe. You're fast. Make quick work of them and open a passageway through. Stelle, Dan Heng, you hold the sides, you'll all have to move in as a unit. March, you use your ice to try and stun enemies as they get closer, while Serval makes sure to hold the rear. Now go, move out." 

"Since when can you bark out orders like this?" asked Seele, confused just like the others. Mark gave a shrug. 

"I'm just a guy. Now go, make a break for it." 

Seele gave a light nod and moved like the wind, purple butterflies following her movements with style. Stelle swung her bat with all her might, loud cracking noises filling the air, while Dan Heng moved his spear with such mastery that it made Mark feel a tinge of envy. From behind, March froze the feet of the incoming foes, fixing them to the ground for the others to finish. 

What surprised Mark was Serval swinging a poleaxe, the sort that the soldiers were using, with such ease and elegance that it made him think the weapon was tailored for her. 

"Get your head back in the game, Mark. You have other things to handle." 

With his resolve made, he picked his metal pipe and began rushing to the enemy, who had closed in considerably. 

Gepard threw orders left and right, keeping the soldiers in formation. Someone on the other side had turned the bridge again, leaving the broken part right behind them. No retreat, so they had to make it out alive like this. 

"God, grant me strength," whispered Mark, looking up, then dashing to the enemy. As he swung, his body felt light, power surging through it. 

"For power costs...balance must be kept..." 

The words that he had woken up to in this new world played in his mind, a silent reminder of something he had not known. Small dashes of purple light moved along his body, from head to toe, and he felt his strength increase bit by bit with each heartbeat, with each pale flash of purple light along his skin. The more he swung, the harder the pipe seemed to fall upon his foes. He was lucky, since the ones sent now to the front were the crystal-like birds, which couldn't take too much of a beating.

"We're getting started." 

His usual smirk appeared on his face, the left part of his lips curling up in a pleased manner. Something was going on with him, he could feel the surge of strength in him, small as it was.

"It's not much, even in terms of physical abilities. After all, it's just like being a bit stronger and faster. I still lack skills, and there are plenty of monsters coming in. What level am I even at? With how the pipe moves when I swing it, I'd say I'm somewhere near a well-trained soldier who doesn't waste time. Better than what I had." 

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