
What Weighs On His Mind

*Extra chapter today. It's my little way of saying thank you to those who keep reading and encouraging me to keep going. Special thanks to kill_21 and DragonConquer1 for always sticking around and filling my novel with comments that make me laugh. I enjoy what I do more thanks to such things. They brighten my day in the best possible way. Having said this, please enjoy and have fun. We're getting closer to the big part of this all. Peace out, and Deus Vult*

With a day's worth of work as a doctor, Mark was prepared to face anything that came his way. In his perception, nothing could tire him out more than working in the same manner again. March was sprawled out with Stelle, both of them on the floor by Mark's side, while Dan Heng simply rested against the wall with Bronya and Seele. Natasha prepared the remaining resources, ready to embark with them on their journey. 

"So, I guess it's time we kick into action with your plan, right, Mark?" asked March, glancing over at him, watching as his tired eyes slowly dropped, only to open again. 

"Yes, that's the plan now. I just... give me a minute..." 

He stood up, reaching out to his head, holding it for a moment as his eyes blurred out, his vision darkening for a moment. It wasn't something unusual, since he had been through it before. Two moments later, and he was as good as new, yawning like he usually did. 

"So, I'm up. I guess we should head out. Miss Natasha, is everything set up?" 

She turned back at him after checking the boxes. 

"Everything is in order here, but I believe we should all rest up for the night and proceed tomorrow. I don't think any one of us could manage to go through what we did today without proper rest." 

March stood up, ready to reach for the door and head back to the hotel where they were staying. 

"Yes, see? Miss Natasha knows best. Let's go sleep now, everyone." 

Mark chuckled, and Dan Heng shook his head, used to her antics, despite not being a huge fan of them. The others simply stood up from their spots, each prepared to head off to rest. Indeed, March was right; they needed rest. 

"I see. I guess we'll set out tomorrow and see where life takes us. Hopefully the vagrants will understand and choose to cooperate instead of throwing a fit right in front of Svarog's lair." 

Mark's words hanged in the air for a moment as a variable that they did think about, but no one wished to see it come true. Sure, Wildfire and the vagrants have had their own share of trouble and bickering, but in the end, humans are humans, no matter what side they're on. Reasoning should get to them. 

"We should call it a day. Rest up, everyone," said Stelle before heading out. Mark smiled at Natasha one last time, then walked out as well, heading to the hotel with the others. 

"Mark, where did you learn how to do this sort of stuff?" asked March, curiosity clear in the way she spoke. Mark gave a small smile and shrugged. 

"Reading is a nice thing, March. You should give it a try. You learn good things even in stories that aren't boring. No need for fancy science books; I learn some things in random novels." 

Stelle chuckled, playfully swatting at his shoulder. 

"Didn't take you for the reader type. I guess there's more to you than meets the eye." 

Those last words had an undertone for something more, which Mark caught fairly easily since she wanted him to do so. Those few words aimed at his knowledge, the things he does, and how he comes up with specific things. With all eyes on him, he just crossed his arms and shrugged. 

"I'm just a guy. Nothing more, nothing less." 

That was all he had to say. He kept the same pace, hands in his pockets, as if nothing could bother him no matter what. 

"Just a 'guy', as you put it, wouldn't have access to that much information. You seem to have information on everything, no matter what it is. There's also that nose-bleeding thing that happens to you right before you introduce some new bit of information in the conversation." 

Dan Heng was right on the money. Sure, Mark knew that it would come sooner or later, and yet he kept playing it off, not wanting to reveal a thing—not that anyone would believe him. They would simply think him insane. 

"I have nothing to say about that other than the fact that I pay attention when needed. I recall things—things that come from a mental gap, something akin to March's situation. Partial memory loss or something, I'm not fully sure myself. Thing is, I'm just a normal human. No powers as far as I know, no special abilities like Seele, no special training like most of you here. I'm just a guy." 

Stelle firmly gripped his shoulders, looking up into his eyes. For a moment, a tinge of warmth gave his cheeks a rosy color, yet he acted as if nothing was wrong. She was closer than he had expected. 

"Mark... look at me..." 

He did as told, staring straight into her soul. His mind did a quick reboot, then switched to offense. His gaze didn't budge, simply holding hers steadily. The tension in the air was palpable, and everyone almost stopped breathing as they waited. 

"Who exactly are you, Mark?" 

Thousands of thoughts rushed through his head. What defines a human? How does one go about finding their true nature? Still, nothing could be of use since his answer wasn't going to change no matter what. 

"I'm just a guy. That's all I am. Just a random guy," he said, his voice low and hoarse. He slowly moved to the side and walked ahead on his own, all alone. His room at the hotel was the same, pretty worn down by time and usage, but it welcomed him with open arms, a comfy bed, and no questions. He simply threw himself on it and closed his eyes, embracing the touch of death that came with sleep. 

His mind was clear, and he found himself back home. For a moment, he thought that it had all been a dream, but a quick look around showed the truth. The dream was his being back home. Shadows of the past still haunted him, even if his past was something ordinary. What haunted him was the idea of those left behind. 

It played out as usual, ending up with him awake at a random time when night was supposed to be a thing. Tired, scared, annoyed, but most importantly, alone, Mark made his way out. He looked around, taking in the already familiar sight. 

"It's so different from what I knew..." 

His words were a whisper aimed at no one but himself. He needed a reminder that it wasn't a pure game, no... it was his life now, away from those he knew. Sure, it would have been fun, but regret held him back. 

He simply stood outside, staring into nothingness, enjoying the tranquil atmosphere. 

"What are you standing there for?" 

He turned around, forgetting that his sword and metal pipe were inside. He was ready to use his fists, but it was none other than Stelle who sneaked up behind him. 

"Oh, you rascal. Can't a man just stand wherever he feels like it?" 

She stood by his side, contemplating his words. 

"I think you can, yes, but it's still something pretty weird if you ask me." 

He chuckled, hands in his pockets once more. 

"Yeah, I guess that's the case. Too bad I don't care. I'm already an oddity, that much was made clear." 

She regarded him with regret in her gaze, recalling how they all had tried snatching the truth from him. 

"I'm sorry... it's just that... you scare us, Mark... you know so much about us... it somehow feels like you have known us for years while we just met you..." 

Mark smiled softly, glancing to his side at where she was. 

"If only she knew the truth to her words... alas, it's not the time... I'm not sure when it will ever be..." 

He simply did what he knew best—his way of showing that he cares. He patted her head. Priceless is the word that can best describe her confusion. 

"...Mark? What are you doing?" 

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. 

"Stuff... yeah, that's all. Don't ever worry about me, neither of you. I don't want to hurt anyone but those who deserve it. You're the good guys, ok? I want to help and make things work out for the best possible outcome." 

He pulled his hand back and let it fall to his side, not bothering to put it into his pocket anymore. Stelle was a bit baffled by everything, yet she didn't say more for a while, until she broke the silence. 

"You sure are weird." 

He nodded, and they both stood there for a while longer, just enjoying the silence. It was calming, that much Mark knew. Sometimes, just having someone by your side does wonders. 

"We should try and catch some more shut eye before the mission starts." 

He nodded, turning around. 

"Yeah, we should... not like it would help me that much. I still feel tired, no matter how I sleep or for how long." 

"I think you should get that checked out. Maybe Natasha has a clue about it." 

He shrugged, and they both walked in. The next few hours were calmer, with his nightmares gone, even if for a brief moment. 

Waking up again hit him like a truck, something he was prepared for, and yet it always got him. With a tired expression, he went along with his morning ritual, some prayers, and he changed before grabbing his metal pipe and sword once more. 

"Who knows? I sure hope I won't have to use these." 

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