
Chapter 7 : He wants to go back home

"You can do it, Gohan! Bring back peace to this world. You do want to become a scientist, right?"

"I-I can't do it, Dad…! I-I just can't…!" Gohan cried, trying to tune out the pained screams of the other Z-Fighters. He wants to help! He wants to make everyone proud! He wants…he wants…

He wants to go back home to his mom with his dad.

To have their peaceful lives back.

Tears fell down his face, Gohan falling to his knees in despair.

Cell looked down at the young Super Saiyan, disgusted and disappointed. "Tch…waste of my time." He looked back up at the one-sided battle. "Cell Jrs.! Enough playing around! Now kill them all if you want to!"

"NO!" Gohan gasped. His power steadily rose as his spirit continued to break and break with each step.

Cell silently smirked, all the brat needed was one more…oh. A strong and familiar powerlevel just appeared. "Yes, that would do."

Goku screamed painfully as the Cell Jr. bashed his skull through a boulder, then stomped down on his back. The Saiyan raised on Earth hadn't expected things to turn out the way they did. He thought that Gohan was apprehensive, but excited at the idea of fighting Cell and saving the Earth. But Piccolo opened his eyes to the truth that his son must've been too scared to ever tell him.

Gohan never liked fighting, not like he did.

As he desperately tried to hold out against the little Cell copy, Goku found himself thinking back to simpler times…times before Raditz had shown up and changed everything about his life.


Turning around, Goku found his 3-year-old son following after him. While Makima was off at work he decided to take Gohan out for a walk through the woods of Mt. Paozu. Goku didn't know much about child development, but his wife told him that it was likely that Gohan would develop faster than most human children due to his half-devil nature.

She had been confident in her assumption due to her own childhood, but she knew that there would be some challenges. Gohan was the first ever half-devil created through sex, so whatever happened to him would be entirely new to her.

"What's up, little buddy?" Goku knelt down to be eye-level with his son.

"Where are we going?" Gohan asked. True to his wife's words, Gohan was pretty smart for a 3-year-old, much smarter than he likely was at that age. Normal toddlers weren't capable of forming sentences so fluently.

Goku chuckled at him. "Can't tell ya, because it's a surprise!"

"Really?!" The boy's black eyes shone brightly.

"Yup! It's somewhere I brought your Mom to a long time ago." Goku explained.

"Mommy's been there? Did she like it?" Gohan asked.


The little half-devil wondered how his mother reacted. She never showed much emotion other than her playful smiles as she tickled and teased him. Gohan's curiosity about this place might help him discover more about his mother.

After a few more minutes of walking, Gohan got a bit tired, so Goku carried his son the rest of the way. The little boy's eyes widened at the sight in front of him, reaching out for it with his tiny hands.

In front of the father and son was the majestic sight of a massive waterfall, the sun reflecting off the water to create a beautiful rainbow. Sounds of water hitting the lake below, animals peacefully going through their routines, and the clear sky above added to the scenery.

"Woah…!" Gohan felt his little world expand so much more by this experience. "It's so pretty, Daddy!"

"I know, right?!" Goku grinned. He knew his son would love this, and the look on his face was icing on the cake. It reminded him of Makima's when he first brought her to check it out.

"We should bring Mommy here next time, so that we can all see it together!"

"Yeah, that'll be awesome!" Goku agreed.

"Hey, Daddy?"


"Mommy is coming home soon, right?"

"Uh…I think so. She said something about some work taking some time or something. But you don't have to worry, little buddy. Your Mommy will always come back to us."


"Yup. We're her home."

"GAH!" The memory ended thanks to a punch to the jaw, knocking him back down. Goku struggled to get back up, chuckling to himself as the little monster danced joyously. "S-sorry, everyone! It wasn't supposed to go like this…!" Whether the rest of them heard him or not didn't matter, he owed them an apology for what was about to happen.

"Cell Jrs.! Enough playing around! Now kill them all if you want to!" Cell's voice boomed through the wasteland, shocking everyone.

"Kihihi!" The Cell Jr. laughed. "Time to die!" The little monster charged for him with the intent to put its fist through his skull. Goku tried to put up some defense, but he was way too weak for it to be effective. As the fist neared his face, Goku could only think of one thing…

"Sorry, Makima. Guess, Gohan and I aren't coming home."


An invisible force smashed into the Cell Jr.'s chest, blasting the creature away from the Saiyan of Earth and into a rock formation. All of the fighting stopped, the Z-Fighters, Cell, and the three regular humans stared at the newest addition to the deadly battle.

Standing behind Goku was a beautiful woman with blood red hair tied into a braid. Her yellow eyes stared with controlled fury at the opposition standing in her way. She's dressed in a fitting red dress with a cropped jacket over it.

Goku stared at his wife in awe. "M-Makima…?!"

"Makima!" Piccolo grunted.

"Mrs. Makima!" Trunks, the son of Vegeta and Bulma, exclaimed.

"S-she's here…?" Krillin choked out, barely conscious. Tien and Yamcha were already knocked out, but they would've also been shocked had they been awake.

"That irritating woman…!" Vegeta hissed with hatred.

"Mom…!" Gohan's shout got her attention instantly. The matriarch's cold eyes softened at the sight of him. Then she looked down at her beaten husband with cold indifference.

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