
King's Landing

"Alright, with that dragon egg, everything in the the vault has been stored. Now let's get back to the ship shall we?" Bart asked the ten Elite Knight grade knights that have come to the vault as per his orders and the knights nodded their in turn.

Smiling at that, Bart told the ten knights "While we are on our way to home, the ten of you will try to absorb the remaining death energy of the dragon eggs and get promoted to General grade. The first six to reach General grade will be assigned to be the personal bodyguards of my family members. So work hard, they are very important to me."

All the ten knights knelt one knee in front of Bart for giving them the honor of protecting their lord's family members. Smiling at their intent that he felt from the mental connection, he said "Let's go my Knights!"

On the other hand, Bertha who has been in the central region had found a similar vault, inside it she found several one thousand Valyrian steel ignots, five thousand gold bars along with some books and a single pitch black dragon egg. After storing everything in the shadows, she reported it to Bart 'My lord, I have secured the loot.'

'Good work. Return to the ship, I am also heading back. Say, did you encounter firewyrms?' Bart asked her, fully knowing that the firewyrms went after Bertha and her centuria.

'Yes my lord. Initially we encountered little ones, later adult ones came after us when we killed the little ones, we have also slain the adults and we have stripped their flesh from it's bones and stored the bones.' Bertha said.

'Good work. Make sure that there no eggs or larves on them, I don't need these dammed things to spread around Westeros.' Bart ordered her.

'Yes my lord, we made sure that there are none.' Bertha replied to Bart.

'Alright, see you on the ship.' After saying that to Bertha, Bart ordered the four generals who came with him 'Corin, Diana, Cormac, Dante, if you guys have found a vault underground, loot it without restraint don't leave anything behind. After storing them head back to the ship.'

'Yes my lord.' All of them replied to him in unison.

On the way to the ship, Bart used his absolute stealth again so that he won't attract some unsavory creatures. As he reached the ship, he saw his knights fighting against couple of adult firewyrms. Seeing that, Bart just smiled and said to himself "I can always fight a firewyrm next time I come here. Let them have go at it for now."

Boarding the ship, Bart waited until the knights killed off the firewyrms to undo his stealth. As he undid his stealth, Albern, Barret and the Generals knelt on one knee along with the rest of the knights shouting "Welcome back my Lord."

Chuckling at them, Bart said "From now on do not kneel in front of me every time we see each other. Just bow your head in respect if you wish to, that's all."

"Yes my lord. We will do as you say." Albern said as a voice for all the shadow army.

"Good." Bart muttered out.

After waiting for an hour since Bart got back to the ship, the rest of the Generals started to come one by one. As they boarded the ship, they listed out the haul they got from the vaults the had found in the ruins. After listing out the things that got, Bart said "So the dragon eggs were only found in the central region which totaled to fourteen eggs and there are only three dragon eggs that are still alive, but dormant. We have almost ten thousand ignots of valyrian steel, twenty thousand gold bars, hundreds of books and some potions. And you got this great sword from the West right?" Bart asked looking at Cormac while holding a great sword with a lion it's pummel. When Cormac nodded his head, laughing out loud, Bart said "This is the biggest haul in our treasure hunt my dear knights, that's for sure."

Closing his eyes, Bart took a heavy breath in to calm his excitement down. Opening his eyes, he told hi shadow army "Albern, Bertha, Barret and the Generals will be the ones my crew until we reach King's Landing. On our way, we will be stopping at Volantis for stocking food and water, also I will need you guys to transform into humans under the armor, I know that you guys are immortal so in battles act like a human who would be fighting for his or her life."

"Yes my lord, we will do our best." They replied in unison.

"Man the stations! And let's set sail!" Bart shouted out as he took the helm, the ten commander level knights stood by as per the order of their Lord and the rest went back into the shadow of Bart.

They reached Volantis within two weeks of travel, and in that span of time, the ten commander level knights transformed into actors and celebrities Bart knew in his first life.

Albern, transformed himself into Danzel Washington, Barret changed into Brad Pitt, Bertha turned herself into Angelina Jolie, Corin changed herself into Scarlett Johansson, Diana changed into Gal Gadot, Elwira changed into Halle Berry, Fallon transformed into Elizabeth Olsen, Cormac changed himself into Henry Cavil, Dante turned himself into Idris Elba and Ezekiel transformed himself into Chadwick Boseman.

Seeing who all they turned into has been a surprise for Bart. When he was speaking with them for the first time after their transformation, he was excited to know how accurate they were with their transformation. Barret had something to say for that, but was stopped by Bertha.

With their transformation done, Bart made them buy a months worth of food and water for a single person by using the gold Bart took from the man he killed and the gold the shadows took from the guards if the ship. With everything in order, they resumed their journey to Kings Landing.

Two weeks into their travel, four knights who had been absorbing the death energy from eleven eggs got promoted into Generals. Since they were promoted to commander grade under him, Bart named them after his previous lives, Edward, Ken, Edwina and Smith. He was a little disappointed with the promotion as he thought he would at least get six more generals, but he didn't show it on the outside.

In the later part of the fourth week, they reached the Stepstones, they were attacked by pirates left and right, but the shadow army were the ones who saw victory each time a battle took place. No one lived to tell the tale of the battles that they fought with the shadow army, and their bodies were littered across the Stepstones region.

On their seventh week of their journey, Bart and his army reached King's Landing. After clearing the formalities to dock at the port, Bart the his commander grade knights disembarked, he made sure that they were not wearing their armor but simple seafarer clothes.

To find out the recent news before setting sail to the North, Bart went incognito with his commander grade knights. But the first news he heard shocked him to the core, so holding the man who told him the news, by the collar Bart asked in a quiet voice that was sending chill to the mans spine "What did you say right now?"

"I... Sssaid.. T-tha-that t-the Lord Stark and his Heir has been killed by the king." The man stuttered out as he felt like his life was on the line.

Growling out, Bart asked again "How?When? Why?"

"Ten months ago, Sir Brandon was killed on the order of Aerys, along with his father, after they protested the kidnapping of Lyanna by Prince Rhaegar. Lord Rickard was burned alive inside his armor with wildfire, while Sir Brandon was tied to a strangulation device, with a sword mere inches from his hands and strangled himself by trying to reach the sword. This had led to a rebrllion led by Lord Robert Baratheon and Lord Eddard Stark. Please spare me sir." The man begged to Bart.

Closing his eyes to stop the tears from falling from his eyes, he asked "What of the second son of Lord Rickard Stark?"

"Lord Stark believed that Sir Barthogan Stark died during his exile in Essos in some conflict, because he lost contact with his son four years ago." The man whispered out.

Letting go of the man, Bart eyed the Red Keep in literall wrath, his shadows started to vibrate with intensity as the army inside it felt the wrath of their Lord for the first time. The commander grade knights lost their jovial look and looked menacing for the people who were observing them.

Without taking his eyes away from the Red Keep, Bart ordered through his mental connection 'Albern and Bertha, take five hundred man and find out where Rhaegar was last seen, and if you find him beat him into pulp and find my little sister. If anyone intervenes, beat them up too. Do not kill them.'

'As you commands, my Lord.' Saying so Albern and Bertha passed through Bart's shadow taking five hundred soldiers with them.

'The rest of you will be making sure that no one will be going out or in of the Red Keep until I am finished with the King.' Bart ordered out.

'As you command my Lord.' Saying so all the commander grade knights formed a squad with the remaining knights and set out to secure the Red Keep

"Winter is Coming for you." Muttering under his breath, Bart activated his stealth.

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