

Chapter 37: Quidditch Match

Wade had no inkling that Professor Murray held high hopes for him, merely from a brief encounter. He was simply thrilled to finally receive professional guidance after fumbling through alchemy on his own.

Returning to the Great Hall, the four long tables stood deserted except for a few late-risers leisurely eating breakfast. It being Sunday, most students had opted to sleep in, extending breakfast hours accordingly.

Grabbing two sandwiches casually, Wade spotted West Moore, Ravenclaw's sixth-year prefect, at the far end of the table and sat down beside him. "Morning, west."

"Morning, Wade," West greeted lazily. "Rare to see you sleeping in."

Leaning closer, Wade inquired, "West, do you know who the school's alchemy professor is?"

"Of course, it's Professor Terence Murray," West replied. "I'm in his advanced class this year. Why do you ask?"

"Alchemy has piqued my interest, and I'm keen on learning more," Wade said, omitting his earlier encounter. "Who is Professor Murray exactly? I don't recall hearing about him during freshman orientation or the Halloween feast."

"Professor Murray isn't always present at school. You won't catch sight of him during orientation or other school events," West explained matter-of-factly. "He's a renowned alchemist, second only to Nick Flamel. While there are many dubbed 'Nick Flamel's second,' Murray isn't one to seek fame or recognition."

Leaning in closer, West continued with a hint of admiration, "Did you know? Professor Murray holds shares in Nimbus Broomstick Company and Wizard Radio. He's acquainted with famed singer Celestina Warbeck and has collaborated with various magical ministries, helping rebuild at least three. Just this Halloween, he attended the Carcassonne Alchemy Symposium in France, an event exclusive to top alchemists."

"With such a busy schedule—" West lowered his voice, "it's a wonder he manages to teach us weekly. He doesn't reside at Hogwarts like other professors, preferring not to dine in the Great Hall. Starting to learn alchemy here is a wise choice if you're serious about studying under him from sixth year onward. Who knows, you might even become his apprentice and skyrocket to fame!"

"Skyrocket to fame?" West's friend Benson interjected suddenly, appearing disheveled with toothpaste smudged on his face. He nonchalantly grabbed a pie from the table, urging, "Hurry up, we'll miss the good seats if we're late."

"Why the rush?" West pointed his wand at Benson and cast a quick cleaning spell before continuing, "The Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match starts in half an hour. Besides, they're all flying—seats are the same."

"It's not the same! If we end up behind pillars, we won't see anything!" Benson muttered, tugging West towards the exit. "And I'd rather not sit near Slytherin..."

West turned to Wade and advised, "You better hurry—"

Before he could finish, Benson had pulled him out of the Great Hall.

Only then did Wade realize the sparse attendance wasn't due to students sleeping in but because most had flocked to the Quidditch pitch. From the previous night to now, he'd been caught up in events, completely forgetting today marked the first Quidditch match.

After Benson's hurried exit, the remaining students in the Great Hall also realized the time and hurriedly left. Wade summoned a glass of water and then headed to the Quidditch pitch.

Nearly every student from Hogwarts was present, many equipped with binoculars for a better view. The stands were packed, each tier floating above the others. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs mingled with Gryffindors, while Slytherins remained isolated.

At the highest tier, Gryffindor students proudly displayed a huge banner flashing "Potter Must Win" in vibrant colors, adorned with a roaring lion.

Both teams emerged from their respective locker rooms, greeted by thunderous applause and cheers from the students. Though the audience numbered in the hundreds, their cheers echoed like those of a packed stadium. Players were treated like NBA stars, soaking in the adoration and encouragement from their respective houses.

Wade ascended to the top tier of the stands, quickly spotting several professors gathered in one area, opting for distance from the students. Professor Snape, resembling a black crow, stood out easily.

Spotting Quirrell nearby, Wade noted his close proximity to Snape, a large scarf wrapped around his head. Quirrell watched Harry Potter, mounted on his broom, with a flushed face, seemingly caught up in the festive atmosphere.

At Madam Hooch's whistle, both teams soared into the sky, soon becoming tiny dots against the vast expanse. Most spectators instinctively rose to their feet, squinting to distinguish players and occasionally exclaiming as the match unfolded.

Pushing through the crowd, Wade listened to Gryffindor student Lee Jordan's passionate commentary, "Flint misses! Gryffindor Keeper Wood executes a brilliant save—"

As the teams traded attacks and defenses, Wade finally reached the professorial area. With students on either side providing cover, he discreetly drew his wand and swiftly cast a spell!

Quirrell, applauding Gryffindor's goal, chatted amiably with nearby professors, paying no heed to Snape's grim expression.

Just as he prepared to cast a spell secretly on Harry Potter's broom, He was suddenly knocked off balance, rolling uncontrollably along the stands and bumping into several students.

It appeared Professor Quirrell had accidentally tumbled in his excitement over the game.

Students rushed to assist, finding Quirrell covering his nose, blood trickling down.

"Are you alright, Professor Quirrell?" Professor Sprout asked with concern.

Meanwhile, Lee Jordan's ecstatic voice resounded, "Harry Potter catches the Golden Snitch! Gryffindor wins 170 to 20! What a victory! Amazing job, Harry Potter! He clinched the game against Slytherin in his first match as Seeker!"

With blood staining his face, Quirrell turned abruptly, gazing blankly at Gryffindor's jubilant team, his usually pallid face now grotesque. Amidst the cheers, his sudden transformation went unnoticed.

"Almost unnoticed," because Professor Snape, with an equally dark expression, eyed him intently.

Several rows behind Quirrell, Wade withdrew his wand quietly. Glancing once more at Quirrell, he joined the excited students heading back to the castle.

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