
Chapter 190 - My Disbelief Is No Match For Your Understanding Of Me... And My Mom?

'Someone who believes in her no matter what that family thinks… is it?'

Elua was quiet for a long moment. Her spirit churned with conflicted emotions. Finally, she whispered while turning her face into her own shoulder. It felt like cowardice to the illusionist.

"I believe in your strength, your determination, your heart - but… I don't know if I believe they'll be that malleable. I've tried not to say anything too directly and to let you try this path because I know more than most that my opinion isn't infallible."

She stopped and swallowed her saliva.

"But... in this, I can't claim absolute belief in you. Not over their ability to change in the way you want."

Her 'syrupy' voice trembled at the admission. 'Fear' of disappointing her beloved was clear in pulses from the fragment pulled toward Qatrand's heart. The blonde's arms reached over and tightened across the little body resting against her.

"I know."

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