
Legendary Adventure


[Legendary Adventure job title cannot be removed]

'System what's the meaning of this!'

[Host has been locked into job title, by the authority of the Goddess Gaia]

'That Shitty Goddess! I knew she was up to something.'

'System is there any loophole to change my job title?'

[Negative. Host must complete Legendary Adventure job title]

'Well Fuck! Now I'm going to lose 45% of my experience, but I do get the skills up to Rank B+.'

After overcoming his anger at the goddess and plotting his revenge, Eli discovered a hidden secret passage in the area he was scavenging.

Following the tunnel, he arrived at a massive door that hinted at something valuable inside. Cautious not to open it recklessly, he opened it just enough to peek through and used Detect. What he saw terrified him, as his Appraisal revealed something truly alarming that wasn't bothering to hide its stats.

'Hibernating' Tarrasque

Level: S Rank

Health Points: 1,125,000

Stamina Points: 1,125,000

Vitality: 30 (+10)

Endurance: 30 (+10)

Strength: 30 (+10)

Dexterity: 11

Perception: 11

Skill: 14 (-4)

Charisma: 11

Luck: 11

"Fuck Nooooooooooooo!"

Not going to risk awakening the creature he got himself out of there, but before he placed a teleportation circle inside the Tarrasque chamber, with his Cube of Teleportation. Recording one of the sigil sequences sides onto the floor.

It took them almost half a day to get back to Carthage. The girls who were too injured to walk the road on top of the now-recovered Rusty, while the rest of the group helped the others out.

After bringing back the victims of the goblins to the Guild. Eli went directly to one of the clerks to purchase more Skills;

Green Thumb:

Creates plant life on the ground. Based on Rank

Snake blood (F Rank):

5% resistance to all poisons

Transmutation (F Rank):

Allows the caster to change the physical properties of objects. Based on Rank

Alchemical Weapon (F Rank):

Allows the creation of chemical weapons and bombs

Synthetic Armor (F Rank):

Makes clothing into living armor. Based on Rank

Biotechnology/Creature Creation (F Rank):

Allows the learning of creating Chimera's and Homunculus. Based on Rank

Homunculus Resurrection (F Rank):

Revives a Homunculus that has been defeated in battle. Based on Rank

Vaporize (F Rank):

Stores the owner's Homunculus. Based on Rank

After that, he used up his remaining Skill Points and purchased more to raise all his Skills to B+ Rank.

Having finished purchasing all the skills, Eli gave the clerk his guild card to confirm the two Monster subjugation missions he had completed. The clerk inspected the guild card, verifying that he had completed both missions, and paid him for all the kills he made. Eli left the adventurer's guild with 1,500 gems and headed home.

Adventurer's Guild Master Office

The Guild Master, Lothric Sulyvahn, was sitting in his office reading through a stack of papers, while two half-elf girls stood in front of his desk, waiting for him to finish reading.

"So, the Hero sacrificed his entire team and left with the priestess, disappearing without a trace of his escape. And our newest adventurer, Eli, appeared and cleared up the whole goblin horde by himself, with no help from you two! Is everything in your report correct or are you embellishing any of the events that happened? Little Petunia Flower."

"No, Uncle, except for the part that he was an asshole the entire time. Everything in the report is spot on."

Petunia rolled her eyes at him, while Lily desperately asked.

"Uncle, what's going to happen to the girls that we brought back?"

Sulyvahn took a long sigh and answered, "Once we extract those horrid little creatures from them, we're going to wash our hands of them."

Petunia didn't take the answer well. "Uncle, how can you say that! Almost all of them were adventurers. Don't we have a responsibility to take care of them?"

"Petunia! We're not a charity. We can't just help everyone who cries out for a helping hand. Everyone who signs up as an adventurer knows the risks they're taking. Eli was right; your friends will bounce back from this incident. They each just need time. Sadly, the same can't be said for the others, and as I said, we can't do much for them."

Petunia stared at the floor, feeling the weight of her uncle's scolding. Meanwhile, Lily stood quietly, trying to diffuse the tension.

"So, Uncle, now that Petunia and I have finished overseeing the hero party's assignment, can we take a vacation? Please?" Lily asked, her eyes wide with a pleading look.

"No! You two will be given a new assignment," Lothric replied sternly.

He handed Petunia a sheet of paper detailing her new tasks. As she read through it, her face grew increasingly pale.

"You want us to join him and become his party at the minimum. So, you want your nieces to whore ourselves to him, because the Hero wasn't bad enough. Now you want us to join that psychopath."

"Uhm, sis. What do you mean, become who's whores?"

Petunia looked at her innocent sister and gave her the sheet with their new assignment.

"Just read through it Lily and understand just what our father wants us to do."

Lily began to read through it. And was shocked by what their uncle wanted them to do.

"Uncle. You want us to join Eli's party and let him impregnate us. Why? What do we do wrong?"

"You both did nothing wrong Lily Flower. Don't you see? This will be an honor if you two carry his offspring."

Petunia burst out in anger while Lily was beginning to cry.

"What do you mean It's an honor, just because he's a high elf like Grandpa doesn't mean that he has special traits for his offspring. If we do get pregnant by him at best, our children will become regular elves, because we're a quarter elves ourselves. So, what's the point uncle?"

Lothric sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"You girls don't understand what kind of High Elf he is. That boy is one of the two subclasses, a Sun Elf! As long he doesn't mate with a heteromorph, all the children he produces will be Sun Elves."

"Now you see why he's so important. Having a child with him will bring a high elf into our family for generations. Unlike us, who are part elf, they will be high elves from birth. If you do give birth, we can finally rub it into our family for abandoning us and causing my sister/your mother's death."

"Find! If we're getting back at those Fucker, I'm in. But the one that's going to be doing that dirty work is only me. That an ass is not going near my sister. Is that understood old man?"

"We're clear Little Flower. But once your sister discovers that she can get the Fey Ancestry ability from birthing him a child. I don't think you'll be able to stop her."

Lily snapped out of her little depression moment. and paid attention to what her father said. 

"Uncle, will I really get my Fey Ancestry if I birth him of a child? If you're telling the truth, I don't care what I have to do. I'll give him as many children as he wants, as long as I can finally get that full Skill Tree Trait."

"You cunning old Fox. You said that out loud, so my innocent Lily Flower would hear you, didn't you? Lily, stop we can find another way for you to get Fey Ancestry."

"Oh, No, you don't Petunia. You're not getting Fey Ancestry Skill Tree Trait just for yourself. I've wanted that those Skill since we were kids, and you know it!"

"Lily Flower. Can't you see it. I'm just trying to protect your innocence."

"Hah nice try, Petunia. Pull the other one! I'm not falling for it!"

Lothric Stood up and banged his desk, yelling at both his nieces. 

"Can you two stop fighting in my office, and go to try to do your new assignment?"


Hearing the store's front door unlock, Bonnie jumped, her ears twitching. She had been so lost in thought that she didn't notice her lover approaching. Obviously, she had.

Rushing over, she nearly tripped but caught herself just in time, her heart pounding. This wasn't going to be bad at all. It was Eli, the man who had marked her as his mate.

Shaking her head, she tucked some hair behind her ear and greeted him with a smile, seeing her lover standing in the doorway with a grin and some of her favorite sweets: carrot cake.

"Oh hey, Bonnie, did you have a good day?"

He asked as he entered.

She smiled nervously, nodded, and stepped aside. She walked back to the living room where she had set the carrot cake on the table and was going to show him something.

"I wanted to tell you something that I just confirmed."

She said as she turned to see Eli looking at her curiously as she fidgeted nervously, she thought about how to break the news but decided to be blunt. 

"After we were together Fuking like rabbits for the past few days, well... I'm pregnant."

RACE: Sun Elf

NAME: Eli Rivers

Level: D-

Job Level: 1

Health Points: 6,530

Mana Points: 6,465

Stamina Points: 8,570

Attunement: 13

Vitality: 13

Endurance: 17

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 19

Perception: 15

Skill: 16

Charisma: 16

Luck: 18

Skill Points: 5

Job History: Adventure, Alchemist

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