
Chapter 3: Grand Escape

A/N: I had to replace all *'s with ※ because of P*treons shitty text editor hopefully the change isn't too bad.

I felt like I was minutes from bleeding out. I was tired, hurt and naked in the middle of the street.

Slump. Pant! Pant!

Collapsing to one knee I took deep breaths. Horrible night indeed. God, I hardly remember being this badly beaten up before. As I was taking a breather I noticed some notification.


Feat Achieved! Escape from Kyuudai Garaki +1 Gold Random Gacha Ticket

Feat Achieved! Avoid becoming a Nomu +1 Silver Ability Gacha Ticket


Sounds like I got off from something pretty serious. Thank fuck. Fucking shit, everything hurts. I can't even think straight.

"H-hey are you okay?" Some guy was brave enough to approach me bleeding in the middle of the street.

"Yeah... ※pant.※ ...doing just peachy can't you see?"

I gave him a blank look, as he flinched slightly, he just knew how to ask the right questions huh?

"I'm sorry, we should get you to the hospital. You clearly need help, you are bleeding." The man said, worry clear in his tone.


I stopped mid-sentence, and now I noticed the weird animal-looking people and people with weird deformations around me. The points in my mind started connections as my neurons worked overtime even with how tired I was.

Quirk, Doctor, Nomu, fucked up-looking people.

Isn't this My Hero Academia?

But more importantly.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

That was the doctor guy, and I just escaped from him, but I was injured and tired. And where do you bring injured people?

The hospital.

Where does the doctor work?

The hospital.

What do the police do when a clearly injured man is resisting and trying to run away?

They bring 'em to the hospital by force.

So chances are if I dont figure something out RIGHT NOW. I would be getting sent to the hospital and from there back to the lab.

I knew this was a terrible night but come on!

"Hello? Can you hear me?" The man asked as he shook my shoulder slightly as I forced myself to stand up.

"Yeah, no need to worry about me. Actually, if you want to help me care to spare me a jacket or something it is rather breezy right now."

"No, dude, you clearly need some help, you are bleeding." The other people were closing in as I grit my teeth.

Just my luck that I encounter a good samaritan right now, fucking hero culture, if this mundane Japan most people would ignore me bleeding out. I can see people calling the police on the phone too.

'Shit! Roll Gacha! Just use the tickets! I need something to help me get out of here or at least heal myself!' I pleaded mentally hoping the gacha would hear me and spin the tickets for me which it did.


Rolling Golden Gacha Ticket...

A Rare Ability!

[Rare - Danger Sense]

|Rarity: Rare| |Type: Passive, Thinker|

Allows you to sense danger more acutely like a 6th sense.

Rolling Silver Ability Gacha Ticket...

A Rare Ability!

[Rare - Apport]

|Rarity: Rare| |Type: Mover|

Allows you to swap items by changing their places with each other. The item you swap must be at least 25% more valuable than the object you are swapping it with. The current effective range is 50 meters.


...It is no regeneration but I think I can make it work...!

As the people were mumbling to each other I quickly cobbled a make-do plan in my head.

I can't stay in this city, that much is certain, if I want medical assistance I have to at least make it to another city unless I want to go back there with even more restraints.

Being naked is attracting too much attention too, the police are now probably already aware of a dying streaker collapsed in the middle of town.

So I gotta get dressed and somehow get on a train while running from the crowd who would maybe try and restrain me in good faith.

Didn't I have an ability called momentum? Why can't I use that?



[Uncommon - Emergency Exit]


[Uncommon - Momentum], [Rare - Apport], [Rare - Danger Sense]


Can I switch them? It seems like I can and Emergency Exit is kind of useless to me right now since it is on massive cooldown. Thankfully thanks to mental navigation of the tab I was able to switch Emergency Exit with Momentum.

Alright, it's now or never.

"Sorry and thanks for the donation."

"Wha-?" As he was wondering what I said my hand slipped into his pocket, the one with a visible bulge before yanking his wallet out of it while I started running.

Even while wounded I was still able to sprint like hell through sheer willpower and adrenaline pulling my body together.

"Hey! Stop running you need to get some help!" I heard voices from the crowd shout but I ignored them. My sprint got slowly but surely faster to the point where the people who were chasing me to get me to stop couldn't keep up and before long my sprint speed turned into one that was almost as fast as the cars passing by. I also noticed that the longer I ran the easier it was to run and consumed less stamina, but regardless I was burning through what little stamina I had and I felt my wounds get really irritated from my sprint.

I attracted attention as a naked sprinting streaker but thanks to my speed I was able to find a less populated part of town and slip into an alleyway and rest for a bit there for a good reason.

I apparently can't switch powers for 10 minutes when I replace a power. So I had to wait out the remaining 2 minutes before switching this time to apport.

It is also why I grabbed this wallet. Well, the money inside of it anyway, I threw the rest of it to the wind, no need to keep that landmine on me.

Shuffling a bit out of the alleyway I locked onto a target, a man with a hoodie listening to music on his mp3. Holding the money in my hand I switched to apport and used it to target his hoodie.

"Huh-?! What the fuck!?" The man screamed in a panicked manner as his hoodie vanished, in its place was a stray 1000 yen bill and in my hands was his cheap dark-coloured hoodie.

Retreating back into the alleyway I quickly slipped it on finally half safe from the chilly winds. Waiting a bit I pulled the same trick with someone else's pants and pulled them on me. As well as a pair of shoes as the money in the wallet was almost completely spent but I now had anonymity as I pulled the hood(wearing it inside out in case I encountered the guy) over my head and slipped back into the street while limping.

It REALLY hurt.

And at this rate, I wouldn't get to the next city before collapsing from blood loss. So I took a quick pitstop at a local pharmacy to pick up some gauze, bandage and disinfectant before slipping into a bathroom to tightly wrap my wounds, it hurt way more but hey, better that than bleeding out.

Finally, since I was not in mortal danger any longer I asked some people around and found the train station before boarding the earliest to get the fuck out of the city where the doctor has his base set up.

Coincidentally, that train was headed toward Musutafu. Funny how fate aligns right? Probably intentional since the gacha rigged the world against me tonight due to my curse.

Sitting down on a vacant seat I finally let my mind think about what has been happening since I for once had downtime, besides, it let me think about anything other than the pain which was a plus.

So, first of all, I was in My Hero Academia. Which was both good and bad.

Good because it is not a death world.

Bad because I dropped it after season 2. The only knowledge I have after that is scouring wikis and online boards. I briefly read the manga too but that was a while ago.

My knowledge is useful but not reliable.

Now, my gacha system. Whatever the hell it is. I do not know fully what it does and if I didn't think on my feet I would have gotten killed from not knowing what it was capable of doing.

So does it have a 'status' page?


Current Tickets: None.



[Rare - Apport]


[Uncommon - Momentum], [Rare - Danger Sense]

[Uncommon - Emergency Exit]


[Polar Channel Flow - Cellular Overdrive]


[Major Curse - Lust]

[Intermediate Curse - Yandere]

[Epic - Expert Wind Resistance]

[Rare - Kakyoin's Blessing]


Makes sense, though it is rather unimpressive and rather, how should I say this? It's a little barren? I honestly expected a little more but for now, it seemed like it had nothing but gacha inside, not even an inventory. I wonder if that will change later.

...Speaking of change.

Grabbing a lock of my hair I noticed that it was dirty blond. Not dyed black, I had dyed it black at my boss' demand, the Yakuza had a thing about appearances and conformity. I moved to the toilets to look myself in the mirror.

I was younger.

I had moved down from young adult to late teens. Why.


I did not peak in high school. In fact, that was one of the worst periods of my life, I do not want to go through high school again. No way jose.

Well, I guess I do have an idea as to WHY I was in high school again. It may be related to rolls and how I get them.


Information: Feats

Gacha tickets are achieved through feats, feats and achievements are actions that you accomplish, the more difficult and meaningful a feat is accomplished the better the reward for it.


I have a feeling that for some reason the gacha wants me to gravitate toward UA Academy. I do not know what it gains from me accomplishing feats but this is my second lease on life, I do not get to complain much.

Question is, do I go by the plan laid out for me? Coincidentally I arrived in Musutafu but do I take that opti-


I don't have an ID. Forget getting into UA, I probably can't get a job as a line cook.

You know it did say a terrible night. But it wasn't so bad.

I am only actively dying and heading toward a city with no identification, no money and probably a team searching for me.

This transmigration is a scam. I request a refund. Couldn't you have dropped me off somewhere like Konosuba?

So then, what do I do now? Become a villain? This is definitely the kind of situation that would turn someone villain.

Nah, I am not about that villain life.

Working for the Yakuza was mostly a necessity and even then the job wasn't that great. Even if I do become some strong villain what the hell would I do? Society would fear me and shun me, the law and heroes would hunt me. I don't wanna rule the world, that sounds like such a hassle.

Being a good guy is just more convenient.

So I guess I will go with that.

...The only problem is that I am already probably at least famous or have charges against me for indecent exposure and fleeing. But I am not sure I probably need to steal a wallet or two to get myself a phone.

Well, an easy task to accomplish in a train like this. Just before the train got off on Musutafu station I grabbed a few wallets and dropped them to the ground after taking all the money.

I will remember your generous donations.

They are much appreciated.

A/N: Hakari somehow manages to pull himself up by his boots and keeps rolling abilities that are technically good but basically useless for his situation. But when gacha hands you a lemon you better learn how to make a lemonade.

With how his luck is treating him, he will need even more skill to make up for RNGesus' kick in the balls. He isn't in the clear just yet but he managed to climb out of the fire.

Also, I would like it if you guys commented, engagement really helps motivate me to write more and faster, plus I like reading comments. I would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter and Hakari's character.

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