
Bon Voyage

Whassup Guys! Why are ya all so silent these days, huh? 

I'm so lonely broken angel~I'm so lonely listen to my heart~

Good song that is! 

Enjoy the chapter. The first planned long arc is coming up after this chapters, sitting at around 9-10 chapters atleast, so hold your horses!


Fast winds whipped around my body, ruffling my streamlined feathers as I soared through the skies above Pewter City in my newly gained Pidgeot form. Damn, it felt good to be up here, the air rushing past me, the city sprawling out below like a tiny model.

As I already had experience making a Pidgeotto's body from scratch, it didn't take too much effort to create a Pidgeot's body. Cross-referencing from that darned psycho bird I had mimicked made it a breeze. Good thing was, I could still use all the moves I had used in the fight earlier, and oh boy, did I tell you about the improvement I got from the after-fight boost?

It was crazy good. I had at least twice the energy compared to past me. I could feel the power coursing through my veins, making me feel like I could take on the world.

I banked left, the wind catching my wings as I contemplated the whole situation. I had thought about it a lot and arrived at the conjecture that somehow my power was improving from fights, but not just any fight. It had to be a fight with lethal intent, where my enemy acknowledged the fight.

So, sneak attacks wouldn't do—like that time I took out that teeny-weeny Rattata. Neither would spamming friendly spars—like the fight with Misty's Staryu. This wasn't a game, but the improvement after fights sure reminded me of one. It was like leveling up after battles.

Too damn bad I didn't have a system to help me quantify that. Dealing with actual numbers is always easier, especially when you need to quantify changes. But hey, I was making do with what I had.

Too bad this story doesn't have a system tag.

Anyways, you may be wondering why the fuck I'm still flying around Pewter City. Well, for one, I'm thinking. The skies, as I've found, are the best spot to think.

I had fucked Joy last night, and now I was going to ask and bring in Delia to travel with me, which I think she'll pretty much agree to. I was doing some introspection about my supposed-to-be harem.

Currently, no girl knew about me screwing with another girl, so things were a bit easier, but that's not a harem, is it? That's called two-timing or three-timing. My envisioned harem shouldn't have deceit, just pure love (and kinky and hard love too!).

About Delia, in the original series, it really was sad how she was just used as merely a convenience device which only had the work of bringing Ash new clothes and a bag every season or occasionally traveling to some places where "coincidentally" Ash was also gone. At other times, she was just left out in Pallet Town, all alone. The town is so sprawled out that even the nearest neighbors are hundreds of meters away.

I didn't really want to leave such a hot milf like that.

But bringing her and then traveling with both Misty and her would make doing lewd acts difficult. Hah, what am I worrying about? I'm a goddamn Ditto! We'll cross the sea when we reach the bridges, or was it the other way around? Who cares!

I turned toward Viridian City and increased my speed. Why Viridian City and not Pallet Town? Because they're in the same direction, fools!



Later that day, Nurse Joy sat at the main desk of the Pokémon Center, idly playing with a pencil in her hand. Her thoughts were a whirlwind, circling around the events of the previous night. She had been thinking about love, human love specifically, but she ended up having her first time with a shape-shifting ball of slime. The absurdity of it all made her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and disbelief.

How could a Pokémon behave so human-like? It was unbelievable. She had never seen another Pokémon act like that. Even the smartest Pokémon in the world, Alakazam, wasn't like this. They were more cold and logical beings. But him—he felt so kind and warm. Not to mention his vulnerable eyes and that goddamn best-looking face she had ever seen. She fanned her cheeks, trying to cool the heat that rose to her face at the memory.

Her eyes caught sight of the orange-haired girl, Misty, going out with quick steps. A small frown automatically appeared on Joy's face. She hadn't asked Ditto why he was with that girl. Did they have some kind of relationship? Her curiosity was too much for her to ignore.

Moments later, she overheard a pair of girls talking nearby. Their conversation piqued her interest, and she perked up her ears to listen more closely.

"Did you hear that loud moaning noise this morning in the left wing?" one of the girls asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Yeah, I did," the other girl replied, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "The girl seemed to be in too much pleasure from the sounds. It was kind of embarrassing to hear."

Nurse Joy's eyes widened. The left wing? Wasn't that where Ditto and Misty's dorm room was? She leaned in slightly, her grip on the pencil tightening as she listened intently.

"I know, right?" the first girl continued. "And get this—I saw that blonde guy from yesterday coming out of the room. You know, the one who was kissing Nurse Joy in the lobby?"

The pencil in Nurse Joy's hand snapped, the sound echoing in the otherwise quiet lobby. Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and her heart pounded in her chest. She quickly looked around, hoping no one had noticed her reaction.

The girls continued their conversation, oblivious to Nurse Joy's internal turmoil. "Oh my gosh, really?" the second girl exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.



As I cruised over Route 2, the wind rustling through my fucking feathers, I spotted a familiar figure down below. It was none other than Ash, the little shit, training with his Pikachu and a goddamn Caterpie.

Pikachu was going ham with Thunderbolt, electric bolts zipping through the air like it was the Fourth of fucking July. Meanwhile, Caterpie was trying its best with String Shot on a tree, looking about as effective as a toddler trying to tie their shoes. The string shot out in a wobbly line, barely clinging to the bark. It was fucking adorable, but also kinda pathetic.

I had thought Ash might reach Pewter City faster, but it seemed I had miscalculated. In the canon, Misty might have rushed him along because of her bug phobia, but now that he was on his own, Ash was doing things differently. Well, good for him. The little shit was growing up.

Oops, my black tongue!

One of Pikachu's Thunderbolts hit a Beedrill that was minding its own business in the bushes. The electric bolt zapped the Beedrill, sending it tumbling out of the foliage with a screech of pain and anger. Everyone froze in surprise, including the Beedrill, which flailed its wings in the air before righting itself.

Suddenly, more Beedrills emerged from the bushes, their wings buzzing menacingly. The situation looked dire for Ash and his Pokémon party, and they seemed ready to make a run for it. Pikachu's ears twitched nervously, and Caterpie wobbled back, its antennae quivering with fear.

I decided to help out my step-son (technically, because I fucked Ash's mom) and swooped down, ready to clear the whole dozen Beedrills. With a few powerful flaps of my wings, I unleashed multiple Hurricanes, sending the winged bugs tumbling everywhere.

The Beedrills screeched and flailed as they were caught in the whirlwind, their tiny bodies spinning like tops. Ash and his Pokémon watched in awe as the Hurricanes did their work, the Beedrills scattering in all directions.

Pikachu's eyes widened, and it let out a cheerful "Pika!" as if to say, "Wow, that was fucking awesome!" Caterpie, on the other hand, just wobbled around, looking confused and slightly dizzy from the sudden change in weather.

Ash stood there, mouth agape, as the last of the Beedrills disappeared into the distance. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and confusion. But I didn't stick around for a chat. With a smirk, I turned and flew away, leaving Ash and his Pokémon to continue their training in peace.

As I soared back into the sky, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, which came out more like a bird suffering from asthma and coughing like a old fart.

Well, now that I knew about my stepson's whereabout, I had one less thing to worry about! Not that I was worrying, but there are so many events that my little shit is gonna solve, lightening the load on my shoulder, that I ought to take a bit care of him.

And everything aside, I can't see my lovely milf with any tears in her eyes. 


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