
Champions League, I am Coming!

The night of the championship without a trophy is like a wedding night without a wife...

Well, sorry anyway.

But this is also something that can't be helped. Who made Real Madrid and Barcelona bite so tightly?

In the final round, either of the two teams was likely to win the championship. Where should the trophy be sent?

Sent to Pizjuan Stadium?

What if Barça wins?

Therefore, it was finally decided to keep the championship trophy in Madrid until the two sides decided the winner, and then send it to the winning team.

In contrast, Real Madrid actually took advantage, because the trophy is in Madrid.


After Gao Shen and the Real Madrid players left the Pizjuan Stadium, they headed to Sevilla airport non-stop.

On the plane, the players continued their carnival from the Pizjuan Stadium.

Gao Shen was also with them, but it had been said before that the carnival would end tonight. From tomorrow morning, the team would focus on preparing for the Champions League final. Everyone must temporarily forget this championship.

The management of Real Madrid also agreed to Gao Shen's request, and the officials will not hold too many celebrations for the time being.

For example, a city-wide parade, etc., will not be held for the time being.

An hour later, the team arrived at Madrid's capital airport.

Although it was midnight, the Capital Airport was full of people.

Countless Real Madrid fans from all corners of the city took to the streets and flocked to the capital airport.

In the end, the entrances and exits of the entire Capital Airport were blocked.

Real Madrid management also came to the capital airport to pick up the team.

When Gao Shen walked out with the Real Madrid players, there was a burst of warm applause and cheers.

Everyone in the audience was boiling for the team's triumphant return, and all were screaming and celebrating frantically.

La Liga champions, this is definitely their biggest surprise so far this season.

Who would have thought that after the 25th round, Real Madrid was ten points behind Barcelona, ​​and they had already been sentenced to death.

As a result, the team counterattacked all the way, and finally reversed Barcelona in the final game and successfully reached the top.

How thrilling and ups and downs was the whole process?

Not only the management of Real Madrid came to pick up the team, but major Spanish TV stations also came to the scene to report and even live broadcast.

The whole scene was so spectacular that the police station was even dispatched to maintain order.


According to Gao Shen's original plan, after the team arrived in Madrid, they should be disbanded immediately and let the players go back to rest.

Although he also guessed, it is estimated that many people couldn't sleep.

Unexpectedly, they were blocked at the airport.

Chairman Martin seemed very enthusiastic. Under the attention of all the people, he greeted him with a smile on his face, shook hands and hugged Gao Shen first, and said a lot of words of encouragement and affirmation to Gao Shen, but they were all official and high-sounding words.

Then, like a show, he shook hands and hugged all the players one by one.

The whole process was lengthy and somewhat tedious.

If everyone wasn't in the excitement of winning the championship, they would have knocked him down long ago.

After the meeting, he took superstars such as Gao Shen and Raul to be interviewed in front of the media, and took the opportunity to express some of his own campaign remarks and policy agenda. For example, he said that Real Madrid would definitely spend a lot of money to introduce superstars this summer.

The opposition Calderon has already spoken harshly. If he is elected as the president of Real Madrid, he will definitely introduce the three superstars of Kaka, Robben, and Cristiano Ronaldo, which can greatly enhance the competitiveness of Real Madrid.

Many people have questioned Calderon's campaign slogan because these three superstars are expensive and extremely difficult to operate.

Can Real Madrid really bring them in?

Anyway, bragging is not taxed, and no one can control it.

In contrast, Martin is the ruling party. He said that Real Madrid's current finances are not enough to introduce three superstars. He believes that the team should strengthen the signings in the back line and introduce a superstar in the midfield.

But specifically who to introduce, Martin did not say.

This is actually quite interesting.

Some of the hottest stars in European football now fit Real Madrid's temperament and preferences. They are probably Kaka, Cristiano Ronaldo, Robben, and Henry, but everyone knows that Henry is actually very close to Barcelona.

Even, there was news that Barcelona had signed Henry.

In this case, Calderon seized the opportunity, and all three superstars who were the most popular and at the same time were of a suitable age, all of them were named, and they were the first to earn income.

Well now, Calderon, whether he is bragging or not, he said he wants to introduce three superstars anyway, Martin is always embarrassed to say that he has to introduce these three superstars, or one of them?

As a last resort, Martin could only choose to attack Calderon for bragging and not paying taxes. On the other hand, Gao Shen's side is really strong, and his results have soared. Now he has won the championship in La Liga and reached the Champions League final, which is really a big face for Martin.

So, this is Martin's show at the Capital Airport.

Gao Shen knew very well that he really admired the candidates for president of Real Madrid.

So shameless!

Martin, in front of the media, he continued to play the character of being Goa Shen's supporter from day 1 through his honeyed and confident expression.

Gao Shen really wanted to remind him that you were at the door of the locker room not long ago, threatening to fire me. You didn't say what you said at the time, so you believed and valued me like that.

The media reporters are not stupid. They let Martin blow, and when he is tired, they ask questions.

For example, why don't you renew the contract with Gao Shen, what are you planning to do with Gao Shen?

Martin is also getting more and more familiar with it, and this is not the first time such a question has been asked.

Gao Shen also gave the chairman enough face. After all, there is the most important final to be played next, so there is no need to cause trouble at this time.

He even helped Martin in turn, saying: "Actually, it is my request to put the contract extension on hold for the time being. I don't want to be distracted by it, so I will discuss with the club whether to stay or leave after the Champions League final."

Gao Shen's clearance also got Martin's affirmative nod.

There are also media who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos and ask Gao Shen, how do you view this summer's presidential election?

Among the many candidates, such as Calderon, such as Martin, who is he most optimistic about?

This question is really sharp, and with so many media reporters and fans present, it was impossible to avoid.

Even Butragueno and Raul were secretly sweating for him.

Either way, it seemed like a high-risk situation.

Gao Shen smiled awkwardly, and after hesitating for a while, he laughed out loud.

"It's not my concern anymore because after this season, I'm going to take the throne."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone was amused by Gao Shen's sudden joke.

But in fact, he was secretly relieved.

Damn, these uncrowned kings are getting tougher and tougher.

They specifically dig holes to bury people!

Sorry, king, I stepped on your foot again, and I apologize to you.


The team finally got out of the airport, boarded the long-awaited bus, and headed straight to Valdebebas.

In fact, the championship trophy was in Madrid, but the award ceremony required a formal event, so it was scheduled for the next day.

After the team arrived at Valdebebas, Gao Shen announced the disbandment on the spot.

Everyone went back to their homes, each seeking their own way.

When Gao Shen packed up, launched his bicycle, and walked towards the gate of Valdebebas, players kept driving past him, each stopping, rolling down the windows, and asking if he wanted a ride.

But Gao Shen declined all offers.

In fact, he quite enjoyed the moment.

Passing through the gate of Valdebebas, he headed towards the Odaleza District.

The scenery along the way was familiar. From time to time, he encountered Real Madrid fans, some even chasing after him and shouting from a distance.

This reminded him of the betrayal he faced when he first started coaching Real Madrid. Back then, he was so isolated and helpless, never daring to imagine that one day he would reach the point where he is today.

Even he himself felt it was like a dream.

But soon, he cleared his mind.

He was pretty sure he wasn't dreaming.

It was real!

He was the head coach of Real Madrid and had led the team to the La Liga title!

Next, he would lead the team to the Stade de France in Paris, France, to compete for the supreme honor in professional football.

Thinking of this, a majestic momentum swelled in his chest, ready to burst out.

This made him unable to help but speed up his pace, facing the wind and shouting loudly.

"Ah! Champions League, here I come!"

Originally, Gao Shen thought that in the middle of the night, there would be no one on the road, so he opened his throat and shouted.


"Champions League, We are here too!!!"

"Here we come, the Champions League!"

"Long live Real Madrid!"

There were quite a few Real Madrid fans responding, some with a drunken tone, which made Gao Shen a little embarrassed.

He had done it on a whim, not expecting anyone to respond.

He began to speed up his pace and ran as if flying.

Running all the way, laughing all the way.

This was the mood of his first championship.

That feeling was very special. He had a lot of things to say, wanted to talk to someone, and share his joy and excitement with others, but after thinking about it, he couldn't find a suitable person.

Oh my, being single is so sad!

After returning to his place, he opened his laptop, logged into his Penguin account, and wrote a diary in the Penguin space, describing his current mood, and finally sent a complaint about being single.

After writing, he sent it out without reviewing the manuscript.

Anyway, it was a private space, and he had set it to be visible only to friends, so he didn't worry about being told off.

After venting, he felt more comfortable. When he went to take a bath and brush his teeth and then came out, he found that someone had left a message on his Penguin space.

"Honestly, there are too many typos."

Signed by screen name: Xingqing.

This is a song by Jay Chou.

Gao Shen knew who she was at a glance.

He checked the Penguin chat and found that she was offline or invisible.

Smiling at the computer screen, Gao Shen shook his head but still didn't leave a message for her.

He hadn't contacted her for a long time. He wondered if she was doing okay now.

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