
First Monster

Armed with as much information as I can get, I steel my nerves and start walking down the hallway. I grab a torch on the way, incase I need it. Hopefully, I can find an exit. I plan on searching for Artifacts, because they seem helpful, so I follow the path of [Artifact Location]. 

The ground is dryer than I thought it would be, which is very good in case I have to fight. But how is the moss growing, then? I use [Gauge], and get my answer. The moss uses mana in the air to keep itself alive, and only uses water to grow.

Interesting, but not useful. The tunnel is eerily quiet, but I continue on. 

A few things catch my attention not too long after. Just before two 90 degree turns, a tripwire is on the floor. It's not hidden at all, and sticks out, so I doubt [Trap Detection] has anything to do with me seeing it.

I follow the wire with my eyes, and it leads up, towards a few spikes on the ceiling. I did NOT see those before. Stepping over the wire carefully, nothing seems to happen. I debate between removing the trap, so I don't hit it if I try to go back, and leaving it alone.

In the end, I decide to leave it alone. I don't plan on going back, so it doesn't matter. Looking back forwards, I look down both directions I can now go. One to the right, and one to the left. Forwards is a wall, so I have to choose one.

[Artifact Location] points me to the left, but a smaller one goes to the right. Probably another Artifact, but further away. Taking the left, I follow the straight path for awhile, until something unexpected happens.


Initiating combat. No pre-combat skills or Artifacts to activate


Backing up quickly, black tendrils form in a humanoid shape. Much shorter than a normal person, with big eyes and spindly limbs. The shape of a goblin is formed, before it solidifies. No weapons, but it does have sharp claws and teeth.

It snarls at me, and charges with killing intent. It's height reaches up to my collarbone, and it reaches up to scratch my neck. I back up again, dodging the attack.

The goblin is just a bit slower than me, but it seems stronger. With no weapons, my best bet is to slam it into the wall, or break it's neck. My thoughts race as I try to figure out how to win, before I remember that I do have weapon.

With the dry moss all over the walls and floors, I can light the goblin on fire quite easily. The only issue would be lighting myself on fire with it. I can use that as a last resort, but it's good to identify all of my options.

I continue to dodge attacks, making it angrily yell at me. It charges again, faster then last time. A feeling wells up inside of me, and I rush forwards, throwing the goblin off guard. It hesitates for a half second, before I grab it's wrist.

I step behind the goblin with one foot, and use my entire body to spin in place, forcing the goblin to slam into the wall. Still alive, it yells in pain, but I grab the back of it's head and repeatedly slam it into the wall.

Halfway through the fifth slam, it turns back into black tendrils, and my hand hits the wall instead. Breathing heavily, I watch as the tendrils form into a small orb, no larger then a marble. I catch my breath, and think back.

I didn't use [Gauge] on the goblin. That might have been useful. Other than that, I didn't do too bad. I just want to know what it is I did. I try to think back again, but I get nothing. No memories as to where it came from. It just felt natural.

I use [Gauge] on the orb that fell. It has a clear outer membrane, with a black interior. The idea I get from it is that it's not too common of an item to get. It seems valuable, for sure, but this one in particular isn't worth much.

I'll be able to sell it once I get out of here though. I pick it up and put it in my pocket. I feel oddly calm, considering what just happened. I don't know for sure, but I feel like my anxiety was a lot lower while I was fighting. Of course, thinking about it makes my anxiety go up again.

I calm myself down quickly before I continue. The path is still empty, but I now know that that doesn't mean much. Keeping an eye out for traps is still smart, though. Using [Artifact Location] again, it continues to point me forwards. It feels feinter than before though. Is it because I am getting closer?

I guess if it wants me to have to look for the Artifact. The skill just lets me know if one is even there, and an idea of where it is. The Location part isn't very good, that's for sure. Still not much I can do, I keep walking until I hit a door at the end of the hall.

It's a basic wooden door, one that could be found on any house. [Gauge] confirms this. It's just a normal door. I open it up, and find a pedestal in the middle of a well-lit room. On the pedestal is a wooden chest.

I use [Gauge] on it, and get some weird information. The inside of the box leads to somewhere else, but I don't know where. What I do know is that it can hold pretty much anything, but each one only works once.

I walk up to it and open the chest. Since [Artifact Location] pointed me to it, it should, logically, have an Artifact, right? What would an Artifact look like? I take a breath and excitedly open it.

Inside is two things. A pair of gloves, and a small pouch. The pouch is empty. The gloves have studs on the knuckles, and seem to be made of a decent quality leather. [Gauge] activates again, and I confirm that the gloves are, in fact, completely normal.

The pouch is not, however. It seems to be larger on the inside than on the outside. Not by too much, but enough that it's useful. I put the pouch in my pocket, and put the gloves on my hands.


Activating Artifact (Basic leather gloves)

Bonding Artifact...

Bonding complete!


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