

Autor: ZinhleBlac
Laufend · 244 Ansichten
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Lesen Sie den Roman 3 MOON TEMPTATION des Autors ZinhleBlac, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Nyctophobia. Intense fear of the darkness or of the Night. It was unexplainable, unfortunately, Luke had no real reason or understanding of what caused this. He was called the unluckiest man alive, but at the same time, he had the ability to conquer most of what was thrown at him. Bored of what this reality had to offer him, Luke was ecstatic to see what Gensis2076 would show him. It was a VRMMORPG created by genius scientist Kenny Smith. It was a game like no other, it was more than realistic. Luke saw this as an opportunity to escape from his rather stagnant lifestyle. Unfortunately for him, no matter where he went, along with his best friend, the only other thing that would follow him was his horrible luck. He had the ability to face off against anything, but what could he do when he was partnered with the one thing he feared the most, the Night. Current Release rate: 3 chapters a week For any queries-mythical.rebirth105@gmail.com Discord- Lil Uzi Hurt#3988 Also, I'm not a professional author and don't consider myself anywhere close to one as well, as I continue to write I can assure you my quality will improve (^_^) // // // Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The cover picture is not owned by me, email me if you want it taken down (^-^)

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Jack is a successful and charming multi-millionaire who seems to have it all. But his life is not what it seems. Jack is the son of a powerful mafia boss, the heir to the drug conglomerate but he wanted something different. He left his family business and moved to Kenas, Capitol city to open his own company. He has been pretending to date Lily, a beautiful young woman. Lily is unaware of Jack's true identity, but she is drawn to him despite their fake relationship. She sees a vulnerability in him that no one else does, and finds herself falling for him. One day, he got a phone call from Timothy, his father's right hand man. His father is in a coma, he needs to come back home and take his place as the mafia boss. As Jack and Lily's relationship deepens, the lines between pretense and reality begin to blur. Jack is torn between his loyalty to his family and his love for Lily, while Lily is struggling to understand her feelings for a man she barely knows. Meanwhile, danger is lurking around every corner as Jack's enemies in the mafia world close in. They see Lily as a weak link and will stop at nothing to get to her. Jack must make a choice between his family and the woman he loves, and Lily must decide if she can trust a man with a dangerous secret. In this heart-pumping romance novel, Jack and Lily's love is put to the ultimate test in a world where danger and deception are the norm. Will their love survive, or will the secrets that bind them together tear them apart?

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Pahlawan Teknologi di Era Sihir

Di dunia fantasi yang dipenuhi dengan sihir dan ilmu berpedang, lima kerajaan yang berkonflik saling bersaing untuk mendapatkan keunggulan. Di tengah perang dan persaingan ini, terlahirlah Ethan, seorang pria yang reinkarnasi dari dunia modern dengan pengetahuan tinggi tentang teknologi canggih. Ethan dilahirkan di Kerajaan Valoria, sebuah kerajaan yang terkenal dengan keahlian pedernakan dan pertanian, serta keterampilan pedang yang ulung. Namun, dia memiliki pengetahuan yang jauh lebih maju tentang teknologi, yang membawanya pada pertanyaan besar: bagaimana dia bisa menggabungkan pengetahuannya dengan dunia yang dikuasai oleh sihir dan pedang? Saat tumbuh, Ethan mulai merancang alat-alat teknologi yang luar biasa. Dia menciptakan alat bantu sihir yang lebih kuat, pedang yang tak tertandingi, dan bahkan mengubah cara tradisional sihir dilakukan. Namun, tak semua orang menyambut baik inovasinya. Beberapa menganggap teknologinya sebagai ancaman terhadap cara hidup mereka yang sudah mapan. Namun, Ethan tidak sendiri. Dia membentuk persekutuan dengan teman-teman yang percaya pada visinya, termasuk seorang penempa ahli dan alkimia yang ulung. Bersama-sama, mereka berjuang untuk menciptakan dunia baru di mana teknologi dan sihir bisa hidup berdampingan, meskipun banyak rintangan dan perlawanan yang harus mereka hadapi. Prestasinya menarik perhatian kerajaan lain, termasuk kerajaan-kerajaan yang sebelumnya bermusuhan. Namun, dalam perjalanannya untuk menjadi pahlawan, Ethan menemukan bahwa konflik antar kerajaan tersebut direkayasa oleh kekuatan jahat yang lebih besar yang ingin mengambil alih dunia ini. Pertempuran epik mendekati klimaks ketika Ethan dan sekutunya menghadapi ancaman jahat tersebut. Di tengah pertempuran tersebut, Ethan menyadari bahwa untuk melindungi dunianya, dia harus mengorbankan pengetahuan teknologi modernnya dan menemukan cara untuk menggabungkan sihir dan teknologi tanpa melanggar keseimbangan alam. Novel ini adalah perjalanan epik tentang perpaduan antara keajaiban sihir dan kecerdasan teknologi. Ini adalah kisah tentang pertempuran melawan kejahatan, persahabatan yang kuat, pertumbuhan pribadi, dan pencarian untuk menemukan keseimbangan dalam dunia yang terbelah oleh konflik. Ethan menjadi pionir perubahan, membuktikan bahwa bahkan di dunia fantasi yang penuh dengan misteri, teknologi dapat mengilhami kemajuan dan keharmonisan.

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Love Die Revenge

That night, Kendrick confessed to her. Holding her favorite red tulips, he kneeled, “I love you, Ondina. Will you do me the honor to be your boyfriend?” She was taken aback. “No,” she answered firmly. With disbelief look in his eyes, Kendrick asked for the reason. She then responded, not in his dream that it will made his heart bleed. “I'm sorry, but I already have a boyfriend and I like him very much,” she revealed. •••••••••••15 YEARS LATER••••••••••• “Leave me here... and run...” he insisted. Ondina argued, “No! We will escape together or I will die with you!” “Please...” “No... I can't... please, don't say that...” she burst into tears. “Do you know why... I loved you...?” “Why...?” Kendrick smiled despite the excruciating pain in his chest. “Because you made... my world livable... that I can't imagine life without you anymore...” he professed. Continuing, he caught blood, “So please... live for me... and run...” He caressed her cheek soaked in tears. “I love you... Ondina.” he uttered as his bloody hand slipped and his heart stopped its beating. That's when Ondina world completely fell apart. Screaming while mourning in agony, she only left drowning in tears. “Live?! Don't make me laugh! How can I live if even you abandoned me?!” With everything taken from her, Ondina ends her life. BANG! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Her whole body was hurting especially the lower part. It's aching that she can't even move an inch as if someone punched her hard. She wants to complain about it but as she is about to utter a word, her voice can't get out of her mouth. Ondina tried to get up to compose herself but then, she suddenly realized one thing. She was lying completely naked all along under the blanket. Bewildered, she took a glance beside her, where a handsome man was also lying naked and sleeping soundly. After looking carefully at his face, she ended up becoming stunned. "..." "Haha..." "N-No, this can't be happening..." she mumbled as her tears began to stream down to her face. Kendrick, the man she watched died in her arms is now lying beside her unscathed. "Hmm... What are doing? Are you trying to run away...?” “No... Never. Because this time, you have to marry me!”

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