
Prolouge/chapter 1: Fuck you truck-kun

A/N: This chapter may have disturbing content for young readers (cursing, non-gory death)

Excitement and nervousness bubbled up in my stomach as I saw the giant skyscraper before me. Capital letters neatly spelled EAYF in a dark gold. Today was the day I was going to shadow an employee of 'EAYF', a mobile app, website, and device manufacturing company. Joining the company has been my dream job ever since it existed (okay… well ever since I knew it existed). Being just one road away, I couldn't help but break out in a run. But perhaps, it would have been a better decision if I didn't do that…



I looked to my left. A truck was coming at me full speed, and it seemed to have no intention of slowing down.


I swiftly used my legs to propel myself out of the way, landing at the grassy area I had been before rashly crossing the road, and successfully dodged it at the cost of a scraped knee.

"Ha, not today Truck-kun" I teased, sticking my tongue out.

The truck skidded to a stop, after running the spot on the road that I had been oh-so peacefully walking on a few seconds ago. If not for my quick reflexes, I would probably have been a mashed-couch potato by now.

'Am I hallucinating? Why do I see a vein popping on truck-san? Is that even possible??'

The truck backed up and then … turned to us?

'Wait… why is it moving towards us?!'

I quickly grabbed the hand of the guy next to me and jumped sideways. Although I knew it was not the time for this I was for some reason thinking 'My God, I'm really dodging like a fictional character! I suppose that the time when I tried to learn the same style as manga/manhwa/manhua characters actually paid off?! ' Yes, I regretfully admit that there had been a time that I was so obsessed with their fighting style I actually tried to copy it. Although I utterly failed, it seemed that I at least managed to gain some reflexes and speed. For a split second, I was extremely proud of myself, much of the shame I had gained from reflecting on my foolish actions was drained out. Just for a split second though.


A rock that I could have sworn appeared from nowhere collided with my foot. Both I and the guy fell, and Truck-kun hit us.

'Fudge you Truck-kun, there goes all my respect to you, you petty son-of-a-turtle! //cough// Tower of God reference//cough//'

Excruciating pain coursed throughout my whole body. However, even in this situation, barely conscious, my life hanging by a very, very thin thread, and seemingly all of the pain in existence flowing through my slowly numbing soon-to-be-corpse, I was still a fool. The last of my energy, that small amount barely keeping me alive was used to say:

"F*ck you Truck-kun" I formed a completely vertical 90 degrees angle with my body and arm and weakly held up my middle finger. My mother told me not to curse, and thus I never did. I had always wanted to do this, satisfaction filled me as I took my last breaths.

'Wait… doesn't he kinda look like a realistic version of the main character of the manga 'Isekai Transporter'?'. And with that lingering thought in my head, my consciousness faded and a warm sleep-like state embraced me, for what I thought was the last time.

(a/n: Isekai Transporter is a manga where the main character is the owner of Truck-kun and is about him isekai-ing people with his other-world-being assistant)

A/N: Hello! Congratulations if you actually managed to make it so far! Thank you very much for reading my novel. This is my first novel, so it will not be as good as normal ones, however, I hope I can still entertain you!

Since this is just a prologue of some sort, this chapter is shorter than normal. 

Stay safe and enjoy your day!

glitteringstarletcreators' thoughts
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