
Chapter 125: You think you can kill me with that cowardly look?

Zhou Xiuer was typically a bully with the timid and afraid of the strong. Now, seeing Wufu's aggressive demeanor, she wished she could hide herself away from this evil spirit's gaze.

So when Old Lady Zhou nudied her, she snapped back to reality but cried out, "I, I don't know where it is."

Old Lady Zhou, livid with anger, scolded, "Go find it quickly!"

Zhou Xiuer stumbled into the house to look, while Wufu waited leisurely, not sparing Old Lady Zhou a glance, much less Madam Lu.

It seemed as though everyone before her eyes was as good as dead.

Old Lady Zhou observed Wufu tremblingly and with great caution. She had felt that the girl was somewhat different last time, but now, to say she was a little different was an understatement; she was completely transformed.

The old Wufu, no matter how bad or irritable she was, only dared to roughhouse with Xiuxiu and the like, but never dared to be disrespectful to her elders.

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