
Chapter 74 Heartbeat

  "Sean, it's time to go!"

  Sean looked back and saw Carl had come out. He nodded and retreated while shooting.

  Carl held a flashlight in one hand and the surgical tools in the other, so he had no free hand to hold the gun.

  But there was no place on Carl's body to put the surgical instruments, so Carl ran behind Sean, and Sean stopped cooperatively.

  After putting it in and zipping it up, Carl took out the Glock and cooperated with Sean in shooting.

  Carl couldn't count how many zombies were at the other end of the corridor, but the advantages of the narrow terrain were reflected at this time.

  After the zombies killed in front fall to the ground, they can easily trip the zombies behind them, and then continue to trip them.

  It is precisely because of this that the zombies' advance speed was greatly slowed down, allowing Sean to hold back the zombie horde.

  With Carl shooting together, it became increasingly difficult for the zombies to advance.

  But neither Carl nor Sean relaxed at all. The longer the time went on, the more zombies there would be nearby.

  "Carl, keep shooting. Just hit the zombies in front to slow them down. I'm going to check the situation on the other side of the corridor. Be careful!"

  Sean spoke as he fired, and only looked at Carl when he finished a magazine and had to reload.

  Karl nodded and said, "Go ahead, and be careful too."

  Sean changed the bullet without hesitation, raised the flashlight, and walked quickly towards the back of the corridor.

  Carl imitated Sean's posture, holding the flashlight in his left hand and the Glock in his right hand, but Carl had no experience shooting in this way before.

  What's more, Carl was still shooting while retreating.

  Inevitably, Carl's accuracy was far off.

  It wasn't because of the one-handed shooting. Carl had already started trying to shoot with one hand when he was on the farm, and his accuracy was pretty good.

  Carl didn't know the reason, he just fired blindly to stop the zombies.

  But the effect was not very good. The nearest zombie was only five or six meters away from Carl. If it was any closer, the zombie would pounce on him.

  Perhaps sensing the danger, Carl's chaotic thoughts disappeared. He raised his gun and shot, and the zombies fell to the ground.

  He continued shooting, and his accuracy improved a lot. The zombies fell one by one until a magazine was used up. Carl quickly replaced the magazine, and the pace of the consequences also quickened a bit.

  Suddenly, Carl tried to raise his backward step, but was blocked by something and failed to take the step.

  Carl's body, which had begun to shift its center of gravity, instantly lost its center of gravity and fell backwards uncontrollably.

  "Shit!" Carl got up without panicking.

  The more critical the situation became, the calmer Carl became.

  The fall was quite heavy and his back hurt a lot. Carl knew that once he stopped shooting, the zombies would pounce on him in no time.

  However, given the pain in his back, it was not very realistic for him to get up and run away before the zombies pounced on him.

  Carl quickly loaded a full magazine, loaded the gun, and stood on the ground, raising his head slightly. It was difficult to aim at this angle, so Carl could only rely on feel.


  The feeling was right, and it didn't seem to matter whether he aimed or not. Carl forced a smile and continued shooting, while using his other hand to support the ground and move his body backwards.

  But before Carl could breathe a sigh of relief, his left hand, which was supporting the ground, suddenly felt a pain, as if it had been stepped on.

  Carl immediately turned the gun around, without taking time to aim, and pulled the trigger based on his feel.

  Carl was sure it wasn't Sean. If it was Sean who saw him fall, he would have made a sound, let alone shot.

  Indeed, it was not Sean, but a zombie who was in a room in the corridor. He heard the noise and walked out, then stepped on Carl's hand.

  Carl's shot hit him but did not kill him. The zombie noticed Carl on the ground and pounced on him.

  Carl's slightly raised upper body was directly pressed to the ground, because it was attacked from behind, and the zombie's head was at the position of Carl's stomach.

  Carl's head was pressed down by the zombie's chest, and with Carl's current strength, it was impossible for him to break free from the zombie.

  Hundreds of pounds of weight were pressing on Carl. Even if it was a dead object, it would be difficult for Carl to push it away, let alone a zombie that could only bite people.

  Carl's heart was beating wildly at this moment, and he could feel every beat of his heart clearly, as if his heart might jump out of his chest at any time.

  Nervous, breathless, even dizzy.

  But Carl knew he had to do something, even though he didn't know why the zombie on his body hadn't bitten him yet.

  But even if the zombie on his body is more "kind" and doesn't have the heart to bite him, as long as he holds something down, other zombies will arrive soon after he leaves.

  At that time, Carl would surely die.

  Carl suddenly felt that the Glock in his hand seemed to be hit by something.

  Carl was stunned. Could it be such a coincidence that this stupid zombie just happened to bite the Glock?

  Carl hesitated for a moment and pulled the trigger, since the gun was not pointed at him anyway.


  Carl felt liquid flowing onto his body, and at the same time, the zombie on his body completely lost power and collapsed on him.


  It looked like the idiot had really bitten on the barrel of the gun, but the situation didn't seem to be getting any better.

  Carl tried hard several times, but he simply didn't have enough strength to push the body away.

  "Sean!" Sean is Carl's only hope now.


  I don't know if Sean will arrive on time like in the TV series, but reality is not planned, so how could it be such a coincidence?

  Even now, Karl doesn't even know where Sean is. Although he believes that Sean will not give up on him, what if...

  Carl thought he trusted Sean very much, but at the critical moment of life and death, he couldn't help but doubt.

  If Sean leaves, or doesn't get there in time...

  Is it worth sacrificing yourself to save Glenn?

  I don't know if Sean can get out alive.

  I wonder what will happen to Miss Beth...

  Will Glenn be saved?


  His own father... Rick.

  At this moment, Carl thought of a lot of things and anticipated his own ending in the next moment. The roars of the zombies were very close, as if they were right in front of him.

  Carl gave up struggling. Carl didn't want to give up, but what else could he do if he didn't give up?

  I will probably be torn to pieces by these zombies...

  Since I won't be infected, it seems impossible for me to survive as a zombie...

  A hand grabbed Carl's leg, hard.

  Carl couldn't see and didn't struggle. If possible, raising the Glock and shooting himself seemed to be the best option at this time.

  But the Glock was still stuck in the mouth of the corpse on top of him, and Carl couldn't get it out in this position.


  It was Sean's voice, and in an instant, hope of life came.

  "Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

  There was a series of gunshots. In addition to the gunshots, Carl also heard Sean running towards him.


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