
Chapter 60 Normal and Abnormal

  The sky gradually darkened and the sun set in the west.

  It's getting dark. After autumn, the days are always much shorter.

  The shooting practice in the afternoon was not very pleasant. After Jimmy came, Carl became distracted, very seriously.

  After that, Carl's efficiency in shooting practice became much lower. Beth did try to shoot a few more times, but after failing to hit the target, she stopped practicing.

  Beth had already dozed off on a small bench, and Carl remained silent for a long time because he was really bored.

  But Beth kept her promise and made it through the whole afternoon.

  Carl loaded the last bullet in the magazine, stopped practicing with the gun, put the Glock back on his waist, and looked at Beth.

  "Beth, it's getting late. We should go back."

  "Ah?" Beth raised her head and smiled awkwardly, "Karl, what did you say?"

  "It's getting dark." Carl pointed to the side.

  Sean and Maggie came over together, still chatting.

  It should be that Decibel came to find Carl and Beth, and then met them on the road.

  Sean walked closer and saw several empty bullet boxes. He smiled and said, "Kids, it's time to go back and eat."

  Maggie also said, "Beth, how do you feel? You actually came here to practice shooting. I wouldn't have known about it if my father hadn't told me, and he actually agreed."

  Carl nodded, put away his things, and walked over to Sean, "Let's go."

  Sean was in no hurry to leave, and introduced, "Carl, this is Maggie, Beth's sister, Maggie this is Carl."

  Maggie smiled and waved, "Hi, Carl."

  "Hello." Carl nodded slightly and then said nothing.

  Sean frowned slightly. There seemed to be something wrong with Carl today.

  Sean apologized to Maggie, "I'm sorry, he might be tired and not in high spirits."

  "It's okay." Maggie smiled nonchalantly, "Then I'll take Beth away first."

  Sean nodded.

  Beth picked up the small stool, yawned as she came to Maggie, and waved to Carl, "See you tomorrow, Carl."

  "Carl, I'm calling you." Sean patted Carl's shoulder.

  Karl came back to his senses at this time and forced a smile, "Goodbye."

  Maggie waved again and left with Beth.

  After they left, Sean asked worriedly, "Carl, are you okay?"

  "It's okay, let's go back first. I'm a little hungry." Carl shook his head.

  Sean frowned slightly, but said nothing and took Carl back to the camp.

  The other members of the team had already chosen a place on the farm and set up their tents.

  Carl returned to the camp, ate something quickly, and went back to the tent. He was a little tired today and wanted to go to bed early.

  And it's not just that he's tired, Carl is also in a dilemma, and it's not just because of Jimmy or Beth.

  It was more because of himself. Carl felt that his idea was right, but Carl also felt that it was wrong.

  Some people may think it is right, some may think it is wrong, and Carl doesn't know what his real thoughts are.

  Carl stared at the tent roof, lost in thought.

  It wasn't long before Lori came in, "Carl, we need to talk."

  Karl quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be very sleepy, "Mom, I'm very sleepy."

  "Don't pretend, you just had your eyes open." Lori crossed her arms in displeasure, "Karl, what are you avoiding? What are you hiding from me? You've been acting so abnormal lately."

  Karl frowned slightly, then sighed softly, "I'm not avoiding it, I just don't know how to say it, as for what I'm hiding from you.

  Maybe there are some, if you want to know, you can ask Sean, I've already told him, I really don't want to say it now. "

  "What? You told Sean but not me? Who is your mother?" Lori became even more unhappy.

  Karl was helpless and irritated. At this time, Karl really had no interest in talking to anyone.

  Karl wanted to get angry, but he held back because the person in front of him was his mother.

  "Mom, I just want to be alone. Can you give me some time? If you can't understand, go ask Sean first and let me be alone for a while."

  Lori frowned, but finally softened her voice and said, "Karl, if you have anything, you can tell me."

  "It's okay, I just want to be alone."

  "Sure, call me anytime if you need anything."

  "thanks Mom."

  Lori nodded and left the tent.

  Carl closed his eyes tiredly. What lingered in his mind was the denial and affirmation of himself.

  Human beings are inherently contradictory individuals. What is contradictory is not things or ideas, but human beings themselves.

  At its core, the most direct and most crucial reason is because of Jimmy, or Carl's own attitude towards Jimmy.

  Carl felt like he could kill Jimmy, Carl felt like it was no big deal, it was normal.

  Carl had even imagined the situation of killing Jimmy, and it seemed like it was really no big deal. Carl felt that he could really do it and wouldn't even feel guilty.

  But what Carl thought was abnormal was that he actually thought this was normal. This was not normal under normal circumstances, but Carl thought it was normal, so this was abnormal.

  It wasn't easy to figure it out, but I finally fell asleep while thinking about it.

  The next morning, after washing up and eating something, I went to practice shooting. Since I couldn't figure it out, I decided to divert my attention.

  At the same time, try not to let things that you can't figure out distract you during training.

  After Carl fired a few magazines, Sean also brought others to practice shooting. Seeing others coming, Carl left silently.

  It's not that he won't practice anymore, it's just that Carl needs to learn more than just shooting.

  When it comes to practicing shooting, Carl finds that he is more suited to practicing alone in a quiet place, where the effect will be better.

  Carl walked alone on the farm for a long time and finally found the person he was looking for behind the farm.

  Of course not Beth. Carl felt that there was a saying that made sense: women would only affect the speed at which I draw my sword.

  So Carl decided to wait until the knife was sharp enough, and even if it was affected, it would still be fast enough before going to look for the woman.

  The person Carl was looking for was More. In a small woods behind the farm, More and Daryl were sitting on the ground, smoking in silence.

  "Moir, Daryl." Carl walked over.

  "What are you doing here, kid?" Moore glanced at Carl unhappily.

  Carl said directly, "I want to learn your throwing knives."

  "Oh?" Moore was a little surprised. "Damn it, why did you learn that?"

  Carl asked back, "Cool and practical, isn't it?"

  "That's right." More nodded complacently, "But why should I teach you, a little brat? This is Mr. More's unique skill."

  Carl was silent.


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