
Chapter 610: Crested Ibis Show Affection

"Come on, oh no, it dropped again."

"Haha, it doesn't seem very smart!"

"The crested ibis's long beak looks like a pair of chopsticks."

"Yeah, it feels like it's trying to pick up soybeans with chopsticks; it's quite challenging."

The two girls watched the crested ibis eat loaches with great interest, occasionally making comments.

Who needs performances at the zoo? The natural behavior of animals is the most exciting show.

Of course, it requires visitors to be patient and observant. A quick, superficial visit will naturally seem boring.

Just then, a few more crested ibises glided in from a distance, wings outstretched.

"Ah-oo~ Ah-oo~"

They called out melodiously as they flew.

Tang Xiaoxin's eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in amazement, afraid her voice might scare them away!

The approaching crested ibises spread their broad wings, their edges a pearly white, followed by a faint orange-red hue, like delicate peach blossoms dipped in rouge, elegant and captivating.

Bathed in sunlight, they emitted a faint red glow, appearing like sprites dancing under the blue sky!

When they landed, they folded their wings and reverted to their grayish appearance.

They joined their companions, wading in the shallows, using their long beaks to search for loaches hidden in the mud.

Tang Xiaoxin exhaled in delight, "Wow, they're so beautiful!"

Qian Keke, snapping out of her daze, was equally excited, "I was completely mesmerized when they flew over!"

Nearby, a hat-wearing visitor seemed reflective as he watched the crested ibises.

He said to his companion, "Have you read 'The Testament of the Crested Ibis'?"

His companion shook his head, "I've heard of it, but I haven't read it."

The man in the hat explained, "I just bought the book recently! It tells the story of the extinction of the Japanese crested ibis.

The protagonist, Haruo, loved searching for and observing crested ibises, but their numbers were already very low in Japan, and they were very wary, so sightings were rare. He conducted extensive research on them.

Crested ibises were often caught and eaten, and their feathers made into crafts. During the war, large-scale deforestation for charcoal production drastically reduced their habitat.

When Haruo was researching, there were only a few dozen left in Japan. By the time conservation efforts were taken seriously, it was almost too late. There was debate over whether to protect their habitat or capture them for captive breeding. The initial captive individuals all died.

Japan's rapid economic development also brought environmental issues, like Minamata disease. One crested ibis died within a year of captivity, and an autopsy revealed high concentrations of pesticides and mercury in its body.

When only five were left, the Japanese government decided to capture them all for captive breeding. Unfortunately, they failed to reproduce and all died without leaving offspring."

His companion sighed sadly, "So many animals disappear without us even realizing. I heard giraffes are endangered now. How are the crested ibises in our country?"

The man in the hat continued, "Our crested ibises were also in critical danger. Their numbers plummeted, and they went unrecorded for decades. After three years of searching, they were found in Yangxian, with only seven left!

Just seven individuals, and they could have gone extinct within a year or two without being found. Imagine that."

His companion asked, "How lucky! How many are there now?"

"There are 5,000 now!"

His companion exclaimed, "Amazing, truly a miracle!"

The man in the hat added, "We learned from Japan's experience and focused on in-situ conservation of their habitat.

Pesticides and fertilizers were banned in local fields, mining was prohibited, and winter paddy fields were maintained for the crested ibises to forage, allowing their population to recover and thrive.

There was even a news story about someone sentenced to ten years for killing a crested ibis with a slingshot. That shows how serious the protection efforts are."

"Serves them right!"

The two girls, hearing about the crested ibises' recovery from seven to 5,000, were thrilled!

It was truly a legendary story of species conservation.

In fact, several signs near the crested ibis exhibit detailed this story!

It was a remarkable conservation case globally.

The signs provided more details, including the miraculous recovery of the crested ibis, the changes they brought to Yangxian, and the hidden challenges behind the miracle.

Since they all descended from those seven individuals, their genetic diversity is limited, making them vulnerable to environmental changes. The population's prosperity is fragile, and a major outbreak could wipe them out.

In the nearby shallows, some crested ibises finished foraging and flew to the trees.

Two stood close together on a branch, necks entwined, grooming each other, clearly a loving couple.

A single crested ibis watched them intently, seemingly envious!

The ibis couple noticed the stare, exchanged glances.

"Honey, that young one is staring at you. Should we be worried?"

"Don't worry, I only love you!"

"Let's show them our love! Let them know our bond is unbreakable!"

Suddenly, the male ibis jumped onto the female's back.

Qian Keke immediately got excited, "Are they going to mate?"

Tang Xiaoxin was puzzled, "Isn't the mating season over?"

The male ibis spread its wings rhythmically, swaying its tail and shaking its head, its long beak swinging.

The female ibis cooperated, their beaks touching like they were kissing passionately.

The observing young ibis turned its head in embarrassment!

The male ibis then jumped back onto the branch, folding its wings and gazing lovingly at the female.

The two ibises then leaned outward in unison, gracefully raising their heads and calling out.

Nearby visitors, though of different species, instinctively understood the gesture!

"Wow, they're showing off their love?"

"Seeing birds show affection, I feel like I'm being fed dog food!"


After watching the crested ibises for a while, Tang Xiaoxin and her friends continued exploring the Crane Pavilion.

At the red-crowned crane plaza, soothing music played from the speakers, accompanying the cranes' graceful flight over the lake, creating a stunning scene.

"A flock of red-crowned cranes gently, gently flying over~"

When visitors stood before the statues, reading about the crane girl's story, the music played, evoking tears.

Tang Xiaoxin curiously asked a zookeeper, "Which crane flew to the tiger exhibit recently?"

The zookeeper pointed to a proud crane strutting with its wings spread, "That one!"

They had initially worried it might get stressed and sick from the scare, even giving it special care.

But perhaps Fang Ye's calming influence was too effective. The crane returned feeling invincible, strutting around arrogantly, ready to challenge anyone!

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