
Harry Potter and The Dimensional Portal

Chapter : 20

With a barely concealed huff he explained, "You did not seem surprised when I asked you where Miss Granger was."

"That is because Miss Granger is no longer our concern," she returned.

Surprised, he asked, "What do you mean?"

"Like quite a few others she has withdrawn as a student of Hogwarts, Albus," said McGonagall. "As such, she is no longer our concern."

Angry at both how his Deputy was continuing to behave towards him with poorly concealed disgust and a succinct lack of respect, he demanded, "Why was I not informed?"

"You were," she flatly replied. "I told you I have already received over two dozen withdrawals, so far, this break. When I asked if you wanted them listed for you, you brushed me off as if it was unimportant.

"As such, it is your fault you did not know the girl had withdrawn."

"She has to attend!" he glared.

"No, she does not," she snapped back. "She has successfully completed her OWLs and, as such, her parents were fully within their rights to withdraw her from Hogwarts with no penalty. That is what they did."

That annoyed him as, legally, she was correct. "Did they inform you to where they were moving?" he demanded.

Somewhat surprised he'd asked, she replied, "No. Then again, they were under no obligation to do so. And I had no right to ask."

That last was a verbal slap at the old man and they both knew it.

"Ahhh...!" he growled. "Thank you, Minerva. You may go."

"Thank you, ever so much, Headmaster," she snarked back, before then spinning on her heels and stalking from the room.

Realising he was still dressed in his version of muggle wear, Dumbledore rose, cancelled the transfiguration and apparated to the Ministry. He was headed for the WEA to see if they had a new address for the girl.

He was annoyed to find that he was no longer receiving the fawning adoration he was used to. And the WEA, after first flat-out telling him he had no right to the information - to which he'd returned he needed it as Headmaster - finally informed him they had no forwarding address for the girl. (And, as she was a muggle-born, none of the staff could care any less they didn't.)

Foiled in his search, he headed down to the DMLE to report her as a missing child.

However, that didn't work when the Master Auror, who was reluctantly willing to hear his complaint, told him they 'would accept that under advisement. However, as he was not the lawful guardian of the girl, he had no right to any information relating to her'.

He needed the girl to be his unwitting spy on young Neville, as she was on young Harry, once the young man was made aware of his destiny; but she'd disappeared.

It wasn't until the next day, when Molly floo-called him again to inquire about the girl's safety, when Dumbledore finally admitted to her that the girl had withdrawn from Hogwarts at her parents' behest and the family had moved homes. He'd completely forgotten that it was her contacting him that sent him to go and speak with the girl.

And, no, he did not know where they had gone; but suspected it was somewhere overseas. That was why the owls couldn't locate her.

When Ron found out, he panicked. And, in his panic, blurted how he wouldn't be able to, "... Complete my homework if Hermione doesn't do it for me!"

That earned him another bum-paddling and him then finding himself restricted to his room and the bathroom at all times, other than meals, until said homework was completed and checked over by either of his parents. He'd even had his magazines, chess set and other, non-school, texts removed from his room for the duration.

He also had to give a report before each dinner time to his father about what he had completed and what he was currently working on, in detail, before he was allowed to eat. And "Yeah, it's going good," and similar non-answers where flatly rejected. He had to give specifics.

When he did that the first night, concerning his 'History of Magic assignment' his father immediately sent him to his room to bring down what he'd told him he'd done, so that he could check it over.

His immediate blush in embarrassment, showing he'd lied, had him missing dinner as he waited out in the woodshed while the rest of the family ate. Then he received another bum-paddling from his father. Then he was sent to his bedroom without his dinner.

He didn't try that again. As far as he was concerned the bum-flogging was one thing, being forced to starve by missing dinner was beyond the pale.

In her home only a short walk away from the Burrow, Luna Lovegood looked up and stared into space for a moment before she smiled and pulled yet another small slip of parchment towards herself.

She had yet another entry to stick into the first scrapbook she was working on. She knew she had quite a few to do after finishing this one, but it was both something she was happy to do and necessary for when Harry returned.

She knew so much had changed and was yet to change that he would be 'floundering' on his return without them.

Harry had been in his new home built in a grove of what could loosely be called 'trees' many hundreds of miles to the 'north' of the Chappa'ai on his planet; a planet he named 'Hadrian' simply because he liked the name and 'Harry's World' just sounded too much like a theme park. He thought it sounded more posh than his own and he had to call it something.

His new home was built as far away as it was because he found the land around the Chappa'ai to be far too hot, especially in the weird summer season the planet had; and it gave him some distance from the ring, so he wouldn't be surprised by visitors again.

He'd been on the planet for about eighteen months, he thought, when he saw these weirdly dressed folks come through the ring and, when he first approached them, they barked at him in a strange language. Almost immediately he recognised they were threatening him; with one bloke, who seemed to be their leader, look at him with white glowing eyes and speak in an echoing voice. Echoing voice or not he sounded and sneered so much like Draco Malfoy Harry snickered back in amusement.

That had one of the 'soldiers', as that was what they had to be considering the way they were dressed, point his staff at him.

When Harry saw the tip of the staff and back about two feet peel open and glow a bit, he apparated out of the circle of soldiers he was in and to the top of a nearby hill. It was the same hill he sat upon on the first night he was there and transfigured his goblet and filled it with water.

It was lucky he managed to get out when he did because, suddenly looking down at the ring of soldiers in which he stood, he was just in time to see what looked like a Blasting Hex jump from the tip of the staff and power right through where he stood. The two soldiers on the opposite side of the ring nearly got hit as the bolt of dark orange energy sizzled between them, travel a good sixty feet and impact the side of the ravine opposite where he now stood.





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