
Call Me Luv

Chapter 17: Call Me Luv

A week had passed since they arrived at Hogwarts. Harry, Tracey and Daphne were in the room of requirement while Iris and Astoria were in their Transfiguration class.


Harry dodged and weaved through the spellfire as Daphne and Tracey continued firing spells at him. He jumped to the side escaping Daphne's stunning spell but quickly erected a shield as Tracey's disarming spell banged against it. He was pushed back by the force, his eyes widened at the power behind Tracey's spell. He didn't get time to marvel at his best friend as his other best friend fired her signature three stunning spells, trying to box him in, not giving him any place to dodge so he erected a powerful golden shield. His shield was bombarded with tens of powerful spells but that didn't affect the shield in the slightest.


"Cheater!" Daphne whined as she continued firing spells at inhumane speed. "You can't use the advanced spells."


Harry smirked from behind the giant shield and made kissy faces at Daphne who glared back at him but he was sure that her lips curved up into an amused smile there for a second. His attention was diverted to Tracey whose face was scrunched in concentration and determination. She whispered something under her breath, pointing her wand at him. Harry raised his brow in challenge. Even Daphne had stopped firing and was looking at Tracey in confusion and anticipation. A brown spell escaped from her wand and shot in his direction. Harry was confident in his shield spell so he just stood there strengthening his shield just in case Tracey had found out some powerful spell.


He wasn't prepared for what happened next. Just as the spell was going to hit the shield, it diverted and curved around the shield and was onto him. Harry quickly stopped his shield spell and sprang sideways. But the damage was done. The element of surprise was all that was needed for Daphne to hit him with a spell. Harry wasn't sure which one out of 5 red spells that hit him. He slumped on the floor, unconscious. Daphne yelled in celebration and grabbed Tracey in a bone crushing hug.


"We did it. We finally did it. We beat the unbeatable. We finally trounced the overpowered bastard." Daphne laughed with her arm slung around Tracey who tried to hide her smug smile. They looked at his prone body. Just as they were going to rouse him, he stood up on his own. He gave them a look which said, 'Do you really think a stunner would keep me down?'


Both girls took an attacking position, alert and their wands raised at him but Harry pulled back his wand in his wand holster and raised his hands in surrender.


"You win." he said loudly and started walking towards them. His face was split in a proud grin as he neared them. He grabbed Tracey in a hug.


"That was so amazing. That was a nice spell." he said, his arms around her waist. Tracey finally let a proud smile adorn her face. Harry so wanted to fiercely kiss her smug smile but he decided he would follow her wish and kissed her on the cheek instead. When he pulled back he saw her smile had turned into a haughty grin. He chuckled at her newfound confidence.


"You know I was the one who defeated you." Daphne huffed playfully. Harry rolled his eyes as he hugged her. His one hand was around her waist while the other hand combed her blonde hair.


"We all know you are awesome. We just don't want you to get a big head." Harry grinned and pressed a quick kiss on her lips. Daphne's eyes glazed there for a second. She could never get used to his kisses. It was just so warm and soft. Tracey meanwhile tried not to feel jealous but was unsuccessful. How she wished she could just forget her 'promise' and ravage Harry's lips. She sighed inwardly. She had to live with her choices. A second later a sofa materialised in the room, in front of them. Harry led his best friends to the sofa and sat between them. Both leaned to their sides, towards Harry, who instinctively wrapped his arms around their shoulders. It was so usual and normal that they didn't even realise that they were doing it.


They relaxed for a few minutes in silence, giving their bodies a small reprieve.


"Hey Harry?" Daphne asked from his shoulder. Tracey snuggled closer to Harry and peered at Daphne who had an amused smile. She looked as if she wanted to share something embarrassing. Tracey quickly realised what and glared at her.


"Hmm?" Harry asked in a non-committal way. His eyes were closed. He was enjoying this cuddling session with his best friends.


"No!" Tracey said sharply but there was some exasperation mixed in as if she knew her effort would be in vain. Harry opened his eyes at her tone.


"What? He is her brother. He should know." Daphne pouted, but both Harry and Tracey knew that she was sharing it just because she thought it was hilarious. Now they had Harry's full attention.


"What is it?" Harry asked, looking at Daphne, rubbing her shoulder.


"Earlier Iris asked us something." she said, her lips turning into a grin. Harry raised his brow.


"Oh? What did she ask?"


Tracey pressed her palm on Daphne's mouth to stop her from answering. Daphne narrowed her eyes at Tracey and tried to say something. Harry and Tracey couldn't hear anything except incoherent noises from Daphne's throat.


"Nothing that concerns you." She said, smiling sweetly at him. Harry snorted but shrugged, caressing her hair.


"If you say so."


Suddenly Tracey yelped and pulled her hand to her chest. Harry saw her hand was covered in saliva. Tracey wiped it on her robe and shot Daphne a glare who was grinning and licked her lips seductively. Harry laughed as he pulled their heads around his such that their cheeks were touching each other.


"I never knew you were into this kind of thing." Harry said in a conspiratorial tone. Tracey blushed while Daphne gave Tracey a suggestive smile and suddenly kissed her on the lips. As their heads were very near, Harry saw Tracey's eyes widen in surprise and heard her gasp. Three seconds later Daphne pulled back. Both the girls had glazed looks in their eyes. Harry couldn't stop anymore as he started laughing. A full belly laugh. Tracey was red as tomato and was switching between glaring at Daphne and him. Daphne meanwhile was looking at Tracey with an innocent smile which fooled no one.


"Sorry Tracey. I was aiming for Harry's lips but I missed." She lied a big fat lie.


"Don't lie. It is not even remotely believable." Tracey huffed, not knowing how to respond further.


"Yep. That was a very sloppy lie." Harry chimed in. His hands back around their shoulders.


"Okay. Okay. I was just testing if I was into girls as well." she said in a serious tone as if the fate of the entire world depended on it. If Harry and Tracey didn't know Daphne they would have fallen for the serious tone.


"And what's the verdict?" Harry asked, playing along.


"Needs more testing. Are you up for it, Tracey?" Daphne half joked.


"Absolutely not." she said, glaring and blushing simultaneously.


"Your loss." Daphne shrugged nonchalantly. Harry snorted and claimed Daphne's lips for a few seconds. His hand caressing her cheek while her hands were on his chest. Tracey groaned and turned away, fighting a surge of jealousy. And now she wasn't even sure if she was jealous because Harry was kissing Daphne or if she was jealous because Daphne was kissing Harry. 


'Thanks for that Daph.' she thought sarcastically.


"It is true. Your loss Tracey. Daphne's lips are delicious and otherworldly." he announced, grinning stupidly. Daphne shook her head to clear away the naughty imaginations which were blooming in her mind after the kiss.


"How did the conversation come to this?" Tracey asked in disbelief.


"It all started when you put your palm on Daphne's mouth. Or maybe it started when I joked about Daphne's sexuality or when Daphne kissed you. Whatever." Harry shrugged and then looked back at Tracey, "So what did Iris ask you two?"


"She didn't know about masturbation. We clinically taught her how to masturbate." Daphne smirked. Tracey sighed in defeat as she snuggled against Harry's side. Harry stared at them, waiting to see if they were joking. When he realised they were telling the truth, he burst into another bout of laughter. When he calmed down, Daphne and Tracey were looking at him, waiting for him to explain what was so funny about it.


"Now it all makes sense. As you know Iris and I have…a strange relationship, it turned more strange when she wanted me to do the same things I do with Daphne, namely groping and grinding." Tracey made a face which said''too much detail'. While Daphne seemed amused by it. "Few times, she even unceremoniously started grinding against me without my permission. It was annoying as heck. It is already very hard sleeping beside a girl and controlling my hands from wandering. Her grinding just made it worse. It made me hornier but I also didn't want to start doing that with her this early. She is still a preteen. Now it makes sense, her strange actions. She wanted a release."


Tracey slapped his shoulder.


"So vulgar and too detailed. Also, you and Daphne are also not old enough to do these things." she protested. Daphne meanwhile was just laughing at Harry's predicament.


"We are thirteen. We are officially teenagers." Harry rolled his eyes at her prudence. Tracey shook her head, opting to remain silent. There was again a few minutes of silence as they enjoyed each other's company. Suddenly a smirk took over Harry's face.


"So did you three got naked and practically teach her masturbation, like a visual demonstration?" he asked in a hopeful voice. Tracey blushed furiously and glared at him while Daphne was giving him a disbelieving look.


"No, we just taught her... theoretically." she explained and then chuckled.


"You just destroyed my fantasy." he said in a whiny tone, giving her a mock glare.


"I am going to the Slytherin common room. I don't think I can stomach more sexual talks and jokes." Tracey huffed as she stood up to go. Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her back, beside him, putting his hand around her shoulder.


"Okay. No more naughty talks. Just stay. Please." he said, giving her his best adorable puppy look. Tracey gave in to his cute plea and remained beside him, cuddling to his side.


"You know, you are a pervert." Daphne said after a few minutes of another comfortable silence.


"I know, but what can I do when I am surrounded by beautiful girls? Though, I am sorry mistress. Do you want to punish me? Are you going to whip me? I will do anything to please you mistress. I am nothing but your humble servant." he said in a meek voice, acting submissive.


"That's it. I am done. I am going." Tracey yelled, blushing at his antics and started walking towards the exit. Daphne shot him an accusatory look.


"That's your fault." she said.


"Sorry mistress." he said, biting his lower lip to keep from laughing, placing his hand on her hip and squeezing it.


"You will be punished later." she played along, shaking her head at his acting and pushed his hand away with a grin, "but let's go after her. We were here for a long time. It's time to go back to the common room."




Harry was sitting in the library with a book on animagus on his desk. He was deciding if he should become an animagus or not. And if he did decide in affirmative then when should he start the process. Was it too early for him to become an animagus? That was the reason why he was reading the book. He wanted to be totally sure about everything before diving in the process. A loud thump came from in front of him.


"Sorry!" Hermione whispered as she sat before a towering stack of books. Jasmine sat beside her. She sighed in exasperation at the large stack of books.


"That's a lot of books, Hermione." Harry said, raising his eyebrow. Hermione smiled sheepishly.


"Well, I have 12 subjects to study."


Harry waited to hear the punchline but when it didn't come, he gave her a disbelieving look.


"You do know that is impossible, right? There are some electives which take place at the same time."


"Exactly." Jasmine jumped into the conversation. "I keep asking her but she isn't telling me how she is doing it."


Hermione glared at her best friend.


"I would tell you if I could but I just can't." she said tiredly. Jasmine shared a look with Harry.


"Hmm, there are only two ways to attend all the classes." Harry spoke, eyeing Hermione.


"Either the teachers are giving her personal lessons or she has a time turner." Harry shrugged. Hermione inadvertently gave her secret away as she gasped at the word 'time turner'.


"Are you kidding me? How did you get a time turner?" he asked.


"I didn't say I have a time turner." Hermione said in a defensive voice.


"Too late." Jasmine mumbled with a wry grin.


"Come on. Now we know you have a time turner. Just tell us how you got it." Harry asked nonchalantly. Hermione bit her lower lip, trying to decide whether to tell them or not.


"Okay. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anybody else."


"Sure." Both Jasmine and Harry nodded.


"Professor McGonagall gave me so I can attend all the classes." she said truthfully. Harry stared at her and then looked at Jasmine who also looked gobsmacked. At least that meant he wasn't mistaken in what she said.


"Wow. I mean, just wow. That's so stupid thing to do." Harry said, shaking his head. Hermione scowled at him.


"Are you saying that I am stupid?" she asked.


"No. I am just saying that you are making a stupid decision right now." Harry shrugged. Hermione gave him a stinky eye and huffed.


"I can't believe that Professor McGonagall gave you a time turner just so you can attend extra classes. Are there any sane people in the wizarding world?" Jasmine said, shaking her head. Harry snorted while Hermione suddenly seemed unsure of her decision.


"Just be careful, Hermione. The time turner won't be able to change the future or past but it will be harmful for your body and mind if you don't give them a break." Harry advised her. Hermione gave him an amused smile.


"We aren't all geniuses like you who know everything, we have to do something to keep up in the rankings."


Harry rolled his eyes.


"Of course you aren't. I am Harry Potter. The vanquisher of the dark lord, the boy who lived." he said, doing a haughty impression. Jasmine and Hermione chuckled.


"Aren't you supposed to praise me and make me feel better?" Hermione asked.


"Okay. Let me be honest with you here." Harry responded, looking at Hermione. "I can agree that you and I are at the same level when it comes to reading information and having the ability to recall it whenever we want."


Hermione nodded as she accepted that. Jasmine was also curious to know what Harry thought of her best friend. So she listened to their conversation with interest.


"But I am out of your league when it comes to practical magic. You are very far far far behind in that department." he added. Hermione scowled at him.


"I am one of the few students who quickly learn the new spells in the class. I find myself disagreeing with you on this point." Hermione replied in a defensive tone.


"I agree that you are a fast learner but I am not talking about that. I am talking about combat magic, inherent magical power etc. Unfortunately, you don't have much magical power. You are average at best and below average at worst when it comes to magical power." he explained. Hermione wanted to defend herself but refrained and mulled over his words. Seeing that she was listening, Harry continued.


"That doesn't mean you can't improve. Magical core doesn't give you skills, it just gives you magical stamina to continue firing spells, to continue fighting. If you are skilled enough, you can defeat a powerful opponent easily. And also the magical core isn't permanent. You can increase it by yourself. My best friend Tracey did that. She has improved so much this year." he said. Jasmine and Hermione gave him quizzical looks.


"First of all, how can you increase your magical core? And secondly what are you mumbling about Tracey." Jasmine asked him. Harry realised he thought aloud about Tracey's sudden increase in power.


"It is nothing complex. You just keep practicing, you just keep hurling spells until you empty your magical core, until you can't stand anymore and after some rest you start again. I was thinking about Tracey because she did exactly the same. Last year, when we were practicing, Tracey was just above average while Daphne was a powerhouse with a tremendous amount of magical energy. But this year, Tracey is different. Her magical core has expanded exponentially. She still isn't a powerhouse like Daphne but she isn't average anymore. She is very strong." Harry answered proudly.


Jasmine had an amused smile on her lips. She liked it when Harry's eyes sparkled while talking about his friends. It was so sweet and heartwarming.


"So how do you know if someone's magical core is big or small?" Hermione asked curiously.


"I have an ability which allows me to see magic, so I am always aware how magically powerful someone is." Harry revealed. "For example, I know that Jasmine is also very powerful. If she properly trained then she would be a very powerful combatant."


"You have the Mage Sight!" Hermione exclaimed in wonder. Harry nodded.


"I am powerful?" Jasmine asked in disbelief.


"Yes Hermione, I have the Mage Sight. And yes Jasmine, you can be powerful, you have an inherent large magical core."


Both Hermione and Jasmine were quiet, thinking about his words. Jasmine was a little inspired to do her best so she could wield her power impressively.


"It's time for me to go. See you later girls." he spoke as he stood up, picking up the books.


"See ya Harry." Jasmine smiled.


"See you later Harry. We will talk about this Mage Sight more next time." she said, waving her hand. He smirked at her but nodded and walked away, putting the books back at their places on the shelves and stepped out of the library.




Astoria Greengrass was sitting in the common room with her best friend Iris. It was an early morning. They both were a little nervous because they were going to try out for the quidditch team after breakfast. They were talking about different strategies just to distract their minds and prevent themselves from being too nervous. Astoria turned her head to the left when someone put their arm around her shoulder. She smiled when she saw Harry's smiling face.


"Good morning, Astoria. Good morning, Iris." he said in a cheerful voice, sitting beside Astoria. He placed a long package on their collective laps. Astoria and Iris realised that it was a broom but didn't know why it was on their laps.


"Good morning, Harry." they chorused. Harry smiled as he extended his hand and rubbed Iris's head. Iris smiled back.


"You do know that she is your sister and not your pet. Right?" Astoria joked seeing their sickeningly sweet interaction.


"You are rude, young lady. Calling my dear little sister a pet! I had hoped to give you a present but I think my mind is changing." Harry spoke with a faux annoyance. Astoria looked at him dubiously. Harry pointed his hand to the packaged broom on their laps.


"This is your early birthday present. I hope you like it." he grinned, dropping the act, rubbing her head the same way he did with Iris. Astoria was surprised enough not to get annoyed and started tearing away the package. When the packaging was removed, there was Nimbus 2001 resting in their laps. Astoria's eyes were filled with wonder as she caressed the broom.


"It is exactly like Iris's broom." she said, her voice high pitched in wonder. Iris laughed at her friend's funny voice as she also inspected the broom.


"It is."


"But why Harry? I have a broom. I am not complaining of course. My old broom isn't this good but why?" she questioned, looking at him. Harry just shrugged.


"Pretty self-explanatory. As I said, it is an early birthday present. I saw when you looked at Iris's broom. I saw that you also wanted it, so I just bought it for you."


Astoria chuckled but accepted his simple reason. He was just like that. She pulled him in a tight hug.


"Thank you." she said gratefully when she pulled back. Harry nodded as he squeezed her shoulder.


"You both need to be selected. I hope my gift doesn't go to waste." Harry said in a serious tone.


"Yep, no pressure at all." Astoria grumbled sarcastically while Iris gave him a determined nod.


"I will join the team, brother. I will make you proud."


Harry smiled affectionately at her. He keeps forgetting that Iris would do anything for him.


"I will also do my best...brother." Astoria said sheepishly. Harry and Iris were surprised and were quiet for a few seconds. Before Harry could say anything, Iris spoke up.


"Nope. He is my brother. No one else beside me can call him brother." Iris joked but there was a dangerous edge to it as if she was trying to hide her displeasure. Harry picked up on it as did Astoria and he tried to bring some levity in the sudden tense situation.


"You can call me handsome, or darling, or luv." he said, winking at her suggestively. She made a gagging impression but her lips were curved into an amused smile. Iris giggled at her brother's antics.


"No? Well, I think I will take back my gift." he proposed, grabbing the broom and trying to pull it away. Astoria tightened her grip on the broom and gave him a long suffering look.


"Okay, okay. I will call you luv from now on. Just don't take my precious broom from me." she mumbled, shooting him a glare. Harry stopped pulling the broom and grabbed her in a sideway hug.


"That's fantastic, Tori." he grinned. She shook her head.


"Nope, you can't call me Tori. That nickname can only be used by my sister."


"How about Ash?"




"Ria then?"


"Still no." she giggled, she was enjoying their playful banter.


"What about 'my precious'?"


"Is that supposed to make sense, luv?"


"Nah, it was just a reference. What about luv, luv?"


She snorted at that.


"I suppose I can allow that. Equivalent exchange after all, luv." Astoria grinned, snuggling to his side.


"And thus it is finally decided." he said, rubbing her shoulder. He looked at Iris who was trying to hide her jealousy. He rolled his eyes at her and patted his other side. Her face broke into a smile as stood up from her seat and sat beside him, snuggling to his side. Few minutes later, Tracey and Daphne entered the common room and looked at him in exasperation as he was cuddling two girls on his both sides.


"He is incorrigible." Daphne said, shaking her head in amusement. Tracey agreed as they walked to them.


"Whose broom is this?" Daphne asked, running her fingers on it.


"Mine." Astoria grinned happily. Daphne gave her a skeptical look.


"How did you buy it? I don't remember mother and Father ever saying anything about buying you a new broom."


"Luv gave me this as an early birthday present." she said, giggling at the inside joke.


"Who is this 'luv', spoiling my sister?" she sighed but was already turning to look at Harry who was sitting very quietly and looking very innocent. Or trying to be at least. Their suspicion was correct when both Iris and Astoria pointed their fingers at him. Daphne gave him a stinky eye as she rubbed her forehead.


"Harry, you can't go on giving expensive gifts every other day." Astoria glared at her sister while tightening her grip on the broom. She wasn't going to give this up without a fight.


"I know, that is why I gave this to her as an early birthday present. I won't give her any gift on her birthday." he argued back. Daphne sighed but didn't argue back. It was pointless anyway.


"Now, as it's all settled, let's go to the great hall for breakfast." Tracey said.


"You guys go ahead. Me and Iris will go and put my brand new broom in my room." she said as she stood up and dragged Iris with her.


"Don't miss the breakfast you two. You will need energy during the tryouts." Harry yelled at their retreating backs.


"Sure, luv."


"Okay, Harry."


They yelled back and went into the girls dormitory. He turned around and saw Daphne had her arms crossed on her chest and was tapping her foot furiously on the floor impatiently. He would have been scared of her if he hadn't recognised the mirth in her eyes.


"'Luv'? What did I miss? Already cheating on me with younger girls? Why am I not surprised?" she asked. Tracey was standing beside her, giving him a soft amused smile. He smiled back as he stepped between them, taking their hands in his and leading them out of the common room.


"Nothing much. It all started when I gave Iris her…




Harry was sitting in the stands, watching the tryouts. Daphne and Tracey were on either side of him. The trio was here to watch the tryouts. Harry was excited to see how Astoria and Iris will do.


The captain whose name Harry didn't think was important enough to remember gave Iris and Astoria 10 tries to score a goal against their keeper. Harry was shouting their names at the top of his lungs when they each scored a perfect 10. The other students who were there for tryouts or were just watching for fun laughed at his cheering while Daphne and Tracey acted as if they didn't know him. Astoria and Iris seemed a little embarrassed but they grinned triumphantly at him nonetheless. They were walking towards the common room after the tryouts.


"You both were so amazing on the broom. I have never seen such magnificent flying." Harry gushed like a proud mama hen. Iris and Astoria's face was red from blushing as he was going on and on about their brilliant skills for the last five minutes. Tracey chuckled at his exuberance while Daphne finally had enough, she stepped in his path and put her hands around his cheeks and pulled him in a toe curling kiss. Harry moaned in the kiss as her tongue work blew his mind. Iris and Astoria shot her a glare for interrupting their praise session while Tracey gave them an exasperated glare.


"Shut the fuck up. We know that Iris and Astoria are brilliant fliers. We were there with you. We know that you are impressed. But now you will stop talking, alright?" she asked after she disconnected the kiss. Harry nodded absent-mindedly as they continued walking. His eyes were still glazed from the brilliant kiss.


Tracey wanted to admonish Daphne for swearing but remained silent so as not to break the comfortable silence. Only Iris and Astoria were miffed from the silence. They were loving the sweet praises coming out of his mouth. But still, they held their tongues because even they were enjoying the calming and peaceful silence while walking with friends, humming a tune under their breath.

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