
The Necklace

Chapter 5. The Necklace

Harry woke up with his shoulder numb and sore. Tracey was using him as her pillow and had her arms wrapped around his hand. Her brunette hair was fanned out, covering her face and his neck.

A smile spread on his face as he extracted himself from her hold.

He slowly slid out of the bed and stood beside it to see her mumbling something and snuggling deeper into the pillow. He chuckled silently so as not to wake her up.

"She's so cute." Harry murmured dreamily at seeing her adorable face.

He decided to let her sleep some more.

After showering, he wore his clothes and went to wake her up. He sat beside her and ran his fingers through her silky hair. He nudged her shoulder gently.

"Wake up, Tracey. It's 7:30 already." he said.

She groaned and buried her face in the pillow. He brushed her cheek with his fingers, her skin warm against his touch.

"Tracey, come on, wake up, we've to visit Daph." he cajoled her as he shook her shoulder again.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"Harry? What're you doing in my room?" She asked with bleary eyes.

Harry simply raised his eyebrows.

"My dear, this is my room. Did you forget what happened yesterday?"

Her eyes widened as she recalled how Daphne had been injured and how she was scared of nightmares and had decided to sleep with Harry.

"Oh, yes, I remember now. Thanks, Harry, for not making it weird." she smiled awkwardly as she sat up.

Harry chuckled as he pulled her in his arms. She sighed in comfort, feeling his warm body pressed against hers. She was a little disappointed when he pulled back.

"Good morning, Tracey. Did you sleep well?" He asked her.

She nodded.

"Go to your room and freshen up then, so we can go and see Daph." he suggested.

She suddenly looked distressed.

"How will we stop everybody from mentioning this to the professors? This is against the rule, a girl sleeping in a boy's room."

Harry shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'll make everybody forget this. Go to your room." he assured her.

She nodded and started for the door but stopped midway. She returned and stood in front of him, shifting on her feet nervously.

He was amused as he imagined what she wanted to do, but was afraid to commit.

"Will it be okay if I kiss your cheek? I mean not just once, but whenever I want?" she babbled on swiftly, her face turning red at each word, knowing how stupid she sounded.

Harry snorted as he offered his cheek to her.

"Why would I stop a cute girl from kissing me?" His eyes twinkled with mirth.

Tracey rolled her eyes at him, but pressed her lips on his cheek. She backed up and smiled at him which evolved into a giddy laugh. She was surprised when Harry grabbed her face in his palms and kissed her on the cheek.

"It's only fair that I also get to do that." he smirked as her laughter stopped and a blush bloomed immediately.

She glared mildly at him.

"You just like making me flustered and tongue-tied." She pouted, jabbing her finger on his chest.

"Neither confirming nor denying." he said smugly, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"I'll meet you in the common room in 30 minutes." she said with great reluctance and then left the room.

'Ah! First I've to erase the memory from the Slytherin students. Not particularly hard work, since everybody should still be in the dorms.' He sat on his bed in a meditating pose and closed his eyes.

He started releasing his magic mist. A white translucent fog filled his room, then it spilled into the common room, slowly the Slytherin dormitories were filled with the white mist. He could feel every Slytherin student's magic as his mist touched their bodies, some were panicking, but they were soon in peaceful trance as his magic touched theirs.

He singled out Tracey's magic and made everybody else forget about last night when Tracey had entered his room. With its work done, the mist disappeared and returned to its rightful place, Harry's body. The students now continued acting as if nothing had happened. Harry opened his eyes and had a content smile on his face.

He stepped into the common room and found himself the subject of many stares. They still remember that he was the one who killed the troll last night.

He ignored them and sat at his usual place in the corner. He opened the book on the practices of noble houses and started reading it.

Tracey finally arrived and slumped beside him.

"What're you reading?" She asked.

Harry closed the book and put it in his bag.

"Just getting information to save Daphne from the marriage contract."

"What?" She was unpleasantly surprised.

Harry pulled out the letter of Daphne from his pocket and handed it to her. She quickly read it and looked at Harry sadly and with frustration, knowing that the family magics were absolute powers in Wizarding Britain.

"When Daphne wakes up, she'll be compelled to distance herself from us. She won't have a choice."

Harry shook his head.

"Not happening. She owes me life debt, I can ask her anything. I'll keep that as a last resort." he said. "But there's also the problem of Astoria. I'm hundred percent sure that I can save her, but how to convince Mr. Greengrass to let me save her? I already have one life debt and after saving Astoria, she'll also owe me a life debt.

"After meeting him, I'm sure he's an astute politician and wouldn't want to place himself in a disadvantageous position and we don't even know what're the agreements between the Malfoy family and Greengrass family regarding the betrothal contract. I bet there are some advantages for Mr. Greengrass, otherwise he wouldn't have signed the contract."

They remained silent for a minute, both thinking for a solution.

"Can you tell me if Daphne loves her parents?" Harry asked with a thoughtful look.

"Oh, she loves them very much. Why? Let me guess, you want to kill them and solve the problem." she rolled her eyes.

Harry smiled abashedly.

"Let's go give Daph a visit even if she isn't conscious."


Harry and Tracey sat on the edge of the bed on which Daphne was lying. She seemed as if she was just sleeping. Such was the peaceful look on her face.

Seeing her still and unmoving figure reignited Harry's rage.

"How I wish I hadn't killed the troll quickly and made him suffer for hurting Daph." he hissed in anger, various horrendous torture methods passing through his mind.

Tracey sighed as she squeezed his hand.

"At least, Daphne will be good as new in a month. And she won't have any permanent injuries." She tried looking positively at the situation.

Harry didn't say anything as he stroked Daphne's cheek. He felt her magic revolt at his touch.

"Stupid family magic." he growled as he pressed his finger on her forehead. He made the Greengrass magic in her to submit to his will. He was absolute power in this Wizarding World, no one else was above him. No one was allowed to be above him.

"Purebloods think they can remain on top with their family magic. Stupid morons, they never thought that there can be one who'd already mastered THE Magic."

"What happened?" She asked, seeing his sudden anger.

"Her family magic was against me touching her. It's now under my control." he grinned savagely.

She stared at him in awe. She had heard him say that he was powerful and she did believe him. Of course, there had been a small part which always thought that he was exaggerating his strength, but considering this new feat, she wasn't sure anymore.

"You know, you're one scary boy. I'm glad that I'm not against you. You can literally conquer Magical Britain if you have power to defeat the generations-old family magic."

"Don't worry, I've no interest in ruling any land. I like to remain free and to remain free, I've to be the best, that no one can defeat, that no one can control. Freedom to do anything, legal or illegal, good or evil." he said while beaming.

"Can't you heal Daphne then?" She asked inquisitively.

Harry shook his head sadly.

"This is her body. Her magic. I've accelerated the process by lending some of my magic temporarily. I don't have absolute control over my mist yet. I'm also not a healer, so I don't know when she'll wake, but I know it'll be sooner than a month."

Tracey's smile widened as she threw herself at him after hearing that and started kissing him all over the face except his lips, the thought of doing that still disgusted her since she was still a preteen.

Harry laughed as he hugged her back, his arms wrapping around her back to hold her.

"Ew, your saliva is all over my face." he groaned.

Tracey chuckled as she wiped his face with the sleeve of her robe.

"You're the best." she cheered.

Harry grinned.

"I know but I'm being—" he was cut off by Tracey.

"Not your modesty joke again. It has gotten old."

Harry pouted which Tracey found so cute that she pinched his cheeks. He held her against him and put his head on her shoulder, not wanting to stop hugging her.


Harry and Tracey arrived in the great hall to find Jasmine and Hermione waiting for them. They waved at him. Harry and Tracey went to the Gryffindor table.

"Good morning, Jasmine. Good morning, Hermione." He smiled at the two girls.

Tracey also greeted.

"Good morning, Harry, Tracey." The girls smiled.

"So why did you call us? Hopefully not to sit with you, which I won't mind, but I'm not really getting a welcoming vibe from your housemates." Harry said, looking at the glaring Gryffindors.

"What're you doing here, snake? Who'd have thought that the Boy-Who-Lived would be an evil Slytherin." Ronald Weasley said in disgust.

The other Gryffindors nodded.

Harry rolled his eyes at them.

"Neither confirming nor denying that I'm evil. Though beware, I'll come for you in the night and take you away for deadly rituals." he said, spreading his hands in front of him with his fingers curled imitating claws.

Ronald Weasley stumbled from his seat.

"You're evil but Dumbledore will save us." he responded confidently.

Harry groaned and looked at Tracey who was laughing.

"They didn't get the joke. Did they?" Harry shook his head. Tracey leaned against him, and whispered conspiratorially, which was heard by everyone.

"Well, now we know why they aren't in Ravenclaw."

Harry snickered and led Tracey back to the Slytherin table, totally forgetting why he went there in the first place. Jasmine glared at Ron and her classmates for acting like stupids, while Hermione was annoyed at being called unintelligent.


It was evening, Tracey and Harry were sitting under a tree in front of the great lake. Tracey was finishing her work while Harry was lying beside her, watching the sunset. He was thinking how to get Mr. Greengrass to agree to his plan. It was rather frustrating. He was used to tackling problems head-on with his immense magical power, but this time he had to use that cunning brain of his.

The biggest problem was that even if Mr. Greengrass agreed to his plan, he would know about his real power. He didn't want to broadcast his true power before finishing his quest.

The quest to attain immortality.

The quest to defeat death. His biggest enemy. He had searched the whole library in Hogwarts to get any clue how to accomplish his dream. The dream to live on forever. Not even the restricted section had helped him. He didn't even know when he had started dreaming of becoming immortal, but now it was his ultimate goal.

"What're you thinking, Harry?" Tracey asked, playing with his hair, apparently finished with her homework.

Harry smiled softly at her.

"Just the problem with Mr. Greengrass. If he wasn't Daphne's father, I'd just use my magic to overpower him and make him follow my orders."

"Let's wait until Daphne wakes up. Maybe she'll agree to let you mess with her father's mind." she suggested.

Harry arched his eyebrows.

"Do you really think Daphne will agree?" Harry enquired.

"If you save her sister and after that, you save her and Astoria from marrying Malfoy, I think she should agree. Mr. Greengrass is not particularly very close with her daughters." Tracey said thoughtfully.

Harry was reluctant to hope that it would be that easy.

'But maybe it'll be that easy. Only time will tell.'


Two weeks passed, Daphne still hadn't woken up. There was an air of sorrow around Harry and Tracey. While Harry and Tracey still laughed and played around, they were sad that their third member was absent. They were a trio and the absence of their third friend was physically painful to them.

They both visited Daphne thrice a day. Before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner.

Harry and Tracey were currently sitting at their usual place in the Slytherin common room, working on a Transfiguration assignment.

Suddenly, a huge smile adorned Harry's face.

"Tracey!" He cheered, engulfing her in a tight hug.

Tracey was dubious, but let him hug her.

"What happened, Harry?" she asked, seeing his radiant smile.

"Daphne is waking up. Let's go." he said as he hastily put his books and parchments in his bag.

Tracey followed his example, hurrying up.

"How do you know?" She asked, flinging the bag over her shoulder.

He didn't answer her, opting to tug her hand and lead her outside. He leaned towards her ear and whispered.

"My magic's still inside her, it gives me some awareness about her."

She nodded, not really understanding, and they both ran to the hospital wing. When they entered the room they found Daphne propped against the headboard of the bed, she was drinking some not so tasty potion. She gulped it down and put it on the bedside table, her nose scrunched up in distaste.

"Daph!" Tracey and Harry yelled together as they ran to her.

Daphne's eyes widened as she saw them charging towards her. She was a bit afraid that they weren't going to stop and were going to collide with her.

Fortunately, they stopped a step away from her bed. Tracey had tears running down her cheeks while Harry was doing his best not to let a single tear spill out of his eyes. Daphne's heart warmed at seeing their happy relieved tears.

She raised her hands in front of her invitingly.

"Do you need a hug?" She asked, her own eyes moist.

Tracey and Harry chuckled as they joined her on the bed, both on either side of her. Harry pressed his face in her neck, Tracey did the same on the other side. Daphne smiled, pulling them tight against her. They stayed that way for 10 minutes, enjoying the feeling of closeness between them. Someone cleared their throat loudly.

Harry and Tracey sat on the stools after seeing that Madam Pomfrey was standing beside them.

She informed them that Daphne was good to go. Miraculously, her body was perfectly healed.

Tracey and Harry glanced at each other at that. After some more advice and warnings, Daphne left the hospital wing with her best friends. Usually, Harry would be in the centre, but today Daphne was in the middle, with her hands held by Tracey and Harry as they walked to the common room.


"So, you can save me and my sister with your power, but you've to do some illegal and unethical thing to my father?" Daphne sighed after hearing his plan.

"Yes. Well, there's another way. An extreme way. I can use the life debt to ask your hand in marriage, but I know it won't save your sister. Also, I've decided that I won't ever marry so it's not possible." he replied, missing the glances exchanged between the two girls.

"Okay, first, I agree with your method. I'm fine if in the end my father remains in one piece and second, why've you decided that you don't want to marry anyone ever?" She asked incredulously.

Tracey also nodded, wanting to know the answer. Harry titled his head as he thought how to explain his feelings about marriage.

"I just don't want any responsibility, I want to remain free forever. But if I marry someone, then I'll have loads of responsibilities and then I'll have children which will just add to all the previous responsibilities. And all this is just so much work and bother." he said nonchalantly.

The sad looks passed between the girls didn't go unnoticed by him. Harry sighed as he took their hands in his.

"Listen, let's confess. We all like each other very much and maybe we'll like each other in a romantic way in future or maybe we won't, but let me warn you, there is no upper rank than best friend in my relationship tier. So you guys are like in the top category of any relationship I'll ever make. For me, my best friends will be the most important people to me. You'll basically be my family. So if you've any dreams of a marriage involving me, it'll not become reality. I'm sorry if it's any consolation." he mumbled.

Tracey sniffled as she was most close to him and she'd started developing feelings for him. Daphne was mostly unaffected, as she had thought that she'd be Malfoy's wife.

"I need to go. I'd like to be alone for sometime." Tracey murmured, leaving the room.

Harry's shoulder sagged as he saw Tracey's damp eyes. After she went, Daphne glared at him.

"Seriously? You had to talk about that now? When there was no need to talk about marriages? We're just eleven for heaven's sake. You'd have let her stay in her fantasies for a little while." she hissed at him in anger.

"Sorry!" he said meekly. "I thought if I cleared the misconception early then we won't have to go through so much drama and heartbreak in future."

"Stupid boys." Daphne said under her breath.

"Let's forget we ever had this conversation and hope that Tracey does the same. Now let's return to our main topic. How're you going to save Astoria and destroy the betrothal contracts?" She asked.

He explained his plan in detail which made Daphne grin in anticipation.

"So, do you think Tracey is going to be angry at me forever?" He asked after their discussion was over, coming back to the sore topic. The thought of Tracey being sad made his heart ache.

"No, you're our best friend, she isn't angry, she is just disappointed. I mean it was partially your fault, you were always being lovey-dovey with her." Daphne said while smiling at him sympathetically.

"Aren't best friends supposed to act like that? I mean I behave the same way with you and you aren't crying that I am going to be a bachelor for my life." he asked dubiously.

Daphne shook her head in amusement.

"Sometimes I forget that you're socially inept. Well, it wasn't your fault, but it was your fault. And I didn't cry because I knew that my fate was sealed, that I was going to marry Malfoy, so I didn't have any hope, but if I wasn't already betrothed to Malfoy, I'd be sad. I'd have dreamed of marrying my best friend and living with him forever." she grinned.

"That doesn't make any sense, it's not like I'll leave Tracey behind, if she'd want, we'll live with each other forever. You're also included by the way, we're a trio after all. We three can live with each other forever, we don't have to marry each other for that." he replied heatedly.

"It doesn't work like that. She'll have to marry. And when she marries someone then she won't be able to live with us." Daphne replied mirthfully.

Harry's eyes widened as he gasped.

"Then I'll kill her husband so she'll live with us." Harry answered quickly. Daphne couldn't hold it any more and started laughing.

Harry glared at her, but it didn't have any effect on her.

"Then she'll hate you and still won't live with us" she told him when she was finished laughing.

'He is still childish in so many ways.' Daphne thought affectionately.

Harry was biting his lip, trying to think of a way to keep his best friends with him forever, his head filled with jealousy that someone will marry Tracey in the future. The thought of that made his blood boil.

"Don't worry. We still have many, many years to think about that. Maybe you'll change your mind and Tracey will marry you." she consoled him, patting his back.

"What about you? Would you think of marrying someone after I free you from Malfoy?" He asked her.

She shook her head, making him sigh in relief.

"My opinion on marriage is similar to yours. I don't need to marry if I've you by my side. You'll be the most powerful wizard and I'll be able to use your power to stop others from forcing me to marry anyone. I don't need to follow societal rules anymore since I have you." she smiled. Harry smiled as he pulled her into a firm hug.

"Great. Remember, whenever you need me I'll be there. Use me as much as you want, but just stay with me. Now we only have to find a way to convince Tracey not to marry anyone in future."

Daphne had a smile on her face as she hugged him goodnight. Harry was going to his room when Tracey came into the common room.

She walked to him and embraced him, not forgetting her deal of giving him regular hugs.

"Goodnight, Harry." she said gently.

"G... Goodnight, Tracey." he stuttered, feeling her face pressing on his neck. He blushed as her warm breath blew on his neck, goosebumps rising on his skin.

"Are you angry with me?" He asked when she pulled back.

She shook her head.

"No, I was disappointed, but not angry. I just, you know, imagined that we could be something more than friends when we grow up. I liked sleeping beside you, I thought we could do that forever if we marry each other in future. It was just a silly dream. I can't dictate your life just because I like waking up beside you." she smiled sadly.

Daphne raised her eyebrow when she heard that they had slept together, but didn't interrupt them.

"We'll of course do that. You, me and Daphne, sleeping in the same bed, cuddling with each other. We don't have to marry one another for that." he said.

Daphne rolled her eyes while Tracey blushed furiously.

"But you don't sleep with two people. You just sleep with your wife or husband." she exclaimed, throwing up her hands in exasperation.

"You, my dear Tracey, have to keep an open mind. If only we sleep together then Daphne will feel left out. I won't do that to her. She is after all my other best friend. How'll you feel if I ignore you and just talk with Daphne?" He asked her beseechingly.

Tracey opened her mouth to reply, but closed it not knowing what to say.

Daphne chuckled and said. "That is logical in a strange way."

Tracey gaped at them.

"You both are unbelievable." she grumbled, but there was no anger under it, only amusement.

Harry and Daphne grinned at each other and threw their arms around her from either side.

"By the way, Harry said that if you marry anyone, he'll kill your husband just so you could remain his. You're warned." Daphne laughed.

Tracey turned her head to look at Harry who was nodding shamelessly.

"Did you now? I better not marry anyone then." she giggled mischievously.

Harry beamed at them.

"Finally, I won't have to worry about you both leaving me." Harry said in relief.

The girls laughed at Harry.


The month of November was passed by helping Daphne catch up with her missed classes. The trio were again complete and happy. There were annoying moments when Draco tried to talk with Daphne as she was his betrothed. But everytime he ran away after looking at the disturbing look on Harry's face.

They spent their free time learning new spells and having fun together. The time for Christmas holidays had finally arrived. Daphne had decided to go home for Christmas as it was vital for her plan to destroy the betrothal contracts. Tracey on the other hand would keep Harry company. On the day when Daphne was going home, Harry decided to play his part in the plan. He approached Draco at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall.

"Draco, I need to talk with you. Would you mind coming with me?" He asked extra politely. Draco was scared, he didn't want to go anywhere alone with him, but he had no excuse to deny him– he knew Harry would find a way to corner him so he decided to get it over quickly. He nodded and followed Harry outside the great hall and into an empty classroom.

"Thank you for coming with me." Harry smiled.

"What do you want with me?" Draco asked.

Harry grinned as he suddenly touched his finger on Draco's forehead.

Draco went stiff, his eyes becoming blank. He was stunned and paralyzed. A purple tendril of magic entered inside Draco's head.

"Find your betrothal contact with Daphne and bring it to me. Use such methods not to raise any suspicion in your house. Bring that to me when you return from the holidays." he ordered.

Draco nodded jerkily. Harry rennervated him after that. The blond looked confused but asked again.

"What do you want with me?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say, Daphne doesn't like you. Stay away from her." Harry told him.

"She is my future wife. It's within my rights to talk to her." Draco sneered and scampered away, afraid that Harry would do something to him.

Harry watched his retreating figure delightedly.


Before long, it was Christmas morning. Harry woke up and after showering, he went into the common room. There weren't many students there, hardly a dozen Slytherin students opted to remain at the school instead of going home.

A soft body collided with him.

"Merry Christmas, Harry!" Tracey yelled in his ear.

Harry grinned as he clasped his hands around her waist.

"Geez, can you be a bit louder? I didn't hear you." Harry responded sardonically.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS, HARRY!" She shouted and smirked at him.

The other students and Harry put their hands on their ears.

They grumbled and left them alone, already used to the trio's antics.

"You know I was just being sarcastic and didn't really want you to yell louder?" He said, rubbing his ears.

"Oh! I didn't know." she said with a completely innocent look, too innocent look.

Harry shook his head in amusement and led her to the Christmas tree in the middle of the common room. They quickly found their presents and went to their place in the corner.

Harry received some interesting magical books from Tracey and Daphne. They both knew how much Harry liked reading. Hermione and Jasmine had sent him boxes of chocolates.

There was a gift from an unknown person too. Harry decided he would open this gift in his room. There was an ancient feel to that gift. He was suddenly jumped on by Tracey, making him stumble and fall on his back. She was on top of him and was kissing him all over his face.

"Ew, you have to stop doing that. You feel like an overexcited dog who always wants to lick their master's face." he laughed, but hugged her back.

She stopped kissing him and glared at him.

"Did you just compare me to a dog?"

"I mean you are super cute and huggable. It was a compliment." Harry said, trying to charm her with his smile.

She did step away from him, whether it was due to his 'charming' smile or not was a question. He stood up and found Tracey smiling at him.

"Thanks for the necklace. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

She was holding a black metal necklace. It was the darkest shade of black. There was a small circular emerald hanging from the chain. The emerald's border was a black snake biting its own tail. An ouroboros. The snake was very detailed. Its scales seemed real. It had two silver dots instead of eyes on its head. The metal had a certain lustre which was alluring. And the glowing emerald increased its beauty tenfold.

Overall, it was a very beautiful jewellery.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

She nodded and gave him another hug.

"Will you put it on me?" She requested.

Harry smiled as he took the chain in his hand. He gently removed her hair aside and slid his hands around her neck. He locked the clasp and gave her a hug from behind. She smiled and marvelled at the jewellery hanging at her breast.

She turned around and asked. "How do I look?"

She was wearing blue jeans and black t-shirt. She was also wearing a loose red sweater over her t-shirt. Her brunette hair was flowing freely behind her. The black ouroboros with an emerald gem in its centre was resting just above her chest.

Harry smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

"Beautiful. Most beautiful."

Tracey's lips quirked up at his praise, her cheeks turning red at seeing him with that loving look in his eyes. How the hell was she not supposed to fall for him?

"Are you going to just blush all day or are you coming to the Great Hall for breakfast?" Harry smirked. 'She looks so cute with that shy thoughtful look.'

"Let's go." she beamed, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the door.

Harry stopped and turned her. He tapped her nose playfully.

"Did you forget we have to put our presents in our room or otherwise someone else may mess with it."

"Oh!" She yelped and gathered her presents and ran to her room. Harry chuckled at her, but stopped when he eyed the unknown gift.

He picked up his presents and walked to his room.

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