
Why Did She Leave Him For Him?

THEY didn't make it back immediately because they had stopped by another park, one that had a swing.  

"Didn't you want to go back home?" Valeric asked as he followed her towards the swing. "And didn't your feet hurt?" 

"Keep quiet, sir. It's not hurting anymore." Stella gave him a nasty eyeroll and sat down on one of the swing seats. She glanced at him with a smile. "Push me."  

"Are you a child?" 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I've only ever seen kids do this."  

"But... I never got to do it. Is it a crime to want to do it now?" Her voice cracked in between her words, and Valeric quickly shook his head at her. "No, it's not." 

"Then push me and stop talking."  

The man sighed softly and walked over to stand behind her. He pushed her as high as she wanted with barely half of his strength and stepped to the side, his eyes following her movement as she swung back and forth.

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