

Claire headed towards her car, she couldn't shake the feeling of Joshua's departure.

Despite their rocky relationship, she missed his presence. It was as if a part of her life was missing, and it left her feeling empty.

Claire drove through the city streets, lost in thought about her next steps.

Suddenly, a truck sped through a red light, barreling towards her with frightening speed. Claire's eyes widened in fear, her instincts kicking in too late to escape the inevitable contact.

The impact was instant and brutal, the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass filling the air.

Claire's car was thrown to the side, crumpled and broken. Everything went black.

Moments later, onlookers crowded around the wreck, their terrified faces lit by the flashing lights of emergency vehicles. Paramedics worked quickly to remove Claire from the mangled remains of her car, their moves hurried yet careful.

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