
The Death of Heroes and a world  

{no pictures}

 The republic…. The republic filled their people with pretty words and lies…. Half-truths and half falsehoods… but one thing was certain… they craved the blood of the Sith, for the destruction of their homes and people…. But never did they blame the Jedi… For their rigidness brought this war onto themselves… 

 Promising peace as they stole children from their mothers… oh, how they brainwashed their kids younger than five… believing their ways were best… the only way…. Oh, how hubris of them…. Locking away strength for a promise of balance…. telling people it was an honor… a sacred duty… 

 Promising peace and security…. But security to who... To what… how many worlds did they promise this to? How many worlds did they leave to the mercy of slavers and crime thugs, as they debated pretty words with hidden linguistics…. Oh, how cut off were they from their own people's hearts… 

 It was within that cut that… the divided grew… shared sovereignty… yeah right! How was it shared? when one planet's voice is drowned out by another! MY PEOPLE DIDN'T GET A VOICE! 

 Forced to watch it burn form inside a stone rock… forced to see the passing of time over my people's corpse! Oh! The smirk on the republic's faces as they got away with genocide! Will forever be burned inside my mind, as I saw the passage of time erode away my people's flesh! 

 The desert sands covered up their crime… their sin… their secret… not did it matter… as I watched the republic cheer at their victory over an extinct race, whose voice did not matter… fine then… if my voice didn't matter… then I to will turn a deaf ear to yours! Oh! How I will savor every moment… for the time is short… just a sliver remains… 

 For when your stars fall… and your precious waters boil… note it was by your doing I set this up… for the time the force has given you is up… your lease has run out! It's our turn now! 


 →excerpt by journal of Lucifron← 

 Sish… a man of worthy note… whom my people looked up to… was now a man holding up the world on his shoulders… as the cave came collapsing all around him! The rocks never felt such heaviness…. Thought Sish as he looked into the eyes of the scared children and old mothers… With a scream of defiance, Sish yelled for them to escape, pleaded to them to run… as old men blew out the blood in their veins to help hold back the falling rocks… 


As Leon looked at the scene… the scene of men willing to give up their lives and stay behind to allow their partners or kids to escape, brought softness to his heart… a heart that showed its fragileness to the next scene, as the entrance to the cave exploded on the kids! 

 Blood and scorching fires! Drowned by screams and people rushing to the waters, as masked galactic troops, stormed inside and blasted till their hearts were content! While the old men watched as they focused on the roof above their heads… rage, and distraction caused more heaviness from the rocks…. With bloodshot eyes, and a ceiling kneeling to bombardment, Sish calls on the dark side for aid! 

 But power always comes at a cost! As the life drained from his body, he held the stones with one hand and with another crushed the throats of a dozen troops! As other men let go of their stones, they rushed to protect what they could, but the fires and blaster rounds destroyed the walls of art, and furniture for the weary, the old men turned on their sabers to a wall of unending troops and their machine of death! 

 Rockets of fire and grenades send out their shock waves through the waters, killing more with every wave of sound! Bone splintering and eyes bursting at the seams, the people in the water drink with their mouths and reach for the surface as they sink deeper in… a pool meant for life is now drowned in death… as men in masks line up to toss more bombs with a smirk of un-care ness… 

 As old men tried to stop them with swords, the masked men tossed out nets made of lighting to wrap them in place. The ones trapped received either forced blaster fire or stabs by masked men's swords! As blood escaped their lips from impaled swords, Sish received the worst end... As he watched the tiny hands of the children drowned in water... reach for him!

Their tears… their scars… and their fear… took the rest of his heart! With black blood oozing from his mouth, he let go of the ceiling! He let go… of the world… and with the burden lifted from his shoulders, he stared into the pools for just a moment as his body received shot after shot of blaster fire! Though he felt the blaster fire, and the shaking of the cave, he did not feel the pain… as his heart was drenched in a pain far worse than any injury could bear onto his body! 

 With cold shivered-up hands, he gently touched the face of a child in the water… and with his touch and the memories that flooded, the water turned from its pristine blue, into a blackness un-seeable! As more blaster fire and bombs of fire headed towards him…he looked up! 

 With eyes consumed by the dark side, the blasters and bombs hit a watery film that protected Sish, and with hatred so deep, he did not smile or grin or laugh… didn't yell or scream… he simply looked at them with great sadness at his enemy… as he raised his hand… 

 With water rising at his hand, it formed the figures of people as birds! Whom came together to form wings and talons of screaming souls. A giant bird made of black water, with eyes as scary as the Sith! Who dripped from them bright tears of color… 


As masked men continued to fire, even as the laser stopped mid-way over the water, they showed signs of panic! Fear whom Sish used to fester his dark side connection to! And as the fear reached its apex with the silencing of their guns, Sish set, lose his bird! With a screech, the bird races through the laser hanging above the waters! Consuming them and burning them out like dead stars! 


To faster to escape, the masked men were consumed by the black waters and pulled into their guts! Where they face the souls of the dead as vulture sharks! As they were consumed, the ship captain who hid among the stars of the planet, heard their screams over the comms, the people on the bridge of the ship looked at him with chills! 


The unnamed captain or the unknown captain, as he was later called, reached for the comm controls and turned them off, as he ordered the ship for another round of full bombardment onto the planet! When later asked how he felt about this incident, he simply replied: 


[this... This is the price for war…] 


With his bombardment came the end of the birthing pools, as Sish stood there in the waters…alone… withered, and dying… with bitter coughs, he looked up to the force granting him one last act of mercy…. As his vision turned the destruction around him into a happier time… with tears of joy and happy faces, as the rocks came tumbling down above his head…. 


As Leon watched and felt everything, smelled everything, like he was really there, he pondered on how great the force truly was… As the scene around him turned into a sea of fire! For at the epicenter of it all, he found himself in the middle of the village! 



Were masked men let lose their flamers on every building! He could smell the roasted flesh, feel the raging heat of the fires, he could see more scenes of death! The mask men didn't just shoot the people… no… that would be too quick… they wanted the Sith to feel every bit of their hatred! 



They went from home to home, from nest to nest, and set everything they could on fire and enjoyed every scream and every plea… monsters far worse than even the Sith were to their slaves… at least the Sith gave out quick deaths… but these republic scum, where troops comprise of those whose hatred for the Sith, grew far deeper than any physical scars, they may of have procured during their service or prior. 



Symbolized by the mythical depictions of a Duinuogwuin on their armor… these star dragons who stole fire from the stars, were the perfect fit for these troopers! Aggressive and angry, filled with burning coals, they terrorized the vacuum of space… of course, Leon knew of these legends, tales told since ancient times, a rarity to ever see one… 



Where a single bone could feed a man for a year, if brought to the right people… but now wasn't the time to reminisce about old tales and legends, as he was witnessing one pass before his very eyes! For a man stood in the midst of the fire like a phoenix bird daring to challenge a dragon! 


Scorched by fire, and burned feathers that melted like wax, the man screeched as he griped the fire around him! At aw at the scene, the world suddenly stopped, as Leon heard the voice of Lucifron say with complex emotion: 


{Ah... this is the final stand of a man of war… Krilnuk, our sun priest…} 


[a sun priest? Your people worship the sun?] ask Leon 


{yes, as all cultures did for a time… though he was to be the last in that dying tradition… oh, Horuset….} 


[Horuset?] repeated Leon confused 


{Horuset was the name of our star… beautiful… a beauty of red like no other… that held with in a little secret…} 


[ a secret?] 


{yes, a terrible secret… that the force gave us as a gift…} replied Lucifron cryptically as the frozen time began to spin again before Leon could get the next word in. 


As the time spun, Leon found himself behind Krilnuk, as his body soaked the flames for another! For behind his massive body, hid not warriors but simply village folk… who cried to the priest as his ancestral robes burned, as his staff of pure gold became as liquid metal in claws, but a back filled with pristine feathers! 


But as he soaked the fire, his will in the force waned with the sun, as his wings became charcoal, and the light in his eye burned out… but as the blood pumped in his heart like calcine fire, his body twitched to the sound of the people at his back screams, while they burned as he felled! 


With each pump, he swore to the sun a promise for power… the force in the sun, heard its child call… and granted him its power in exchange for more than he had left! A limit… no a sliver of time before he became but ash! Knowing his time was short, Krilnuk raised himself up, as the ends of his wings turned but a blazed fire to replace his missing feather tips, with a tattoo that glowed across his back in the shape of a noble bird, runic and majestic and bold, was the fire he breathed over his foes! 


As Jedis reached for his neck, he laughed a grin as he burned their puny force pushes away! With claws that melted the hardest metals, he rendered his pound of flesh and more! With blaster and rocket bombs only adding to his flames, Krilnuk breathed into tanks till they popped, until a certain sword stabbed him through his force shields and into the heart! 


As cracks formed through his body, Krilnuk coughed out his blood made of ash, as he looked to the Jedi who stabbed him! A Jedi he recognized… for it was master Ooroo! And so with dying rage, Krilnuk screeched as he raced toward Master Ooroo, but with each step, he lost a part of himself through the cracks in his skin, with baster holes and stabs accumulating, Krilnuk did not care as he was a talon away from reaching the bane of his people! 


With ferocity, he stretched out his claw! But as the tip of his talon touched the seam of Ooroo's robe, he broke into a simple sand dune! Standing on the ash of his foe, Ooroo felt no joy as he reclaimed his saber, and with a grimacing grin, he looked at Leon as if he could really see him, a feeling that sank Leon's heart with shock! 


It was then in a swirl of dust, the vision changed to a different time… a time after the burning and the pillaging… it was the time of the hunt! 


edits throughout the week.

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