
Planning Next Steps in City Thirteen

Two hours after meeting with Electa again, Liam felt his companion stop moving as soon as the two come, and she relaxed the full weight of her body on top of his.

They were still connected as they lay in an embrace, their sweaty skins touching each other in different parts of their bodies.

Liam could feel her knees close to his arms while the hard nipples of her breasts pressed against his chest.

Her face was slumped under his left shoulder, her agitated breathing sounding loud in his ear.

But he wasn't in the best physical shape either. With his mouth open, breathing in huge gulps of air, he could feel his chest rising and falling, his heart beating wildly to the beat of a drum.

Surprisingly, even after over two hours of cultivation, he still felt like he could go on for a while!

'It seems my stamina has surpassed hers...' Liam thought in silence as soon as their cultivation was over, noticing the differences between before and now.

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