
Chapter 4

 Trenton was back at work a little bit exhausted from the recorded videos of termination he had managed to get and watch the previous night. 

 "God! Why do I have to be the one in this mess" he wondered aloud. 

 " No mess is gonna be greater than the mess you might add to add to that list if boss catches you slacking, What gives?" Zach a collegue of Trent said cutting him out of his rêverie. 

 " Well I'm in a tight position right now" Trenton said and gave a tight smile and Zach shook his head in concern. 

 " The problem with you Trent, is that you wear all your problems on your sleeves, anyway if it's something I can help you with please don't hesitate to ask, you will let me know won't you?" He asked worriedly. 

 " Yeah of course, oh and how was your date was she as pretty as you had exaggerated her to be?" Trenton said hoping to change the topic. 

 " I never got to meet the damned son of a gun" he swore " I'd had my doubts when she had asked me for a whooping three thousand dollars"

 " Did you send the money" Trenton asked sick with worry over his friend who had been played. 

 " Yeah but not all I told her to meet me at a restaurant to take the rest" he replied seeing the worry in his colleague's face he added jovially " Augh c'mon don't get all morose on me now, you warned me enough" and he had indeed advising him to meet a woman the regular way in a bar over too many drinks instead of the online chatroom and dating apps he employed. 

 Suddenly he noticed a little pandemonium as their boss had arrived and they managed to get to their work stations quick enough to begin working in earnest. 

 Three hours later, Trenton started feeling sick there was a strange sound ringing in his head and distorted images of "termination" kept floating in his eyes, he closed his eyes and blinked hard twice it seemed that helped clear his head, that moment his fingers began to move off their own accord typing furiously on his desktop keyboard causing the words "Termination" appear repeatedly on his screen at alarming rates, the sound of his particular typing filled the whole room and ended up drawing attention to him, Zach actually had to stand up, walk across the room and lay a hand on Trenton's shoulder.

 " Mind not taking out your anger on the desktop, unless of course you've got some money stashed somewhere to replace it" he said in good humor but stepped back subconsciously when he saw the frightening look in his eyes, his eyes were literally red like actually glowing red, he blinked and saw his eyes normal again almost like he had only imagined it. 

 " Um Zach I need your help I've got to go somewhere could you please cover for me?" He asked. 

 "Er I don't know, how long are you gonna be away" he asked warily. 

 " I'll be there and back as soon as I can, I promise" Trenton assured him. 

 " Okay good luck and Godspeed" he waved as Trenton disappeared through the door as quick as lightening, he was out of there in no time and had just gotten to a secluded spot of the building before speaking. 

 " What's it this time Veronica" he said curtly. 

 " why were you tryna get my attention?" He demanded

 " Well boss, the termination game is about to start" it replied. 

 " What!! It's in the middle of the day a lot of onlookers on the way would get hurt, I thought this happens at night" he said shocked. 

 " I think he's decided to move things up a little here's a direct audio tape" it replied and made a little click " Termination gamers gear up!" A distorted mechanized voice barked. 

 " Well let's get this shit over with he said defeated and as though on cue a he became engulfed in a glowing red laser ball that emanated from the plate and started spinning gaining speed until it attained a speed of one thousand round per minute and made a slight explosion, a changed Trenton Renfield dropped to the ground in a super hero stance covered from his head to toe in a dark coloured metal alloy of titanium, carbon fiber and steel with the exception of his lips which were left exposed. 

 " Ooooh yeah" he whooped. 

 " Activating speed boasters" it said and Trent was about to refuse when he suddenly broke off in a mad sprint at two hundred miles per hour and counting. 

 " whoooooaaa" He yelled. 

 He dashed at an alarming speed of two hundred and fifty miles going past cars and buildings per hour stopping in front of a mansion located in a quiet neighborhood with a tall perimeter fence spanning the length of the building.

 " Hey" he said breathless from the adrenaline rush, and gained entrance into the building all the while scanning his immediate surroundings, it seemed no one was home. 

 " Do you think we arrived too early..." He offered and within a minute a fraction of the Eastern wall in the room they stood got disintegrated and an Android with a cowboy hat and jacket came in with two fierce looking robotic dogs. 

 " great our first contender's home" he said impassively and smirked. 

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