
Four Joys

A few days later, Murong Feng received an excited call from Ye Zi: "Murong, I passed the 'Sponsor Representative' exam!!!"

The results of this year's Sponsor Representative Competency Exam had been announced, and Ye Zi had incredibly passed on her first attempt, becoming one of only five people from Galaxy Securities to do so this year.

Murong Feng was thrilled for her. Ye Zi excitedly said she could return to Beijing that weekend, and since she had passed the exam, her work would certainly be adjusted. This news delighted Murong Feng even more.

Sometimes, a small decision can change the course of one's life, like Murong Feng buying a lottery ticket or Ye Zi taking the Sponsor Representative exam.

Everything that happened after Ye Zi returned to Beijing felt like a dream.

The president of Galaxy Securities' investment banking department personally met with her, offering words of encouragement and promising her the lead signing role on the company's most promising upcoming project. This would allow Ye Zi to register as an official Sponsor Representative within a year. Additionally, the company would adjust her position and salary. Ye Zi was promoted directly from Investment Manager (M) to Business Director (D), skipping two levels - Vice President (VP) and Senior Vice President (SVP). Typically, even finance graduates with master's degrees would need 7-8 years to climb these ranks. Her annual salary was increased to 500,000 yuan, and with year-end bonuses and other benefits, her total compensation would easily exceed one million yuan per year.

Ye Zi felt dizzy with the news!

Although she knew passing the Sponsor Representative exam would open up opportunities for advancement, when it actually happened, she could hardly believe it.

Thankfully, Murong Feng was by her side.

While Murong Feng was also surprised, he thought about Ye Zi's hard work over the past six months and felt it made sense. He even admired Ye Zi, knowing how difficult the Sponsor Representative exam was. As someone in the finance industry, he had some idea of its challenges. Ye Zi's achievement spoke volumes about her dedication.

One evening over dinner, Ye Zi sought Murong Feng's advice on a dilemma.

"Murong, I've been getting calls from several securities firms and headhunters over the past couple of days. They want me to switch companies and are offering great conditions and benefits. What do you think I should do?"

Murong Feng smiled. "What are your thoughts?"

Ye Zi shook her head, troubled. "I don't know. My mind is a mess. I feel the company has been good to me. When I was an intern, there were many finance graduates from famous foreign universities interning with me, but they chose to hire me. Without that, I might not have found a job after graduation. Although the work is tiring, my colleagues are nice and willing to help. I don't want to leave just because I've had some success... But I'm also quite interested in joining CICC."

Murong Feng was surprised. "CICC?"

China International Capital Corporation (CICC) was China's first Sino-foreign joint venture investment bank. It held a dominant position in the domestic investment banking industry across various areas including IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, equity financing, and debt financing. It was undoubtedly the leader among Chinese investment banks.

He hadn't expected CICC to be interested in Ye Zi.

Ye Zi nodded. "Yes, on our last project, we were joint underwriters with CICC, so our teams worked together. I got to know some people from their investment banking department. Yesterday, Wang Jingsheng, a Managing Director from CICC's investment banking division, called me and said he'd like me to join them..." Her brows furrowed, clearly troubled by the decision.

Murong Feng smiled. "Looks like our Ye Zi is in high demand!" Seeing Ye Zi's mock anger, he quickly raised his hands in surrender and asked, "So tell me, why are you interested in CICC? Better compensation? Better environment?"

Ye Zi shook her head. "I don't need that much money, and the compensation difference isn't huge. But I really like the feel of working at CICC!" Her face lit up as she continued, "The atmosphere at our company is quite relaxed, almost like a state-owned enterprise, with a strong administrative flavor. But CICC is different. Their work style is very similar to international investment banks on Wall Street - highly professional, with high-caliber people... The work environment is completely different. They always seem to be doing big, meaningful things, and they're proud of it!" Although her words were a bit jumbled, they conveyed her thoughts clearly.

Murong Feng understood and smiled. "I respect your decision, but if you want my advice, I think going to CICC would be better."

Ye Zi looked at him with her beautiful big eyes. "Why?"

Murong Feng teased, "Can't we imitate Wang Jianlin & Lin Ning? Power couples for the win!" This earned him a flurry of playful punches from Ye Zi.

He caught her small fists and explained with a smile, "We always need to look forward. Galaxy Securities has undoubtedly nurtured you these past two years, but haven't you also worked hard for them? Working late into the night, business trips lasting 2-3 months - you've already repaid the company with your work. Plus, passing the Sponsor Representative exam was your own effort. I remember some companies give their employees a month off before the exam to study, but you were on a business trip in Sichuan until the day before the exam! So your achievement is the result of your own hard work, not the company's doing."

"Since CICC offers the work environment you prefer and they've invited you, why not go? You're not going to work at Galaxy forever. I think for you, CICC represents an opportunity for growth. So my suggestion is to consider making the move."

Murong Feng's analysis was logical, and Ye Zi nodded in agreement.

She looked at Murong Feng, her pretty face suddenly breaking into a radiant smile. With an adorably admiring expression, she said, "Murong, you're amazing! You easily solve any problem!"

Murong Feng laughed. "Stop flattering me!"

The couple continued their cheerful banter, enjoying a delightful dinner.

After that night, Ye Zi accepted Wang Jingsheng's invitation and visited CICC's office in the China World Trade Center for a brief interview. CICC offered her a very attractive contract.

The position was Senior VP, which was lower than the role offered by Galaxy, but it involved interacting with much higher-level clients. More importantly, Ye Zi felt more at ease with this position, as she had been uncomfortable with being promoted to such a high-ranking role so soon after graduation. While the salary wasn't as inflated as Galaxy's offer, it still provided an annual income of several hundred thousand yuan, which was more than enough for her needs.


Murong Feng kept a low profile about the formation of Fengyu Interactive, not wanting to attract media attention. However, in this age of online communication, an employee from one of the companies leaked an email Murong Feng had sent to all staff members onto an IT forum. The news quickly spread, revealing Murong Feng's latest move to the industry.

Industry insiders analyzed the significance of Murong Feng's actions, clearly pointing out that through this new acquisition, he had completed the integration of his companies, paving the way for the newly established corporation to go public overseas. The article praised Murong Feng's approach to capital operations, making him feel almost embarrassed when he read it.

In the following days, Murong Feng received a call from the EMBA office of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, informing him that he had passed the admission interview. They congratulated him on becoming a student of the 14th EMBA cohort and requested that he transfer the 520,000 yuan tuition fee (covering textbooks, handouts, an international business trip, refreshments, and use of library and network facilities). They also invited him to attend the Beijing Alumni Association's welcome dinner for the new EMBA class next month.

Although Murong Feng had been expecting this, he was still delighted. He called He Yajun and Su Zhong, who had also received notifications. As the three had previously discussed, they had become new classmates and agreed to meet up again soon.

And good news continued to arrive.

A month later, during the new round of elections for various levels of People's Congresses and Political Consultative Conferences, Murong Feng was smoothly elected as a member of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference, representing the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce.

As a CPPCC member, he would exercise the functions of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs. This included attending regular CPPCC work, such as various meetings; participating in on-site inspections and checks on the implementation of national economic and social development plans and party and state policies by various departments, units, and grassroots organizations; implementing new experiences and offering criticisms and suggestions on existing problems; conducting specialized investigations and research; submitting proposals; and reflecting social conditions and public opinion. Although he wouldn't wield actual power, his role would carry significant social influence.

As for Huang Jue, due to the negative impact of the previous incident, he didn't even receive a nomination for this round of elections. It was a case of "being too clever for one's own good." He no longer needed to consider a future political career and could focus on being a businessman.

When Murong Feng entered the Beijing West Hotel with a smile and confident stride to attend the first plenary session of the new Municipal CPPCC, his appearance drew significant attention from the media present.

A young multimillionaire, an intellectual elite, and a figure full of talking points becoming a new CPPCC member able to participate in political discussions, deliberate on state affairs, and reflect public opinion - this embodied distinct characteristics of the times and held great representative significance. The media were eager to interview him further.

Murong Feng briefly accepted an interview with the municipal TV news reporter outside the venue, expressing his excitement. He stated that he would earnestly fulfill his responsibilities as a CPPCC member, do his best in his work, take on more social responsibilities, and make greater contributions.

Among this term's Municipal CPPCC members, his youth and brilliance were eye-catching. Some reports referred to him as a "star member," not in the sense of an entertainment celebrity, but because his fame and the aura surrounding his various titles shone as brightly as a star.

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