
Mr. Tang

Fuyou Street is located in the southeast of Xicheng District. It stretches from West Chang'an Street in the south to Xianmen Street in the north. The street was named during the Republic of China because it was situated to the right of the Presidential Palace. On October 10, 1913, Yuan Shikai assumed the presidency, and the Presidential Palace was established in Zhongnanhai. The street to the west of the Presidential Palace was renamed Fuyou Street.

This is a beautiful and quiet street. Both sides of the street are lined with lush Chinese scholar trees, creating a canopy of green. To the east lies the western wall of Zhongnanhai, an 18-foot-high red wall topped with golden glazed tiles, which is part of the western wall of the Ming and Qing imperial city.

Murong Feng initially thought that the old man of the Tang family lived in the legendary, highly guarded Xishan villas, where numerous state leaders reside. Instead, Tang Qing brought him here.

As they turned from the bustling Chang'an Street into Fuyou Street, the atmosphere instantly became serene.

The street was quiet, with cars lining up and driving silently. Occasionally, special license plates turned into the gates on the right side, where soldiers saluted and directed traffic. A few police officers stood or walked along the street. A soldier briskly marched past, and there were few pedestrians. The few people present either walked in pairs, whispering, or strolled under the shade of the elm trees, giving the street a slightly desolate feel.

The dappled shadows and sparse human presence exuded a sense of mystery and solemnity, which was Murong Feng's primary impression of the street.

Tang Qing's car signaled left and suddenly turned into a narrow alley just wide enough for the car. The mottled walls and tightly closed courtyard doors gave the alley an ancient and deep feel.

At the end of the alley was a wide courtyard gate, with red doors and two small stone lions in front, exuding an aura of historical prestige. Two soldiers stood guard, adding a touch of unspoken authority. Recognizing Tang Qing's license plate, the soldiers saluted and opened the gate, allowing the car to drive directly into the courtyard. Murong Feng then realized that the courtyard was much more extensive than it appeared from the outside.

The front yard, spanning over a hundred square meters, had several different types of cars parked, including military, special license plates, and various high-ranking vehicles. Murong Feng was stunned by the sight, his first direct experience of what it meant to belong to the privileged class. Just seeing those license plates hinted at their authority in the capital.

Tang Qing, unfazed by the scene, smiled, "Let's go, the old man usually enjoys tea in the backyard at this time." Despite her previous anxiety, being the most cherished princess of the family, she felt a mix of excitement and impatience at the thought of seeing her father. Her busy work schedule and living independently meant she visited her father less frequently.

As for what the old man wanted to discuss with Murong Feng, she considered it a conversation between two men. She liked Murong Feng, and even her father couldn't change that. With this clear in her mind, her anxiety faded.

Having studied abroad and worked in foreign enterprises, Tang Qing lacked the natural fear of elders typical in traditional Chinese families. Especially since her father doted on her, she wasn't as afraid of him as her siblings. Talking and laughing with Murong Feng, they walked through the corridors toward the inner courtyard.

Murong Feng observed the surroundings, secretly amazed. What he initially thought was an ordinary courtyard turned out to be a grand estate with several courtyards, carved beams, painted pillars, and interconnected corridors, similar to ancient mansions. Considering its location and Beijing's current real estate prices, one could imagine the wealth and power it represented.

As they crossed the corridor, a middle-aged man in a white short-sleeved shirt approached with a friendly smile, "Qing'er, you're back! The old man has been waiting for you." He then looked at Murong Feng with a smile, extending his hand, "Hello, I'm Song Fanzhong, Secretary to Mr. Tang."

Murong Feng quickly smiled and shook hands, "Hello, Secretary Song!" Knowing that a secretary to someone of the old man's rank held significant influence, he was very polite.

Song Fanzhong's sharp eyes quickly assessed Murong Feng, and a smile of approval appeared on his face. He said to both, "Please come in, the old man is in his study." Then he turned to lead the way.

Murong Feng glanced at Tang Qing, who gave him a reassuring smile, which instantly calmed him. He returned her smile, regained his usual composed demeanor, and followed Song Fanzhong into the house.

Murong Feng expected Mr. Tang's study in this authentic courtyard to be in an antique style but was surprised to find it resembling the homes of leaders from the 60s and 70s seen on TV. The old sofa was covered with a beige slipcover, and a landscape painting of snow-capped mountains and flowing rivers hung on the opposite wall, reminiscent of the famous painting "Such Magnificent Mountains and Rivers" in the Great Hall of the People.

Murong Feng was momentarily lost in thought before noticing the elderly man behind a large desk on the right, writing with a brush.

Although over seventy, the old man was hale and hearty. Hearing them enter, he continued his calligraphy without looking up. Song Fanzhong stood silently at the door, waiting for instructions.

Old Tang calmly finished his final stroke, lifted his wrist, and smiled, "Today's piece turned out quite well." He looked up and said to Song Fanzhong, "Little Song, you can go now. Ask Aunt Chen to prepare a few more dishes; Little Qing and her guest will have dinner here."

Song Fanzhong respectfully agreed, turned, and left without giving Murong Feng another glance.

Murong Feng was unsure how to address him. Grandpa Tang? That's too awkward... Vice-Chairman Tang ? He's no longer in office and that's too formal. Seeing Mr Tang looking at him, he quickly said, "Hello, Uncle Tang, I'm Murong Feng."

Old Tang smiled warmly and nodded. His eyes were gentle and kind, like an elderly man taking a stroll in the park. Murong Feng wondered if it was just his imagination, but he felt a subtle pressure when Tang Henian looked at him, which eased once the gaze moved away. He was inwardly astonished.

Tang Qing had remained quiet upon entering, seeing her father writing. Now, she cheerfully called out, ran over to hug his arm, and said, "Daddy, I missed you so much!" Tang Henian's face lit up with joy, "Qing'er, you still remember to visit your old man?" Tang Qing pouted, "I went to the Northeast on a business trip and brought back a bottle of ginseng wine from Uncle Zhang for you. And didn't I just visit you? How can you say I don't remember?" Tang Henian laughed and nodded, "Alright, alright, it's my mistake. Qing'er is the best and cares the most for me." Tang Qing, satisfied, said, "That's more like it." Noticing Murong Feng's discomfort, she wanted to make her beloved feel better and led Tang Henian to sit on the sofa, sweet-talking him.

Tang Henian laughed, "Murong Feng, come, have a seat." Murong Feng respectfully sat on a single sofa. Tang Henian chatted with Tang Qing, occasionally glancing at Murong Feng, who listened calmly and politely.

After a while, Tang Henian lightly patted Tang Qing's hand, "Alright, Qing'er, you've been talking for so long, we've neglected our guest." Tang Qing glanced at Murong Feng, "Murong is patient and understanding. Right, Murong?" Murong Feng smiled. Next to her father, Tang Qing seemed ten years younger, displaying a rare playful charm.

Tang Henian chuckled, "Alright, you little girl, still so headstrong. Why don't you go check on your third sister-in-law? She seemed to have something to discuss with you." Tang Qing was surprised, "Is Third Sister-in-law at home today? I didn't hear anything when we came in." She also understood that her father wanted to have a private conversation with Murong Feng, so she stood up and smiled, "Alright, I'll go find her. You two have a good chat."

Before leaving, she gave Murong Feng a look, signaling him to be cautious. Murong Feng responded with a smile.

After Tang Qing left, the study suddenly fell silent. Tang Henian continued to smile warmly at Murong Feng, but Murong Feng gradually felt the same pressure he had felt during their initial eye contact. As a junior, especially in front of such a prominent figure, he could only wait respectfully for Tang Henian to speak. Clenching his teeth secretly, Murong Feng maintained an increasingly composed smile on his face.

Tang Henian suddenly spoke, "Murong Feng, you must be wondering why I wanted to meet you." Murong Feng quickly responded, "Uncle Tang wanted to see if I am a worthy friend for Janney." This was the only reason he could think of. Although he had intended to keep this thought to himself, under Tang Henian's silent pressure, it slipped out.

Tang Henian shook his head with a smile, "At home, let's not use those foreign names. It's because I indulged her by sending her abroad that she's like this now. I don't interfere with Qing'er's choice of friends; as long as she likes them, it's fine. I just wanted to see you." His gaze was deep and inscrutable.

Murong Feng was stunned, "See me?"

Tang Henian did not explain further. Instead, he pointed to the landscape painting on the wall and asked, "You seemed interested in that painting when you came in?" Murong Feng was astonished. He had assumed Tang Henian was engrossed in his calligraphy, but he had noticed his interest. Nodding, Murong Feng replied, "Yes, I've seen a large version of this 'Such Magnificent Mountains and Rivers' in the Great Hall of the People." Tang Henian nodded, "Yes, this was painted by Mr. Fu Baoshi himself and given to me. If you look closely, you'll notice a different style compared to the one in the Great Hall, which was a collaborative work between Mr. Fu and Mr. Guan. Their styles belong to the Nanjing and Lingnan schools of painting, respectively, each with its unique charm."

Tang Henian, perhaps reminiscing about his friendship with Fu Baoshi, seemed momentarily melancholic. However, a man of his stature and experience quickly regained his composure.

"Murong Feng, what are your dreams?" Tang Henian suddenly asked. His eyes radiated a peculiar light, like a deity gazing upon mortals, making Murong Feng feel uncomfortable. The scholarly pride against authority within him surged up. "Uncle Tang, what do you mean by that?" Murong Feng never imagined he would one day confront Tang Henian's aura. But now, he felt no reservations, forgetting Tang Henian's identity. This was a natural reaction, a counterattack triggered by one man's pressure against another.

Tang Henian was slightly taken aback. He had not expected the young man who had been respectful and composed since entering to have such spirit. A smile crept onto his face.

Perhaps this young man had some merits after all.

The Tang family was a family of power. Although it had been a wealthy family since the days of Tang Henian's father, who was a prominent businessman in northern Jiangsu, it truly flourished when Tang Henian rose through the military ranks. Having participated in the Korean War and earned a first-class merit, and served in various top military positions, Tang Henian, now a retired vice-chairman, had friends and subordinates all over the country. His three sons and son-in-law wielded significant influence in politics, military, and business. In this land, there were few things that could truly capture Tang Henian's attention because, to him, they were insignificant.

Except for Tang Qing, his most cherished daughter, born when he was over forty.

Murong Feng was, so far, the only man Tang Qing had shown interest in.

This was why he wanted to see Murong Feng. If he found Murong Feng to be an empty shell, he had ways to make Tang Qing give him up. But if Murong Feng was genuinely outstanding, he would encourage Tang Qing to hold onto him.

Tang Henian no longer needed to arrange political marriages for his daughter. He cared about Tang Qing's true happiness, which meant finding someone she liked and who was worthy of her. He could easily discern whether someone was worthy after years of experience.

Seeing the spirit in Murong Feng, Tang Henian was pleased. At least this young man was not a spineless sycophant. But would he succumb to temptations of wealth and power?

Tang Henian smiled warmly, retracting his aura, "You should know about the Tang family. If you have any wishes, I can help you achieve them." The power of the Tang family was enough to fulfill any ordinary person's dreams, a strong temptation indeed.

At this moment, Murong Feng, though in a mood, spoke earnestly, "Thank you, Uncle Tang, but I prefer to achieve my dreams on my own. Only then can life be meaningful."

Tang Henian nodded approvingly yet shook his head. Murong Feng was indeed not swayed by power. According to his third son, Murong Feng had political aspirations. If Tang Henian spoke up, his path would become much smoother. Yet he easily gave it up. While it was commendable, it also indicated a somewhat stubborn character, lacking the ambition and strategy to leverage power.

Tang Henian thought for a moment but then let it go. The Tang family had enough power and did not need an ambitious son-in-law. Having principles was still a good thing.

Tang Henian grew increasingly fond of Murong Feng. His tone softened, and the invisible pressure vanished. Looking at Tang Henian, who now seemed like an ordinary old man, Murong Feng felt ashamed of his earlier attitude. Unable to hold back, he sincerely apologized, "Uncle Tang... I'm sorry for my attitude earlier. I understand you meant well, but I have my own principles."

Tang Henian waved it off with a smile, "It's alright. Tell me, what are your principles?" He was genuinely curious.

Murong Feng replied confidently, "Only by maintaining one's dignity can one earn respect from others. Only through one's own efforts can the fruits of labor be truly sweet."

Tang Henian laughed heartily, "Good, very good. That's an excellent principle. Murong Feng, I hope you stick to it."

Tang Qing, who had been worried about the meeting, found the outcome perfect. Tang Henian's appreciation of Murong Feng was enough for her. She trusted her father's judgment completely, and his approval meant she had not chosen the wrong person. The future was now in the hands of the young couple.

From her third sister-in-law, Tang Qing learned that her third brother had influenced Murong Feng's invitation to join the CYEA. Instead of feeling grateful, she was furious. Tang Qing disliked her family interfering in her life, especially her relationships. Her third brother, who intended to please her, ended up getting scolded, leaving him with a wry smile.

After a sumptuous dinner, Tang Qing and Murong Feng left the large residence.

Driving down the brightly lit Chang'an Street, reflecting on the high-walled compound they had just left, Murong Feng felt the day's events had been surreal.

Looking at Tang Qing, Murong Feng didn't know what to say. After a long silence, he said, "Janney, I suddenly feel like having a drink."

Meeting Tang Henian today had made him feel firm in his principles. However, internally, he was plagued by conflicting emotions. Ye Zi, Tang Qing... The more Tang Qing's family appreciated him, the more fearful he became, as if he was walking a path he could no longer control, with the future becoming increasingly unclear.

Wealth couldn't decide everything. Holding millions yet feeling troubled and torn, Murong Feng finally understood.

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