
Tang Qing's Background

Tang Qing laughed softly, and Murong Feng was immediately struck by her beauty. Already stunning, she looked even more dazzling in a white fencing suit, exuding an aura of elegance and heroism. Her eyebrows were like crescent moons, and her eyes sparkled like stars, her beauty so radiant it was almost overwhelming.

"Seeing the name on the leaderboard, I thought it might be you. Murong Feng is quite a distinctive name, and sure enough, I was right," Tang Qing said with a hint of pride.

Murong Feng sighed. "Miss Tang, can men and women compete in fencing together?" 

Tang Qing stepped onto the piste with a smile and said, "Why not? Internal club matches aren't formal competitions; it's just about sparring. Come on, let Sister Tang teach you a few moves!" She donned her mask and took up her starting position.

Murong Feng couldn't back down now. He stepped onto the piste, put on his mask, and they stood facing each other, saluting with their swords and assuming their stances.

Murong Feng studied Tang Qing carefully. Once she put on her mask, her demeanor transformed. Her previous allure vanished, replaced by a cold, faintly menacing aura, and her sword tip trembled slightly.

Murong Feng was secretly impressed. Tang Qing, trained by a world-class expert, displayed an imposing presence right from the start. He adopted a defensive stance, not daring to attack hastily.

Seeing his cautious defense, Tang Qing chuckled and lunged forward with a powerful attack, a grand step aiming for his head. Murong Feng retreated half a step, raising his sword to parry, but Tang Qing feinted and swiftly struck his neck. 1:0. Murong Feng felt frustrated but recognized her agility and speed. If he allowed her to keep attacking, he might not be able to defend himself effectively.

He then decided to go on the offensive. His footwork was nimble, and his strikes were quick, managing to score two hits.

This made Tang Qing take him more seriously. She realized that his quick closing speed and powerful, fast strikes gave him a natural advantage. Despite his lack of refined technique, his simple and rapid attacks were effective.

Fencing is ultimately about skill. Once Tang Qing became serious, Murong Feng found it hard to land hits. She defended and counterattacked deftly, landing several hits on his neck and wrists, even executing complex moves like two-and-a-half-step lunges. Their exchanges were exciting, and even the onlooking coaches nodded approvingly.

By the end of the match, Tang Qing won 15:10. Murong Feng, drenched in sweat, removed his mask and replayed every move in his mind, realizing how much he had learned. Tang Qing's fencing was intricate, her strikes unpredictable and agile, often leaving him defenseless.

Looking at Tang Qing's beautiful face after she removed her mask, Murong Feng felt less wary of her and more impressed. Her fencing skills revealed her formidable nature.

Tang Qing, on the other hand, was equally surprised. Despite training with top-tier champion Annelise Touya for over a year, she found herself occasionally flustered by Murong Feng, a novice. His natural talent for fencing was evident. She, too, had a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. Smiling, she said, "Murong Feng, your fencing is quite good. Give it some more time, and I might not be able to match you."

Murong Feng shook his head with a smile. "Miss Tang's fencing is impressive. I am in awe. I hope to learn more from you in the future."

Tang Qing playfully scolded, "I told you not to keep calling me Miss Tang. We're quite familiar with each other now. How about this? I'll call you Murong like everyone else, and you can call me Janney."

Murong Feng hesitated for a moment. Although he wasn't keen on getting too close to her, they had met several times and known each other for a while. It seemed too formal to keep being overly polite. Besides, she had taken the initiative. He nodded and smiled, "Alright, Janney."

Hearing him call her that, Tang Qing smiled happily and said, "That's better. Murong, do you have time? Shall we chat over coffee?" The club had its own café, with a very elegant ambiance.

Tang Qing had invited Murong Feng several times before, but he always found excuses to decline. After their match today, he felt it would be impolite to refuse again. He nodded and agreed, "Alright, see you in the café in half an hour."

After sweating during their match, Murong Feng took a shower, changed out of his fencing suit, and headed to the club's café.

The café at the fencing club featured large glass walls and white sofas. Afternoon sunlight streamed through the tinted glass walls, filling the room. The background music was Sade's "Kiss of Life," a crystalline, sweet, leisurely, soothing, melancholic, and ethereal melody flowing like a gentle romantic poem. The café was quiet, with only a few patrons. Tang Qing hadn't arrived yet. Murong Feng found a seat by the window and ordered a glass of iced water.

After the intense fencing match, relaxing in the comfortable café felt delightful. He closed his eyes, enjoying the soft music and the warm sunlight.

When Tang Qing entered, dressed in a light yellow Chanel casual suit, she immediately saw him relaxing with his eyes closed. Smiling slightly, she walked over and sat opposite him, watching him with interest.

Sensing someone's arrival, Murong Feng opened his eyes, sat up slightly, and smiled. "This is my first time here; the café has a great atmosphere!"

Tang Qing waved to the waiter to order while saying, "The entire architecture of this fencing club was designed by the famous Hong Kong architect, Rocco Yim. He has a masterful way of using large glass walls and manipulating light."

Murong Feng smiled. Tang Qing's casual mention of the architect's name and style made him realize the elegance and luxury she was accustomed to. He couldn't help but feel that such a place was out of reach for someone like him without his newfound wealth.

Tang Qing ordered a cup of tea for herself and, noticing Murong Feng drinking iced water, smiled and said, "You're quite health-conscious, not opting for tea or coffee?"

Murong Feng shook his head, "I just finished exercising. Water feels more refreshing."

Tang Qing smiled slightly and handed the tea menu back to the waiter.

Murong Feng suddenly felt at a loss for words. Conversations with Tang Qing always felt peculiar. Despite her kindness, he always felt an instinctive urge to keep his distance. He had managed to avoid her several times before. Today, finally sitting together for tea, he wondered what Tang Qing wanted to talk about.

Tang Qing fell silent for a while, reflecting on why she was so eager to meet this man who seemed determined to avoid her. Known as the princess of her social circle, she had never had to pursue anyone.

Yet, Murong Feng had given her many firsts. From the moment she saw him at a company event, she felt an inexplicable connection. Perhaps it was his serene demeanor, so different from the aggressive and sharp personas of the wealthy heirs and business elites she was used to. His abrupt departure at the Beijing Club had shocked and angered her—rarely did a man behave so rudely in her presence.

Surprised by his exceptional poise, she decided to watch his play and was moved by his captivating performance. She had even called to invite him out, only to be politely declined. These small rejections, unprecedented in her life, made her determined to confront him. Running into him at her fencing club seemed like fate, prompting her to invite him once more.

Now that they were finally seated together, she felt a mix of frustration at his consistent detachment and the pressure of keeping the conversation flowing. For a moment, she was unsure of what to say.

They sat in silence, Murong Feng calm and Tang Qing contemplative. Despite the quiet, the atmosphere wasn't awkward. The ethereal music played softly, creating a naturally harmonious setting.

Murong Feng found Tang Qing's silence surprising. Wasn't she the one who had insisted on meeting?

Tang Qing broke the silence first, her voice soft, "Murong, do you know why I was so insistent on inviting you today?"

Murong Feng shook his head slightly, curiosity piqued.

"From the moment I saw you, I felt a unique connection. You're different from the people I usually meet. There's something about your calm and composed nature that intrigued me."

Murong Feng smiled gently, "Thank you for the compliment, Janney. I appreciate your interest."

Tang Qing continued, "You always seem so distant, though. I wonder why you keep avoiding me?"

Murong Feng hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "It's not about avoiding you personally. I guess I'm just cautious about forming new relationships."

Tang Qing nodded, understanding. "I can respect that. But I hope we can get to know each other better. You intrigue me, Murong Feng."

Murong Feng looked at her, seeing the sincerity in her eyes. He realized that perhaps it was time to let his guard down a little, to see where this unusual connection could lead. 

"Alright, Janney. Let's start fresh. Friends?" He extended his hand across the table.

Tang Qing's face lit up with a bright smile as she shook his hand. "Friends."

With that, the conversation flowed more easily. They talked about their lives, their interests, and their perspectives. The shared moments on the fencing piste had broken the initial barriers, and now they were beginning to find common ground.

As the sun set, casting a warm glow through the glass walls, Murong Feng felt a sense of ease he hadn't experienced in a while. Perhaps this unexpected friendship with Tang Qing was exactly what he needed to start healing from his past and to embrace the possibilities of the future.

Murong Feng smiled and decided to take the initiative in the conversation. "Janney, I didn't expect your fencing skills to be so good! How long have you been practicing?" Having just finished their match, this topic seemed like an easy entry point.

Tang Qing snapped out of her thoughts and quickly smiled, "I joined the fencing club when I was studying in the UK, but I've only been training systematically for about a year. It's not that great, really. Look at you, you've only been learning for a month, and it was so difficult to beat you!"

Murong Feng laughed, "I gave it my all and still lost miserably!" He continued, "But I learned a lot from it. I'm sure with more practice, I'll have my day of victory." Tang Qing nodded with a smile, "Definitely. Your fencing has a lot of thought behind it. Fencing is a sport that prioritizes strategy over brute strength. Your technique is good; I'm sure you'll beat me soon!"

Murong Feng smiled humbly, "That would definitely be because you let me win!" Tang Qing, pleased with his modesty and compliments, giggled and curiously asked, "You don't seem as cold as I imagined. Why have you always been avoiding me?"

Her direct question caught Murong Feng off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless.

Seeing his reaction, Tang Qing shook her head in confusion, "We've met a few times, and I don't recall doing anything to offend you." Murong Feng felt a bit embarrassed and, after a moment of hesitation, smiled wryly, "A mysterious background and a beautiful woman who shouldn't be provoked—isn't that reason enough?"

Tang Qing burst into laughter, "What do you mean, 'a mysterious background and shouldn't be provoked'? Why do I have such a bad reputation? Who would dare approach me after hearing that?" Seeing Murong Feng's awkward expression, she suddenly seemed to realize something. "Oh, I get it. Is this because of Zhao Feng? I saw him talking to you at the company banquet last time!" Seeing Murong Feng's surprised look, she understood. Angrily, she said, "That guy is always telling people I'm not to be messed with. I used to think it was useful for keeping away pests, but this time it backfired!"

Her face flushed with anger, yet she still looked breathtakingly beautiful, her features delicate and her skin like snow. Murong Feng felt his heartbeat quicken and quickly looked away, taking a sip of water to calm himself. Although Tang Qing was angry, she couldn't help but smile at his reaction. "So, we've cleared up the misunderstanding. From now on, we're friends, and you can't avoid me anymore!"

Murong Feng nodded with a smile, "Of course, we're friends." He had already realized that continuously avoiding her wasn't a solution. Since they kept running into each other, he figured it was better to just interact normally instead of deliberately keeping his distance.

Seeing his straightforward answer, Tang Qing felt very pleased. "It's not easy being your friend," she laughed. Ever since she had been surprised by Murong Feng's demeanor in Ouyang Lanruo's office and her impression of him changed, she no longer underestimated him. At this moment, seeing the man who had been avoiding her finally agreeing to be friends, she felt a sense of accomplishment.

They shared a smile, feeling much closer than before.

Tang Qing's mood suddenly turned somber, "Actually, I don't have many friends. Murong, you keep hearing about my mysterious background. Aren't you curious?" Murong Feng nodded honestly, "Of course I'm curious."

Tang Qing smiled and began to talk about her family.

Tang Qing belonged to the highest echelon of China's "princeling" class. She was the youngest daughter in her family, with three older brothers and an older sister. Her eldest brother was a Major General in the military, commanding real power. Her second brother was a Vice Minister in the political realm. Her third brother was a businessman, heading a state-owned enterprise. Her older sister was married, and her brother-in-law, also a princeling, was the Deputy Secretary of a southern province. Tang Qing was the beloved youngest child, especially cherished by her father, who had her later in life. Such a background surrounded her with laughter and flowers from a young age, attracting countless people with ulterior motives.

Growing up in a family filled with affection and a unique background meant that everything in her life was meticulously arranged by her siblings. The people she could interact with were mostly controlled, even friends were often the children of her parents' comrades, who treated her like a little sister.

It was only during her university years abroad that Tang Qing could relax a bit and make some good friends. Ouyang Lanruo was one such friend she met in Paris.

Her time abroad shaped Tang Qing's charming and lively exterior, but deep down, she remained proud and solitary. Murong Feng nodded inwardly, understanding why Tang Qing often seemed capricious.

Talking with Tang Qing, Murong Feng found her to be sincere and not as arrogant as he had imagined. She had an underlying goodness and innocence. Gradually, his attitude towards her softened.

Tang Qing curiously asked Murong Feng why he started learning fencing.

Murong Feng explained that it was introduced to him by his friend Lu Ye. Tang Qing understood and laughed, "Lu Ye, I know him. He's a good guy, quite the academic in the entertainment circle. They're all very well-mannered. We've invited him to several of our company's events. By the way, he's set to star in 'Striving Youth,' which our marketing team thinks has a high chance of becoming a hit. I'm even planning to invite him to endorse our new C-class series aimed at young people."

Murong Feng sheepishly admitted that he might also be acting in it, as the second male lead, surprising Tang Qing. "I didn't expect Wang Yishuai to be so daring, using someone who's never acted before! Hmm, he has a good eye. I think you'll do well!"

Then she grinned, "I must visit your set sometime! It'll be fun to watch you act in a TV show."

Murong Feng could only smile wryly.

That day, Murong Feng and Tang Qing had a pleasant conversation, and the vague tension and avoidance between them naturally dissipated.

Over the following days, they often met at the fencing club. They would fence and then chat in the café, feeling a natural rapport like friends. Tang Qing joked that she felt like she had gained a younger brother, having always had only older siblings. Despite his initial reluctance, Murong Feng felt her genuine warmth.

People's personalities can be unpredictable. Murong Feng's indifferent attitude contrasted with Tang Qing's outward enthusiasm but inward aloofness, creating a mutual understanding. Perhaps because Murong Feng was the only one aware of her background without any ulterior motives, Tang Qing trusted him deeply. Regardless, their relationship had indeed improved.

As Murong Feng's fencing skills rapidly advanced through matches with Tang Qing, the filming for "Striving Youth" was about to begin.

Life is hard, cheer me up and HAND OVER THOSE POWERSTONES.

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P.S to the P.S - Go on add this to your library!

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