
Renewed Expedition

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 6 Chaitra 1637 (March 1579)

A few days had passed since the cave-in, and Siddharth felt suffocated by Vaniika's constant watch. He understood her concern, but the burning curiosity within him was growing stronger by the day. He had to explore Bahlikiwara further, especially after the discoveries he had made. Today, he decided to ask for permission once more.

Vaniika was in her office, finishing the last of her business with the merchants. Siddharth approached her cautiously, taking a deep breath before speaking. "Didi, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Vaniika looked up, her expression softening when she saw him. "Of course, Siddharth. What is it?"

"I wanted to ask if I could go explore the city again," Siddharth said, trying to sound as responsible as possible.

Vaniika's face immediately hardened. "Absolutely not. Not after what happened last time."

Siddharth sighed, trying to keep his frustration in check. "Didi, I understand your concern, but I promise I'll be careful. I just want to learn more about this place."

"Careful?" Vaniika shook her head, her voice tinged with exasperation. "You fell into a sinkhole last time, Siddharth. You could have been seriously hurt. I can't let you take that risk again."

"But I won't be alone this time," Siddharth argued. "I'll have the security detail with me. Please, didi."

Vaniika crossed her arms, her eyes locking onto his. "The answer is no. I can't let you go off on your own."

Siddharth felt a surge of desperation. He had to find a way to convince her. "What if you came with me?"

Vaniika raised an eyebrow. "I have other responsibilities, Siddharth. I can't just drop everything to follow you around."

"I know you're busy," Siddharth said, his voice earnest. "But I really want to explore more. There's so much to learn here. Please, just for a little while."

Vaniika sighed, her resolve wavering. She could see the determination in his eyes, and she knew how much this meant to him. "If I agree to this, you have to promise me something."

"Anything," Siddharth said quickly.

"You stay by my side at all times," Vaniika said firmly. "No wandering off, no taking unnecessary risks. If I say it's time to go, we go. Understood?"

Siddharth nodded eagerly. "I promise, didi. I'll follow your lead."

Vaniika studied him for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. We'll go together. But remember, you have to stick to your promise."

"I will," Siddharth said, relief flooding through him. "Thank you, didi."

As they prepared to leave, Vaniika couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and worry. Her little brother was growing up, showing a maturity she hadn't seen before. But the dangers of Bahlikiwara were real, and she had to protect him.

Vaniika's thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. It was one of the guards, informing them that everything was ready for their excursion. Vaniika turned to Siddharth, giving him a small smile. "Let's go, then. And remember, no funny business."

Siddharth grinned, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. "I promise, didi. I'll be good."

As they stepped out into the bustling streets of Bahlikiwara, Siddharth felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was determined to uncover the secrets of this city, and with Vaniika by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Siddharth sat with Vaniika in their quarters, the excitement still buzzing within him from their recent excursion. He knew he had to tread carefully, but there was so much more he wanted to explore. He turned to his sister, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Didi, I've been thinking," Siddharth began cautiously.

Vaniika raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on her lips. "Oh? About what, little brother?"

"I want to see the outer wall," Siddharth said. "I haven't seen much of the outside since we came here, and I've heard so much about it. Can we go there next?"

Vaniika sighed, knowing where this conversation was headed. "The outer wall is a sensitive area, Siddharth. It's not just a tourist spot. There are security concerns."

"I know, but that's why we'll have the security detail with us," Siddharth replied. "And I'll be with you the whole time. Please, didi. I really want to see it."

Vaniika studied his face, seeing the earnestness in his eyes. She knew how much this meant to him, and she didn't want to stifle his curiosity. "Alright," she said finally. "But we need to make proper arrangements. I'll talk to the citadel commander."

Siddharth's face lit up with a smile. "Thank you, didi!"

Vaniika gave him a soft smile in return. "Just remember our deal. You stay by my side at all times."

"I will," Siddharth promised.

Vaniika left their quarters and made her way to the citadel commander's office. Commander Vidhyadhara was busy with paperwork when she arrived, but he quickly stood and greeted her.

"Princess Vaniika, what can I do for you?" he asked, bowing slightly.

"We've decided on our next outing," Vaniika said. "We want to visit the outer wall."

Vidhyadhara's expression tightened slightly. "The outer wall, Your Highness? That area is very sensitive. It will require extensive security arrangements."

"I understand," Vaniika said. "But Siddharth is very eager to see it, and I believe it will be an educational experience for him. We plan to go the day after tomorrow. Can you make the arrangements?"

Commander Vidhyadhara sighed internally, knowing the amount of work this would entail. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll make sure everything is in place. But I must express my concerns. The outer wall is not just a sight-seeing spot. It's critical to our defense."

"I appreciate your concerns, Commander," Vaniika replied. "We will be cautious and ensure that Siddharth stays safe at all times."

Vidhyadhara nodded, trying to hide his dismay. "Very well. I will see to it that the necessary preparations are made. I hope nothing untoward happens."

"Thank you, Commander," Vaniika said, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure everything will go smoothly."

As she left the office, Vidhyadhara began to plan the logistics of the visit. He knew that the presence of such high-profile individuals at the outer wall would require heightened security and careful coordination. He could only hope that the visit would go off without a hitch.

Back in their quarters, Siddharth could hardly contain his excitement. The outer wall held so many mysteries, and he was eager to explore it with Vaniika by his side. He knew he had to be careful and responsible, but the prospect of discovering more about Bahlikiwara filled him with anticipation.

For now, he focused on preparing for the outing, determined to make the most of this opportunity to learn and explore.

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