
Nock! Nock!

As we spotted the man standing ahead on the road, our remaining few soldiers gripped their swords, and five of our cavalrymen charged towards ahead. Ignoring the snorts of their horses, they advanced with their long swords held out towards the man. Although I couldn't make out exactly what he looked like, it could have been a woman, given their relatively short stature.

The unusually rapid thickening of the mist was abnormal, and my instincts screamed that this man was extremely dangerous. But it was already too late to stop the cavalrymen who had launched their attack. However...

Despite not being able to see clearly through the mist, I could tell that within a few seconds, the ground was littered with pieces of flesh from the five soldiers who had attacked. This... was unreal.

Entering the Royal Cavalry was no simple task, and the 150-strong team I had brought with me were the elite of the cavalry.

"What happened to them?"

"No, it can't be...!"

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