
Chapter 33. Sibling Rivalry

Loving Island, another gem of Totto Land, basked under the radiant sun with its colors of love - primarily red - bringing the heart-shaped paradise to life. From above, the island appeared as a perfect heart, its shores fringed with soft, pink sand that resembled crushed rose quartz. The gentle waves lapped against the shore, while palm trees swayed in the warm breeze, their leaves whispering secrets to the distant songs of seagulls.

The idyllic setting, with its picturesque beauty, seemed more suited for romance or a peaceful retreat than for rivalry. Yet beneath its charming veneer lay an arena destined for one of the most challenging contests in pirate lore - the Davy Back Fight.

As the first pirate ships began to dock at the shores, the scene transformed into a bustling hub of activity. The Big Mom pirates, hosts of the event, sprang into action, setting up their elaborate setup in honor of the game's spirit.

Grills were arranged to roast fresh seafood, while bakeries were set up to cater to Big Mom's and Keki's cravings (just incase). Stalls were erected to showcase the Big Mom pirates' wares - shiny trinkets, useless gadgets, and various knick-knacks, all meant to earn a few extra coins from the giants.

A marketplace atmosphere quickly took hold as the banter of pirate vendors sprang to life, accompanied by the clinking of coins. The stalls offered products from all thirty islands of Totto Land: fruits, chocolate bars, and more, designed to entice the giants into spending their currency unparalleled to the Berry.

Among Totto Land's showcase was the nosy Charlotte Noisette, the Minister of Finance, who imposed a vague tax on all earnings from the event. Faced with the threat of increased taxes and hyped exchange rates, the grumbling pirates reluctantly complied, knowing they couldn't challenge his authority.

As the stages for the competition were being set up, crucial elements of the Davy Back Fight, like choosing a commentator, were not overlooked. The commentator, selected for their charisma and animated style, was tasked with bringing energy to the event through lively commentary.

Referees were carefully chosen to ensure fair play and adherence to the game's rules. Betting stations were set up, but as this was a pirate event, betting would be an underground activity. This served a dual purpose: maintaining the appearance of legality in Totto Land and enhancing Big Mom's image to the giants, proving her intention to play fair.

Following the mutual agreement between the captains - Prince Loki and an aggravated Big Mom - the event had been set in motion the previous evening during the second banquet. Both captains, pushed to a corner by Loki's affection for Lola and Big Mom's ego and adherence to the sacred rules of the Davy Back Fight, had agreed on the standard three-coin game format. The coins had been thrown to the shores of Whole Cake Island, marking the start of the competition.

The format called for seven participants from each crew.

From Big Mom's crew, the participants were: Big Mom herself, Keki, Lola, Smoothie, Cracker, Snack, and, Oven.

From Elbaf, the participants were: Loki the Prince, Hela the Siren, Torben the Shipwright, Fenrik the First Mate, Ragnor the Navigator, Gudrun the Warrior, and, Ulrik the Man.

The arena for the first several games was nearing completion. If you walked within the lively commentator's rage, you'd hear his vibrant voice explaining the unique twists of this Davy Back fight:

"...and for the hungry, starving, or simply craving, you will find Jerry's barbecue stand next to Joan's chocolate bars," he announced mid-commentary without breaking tone. Still lively, he continued, "This Davy Back fight will kick off with an intra-competition to serve mutual purposes. First, we recognize Elbaf's inexperience in such pirate affairs, so the giants will initially observe as the Big Mom Pirates compete among themselves. Ministers will vie for crews, symbols, and treasures, honoring their long-running goal of hosting their own Davy Back fight, an event brilliantly organized by the lovely and devilish Charlotte Galette, the Minister of Butter..."

Among other things - including noting some of the ministers' absence - the commentator read the Three Articles of Defeat, but withheld from disclosing minor, yet vital information.

As the preparations for the first several games neared completion - the main event looming on the horizon - the first sibling rivalry kicked off with a bang. The Host, Charlotte Cornstarch, the Minister of Loving Island, was vying for Katakuri's Sweet Commander position through Combat. In a show of familial loyalty and competitive spirit, Charlotte Smoothie stood in opposition.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a heated contest to start our intra-competition!" the commentator exclaimed. "Charlotte Cornstarch, with her sights set on the Sweet Commander position, faces off against Charlotte Smoothie. This sibling rivalry promises to be an intense and thrilling start to our games. Who will come out on top and claim the coveted title? Stay tuned and find out as the Ministers of Totto Land give their all!"


A cannonball fired from a ship exploded in the sky, drawing gasps from the crowd as pirate and giant instincts kicked in.

"And there it goes - the cannonball that will mark the combat grounds! Look at it soaring high! Oh, it's heading towards the top of the stands!"

The commentator's voice cut through the excitement, the crowd tensing as the cannonball's trajectory was revealed.

"Oh, my! It's flying right over the Prince's head! Is it going to land in the crowd?" The commentator's voice rose in excitement. "No, wait. What a curve ball! It's heading straight for the center of the arena!"

The cannonball landed with a dramatic thud in the heart of the arena, sending quartz flying and mixing with rising dust.

"What a spectacular landing! Right in the center of the arena!" The commentator exclaimed.

"The ground is marked, and the contestants are about to make their entrance!" he invited, taking a moment to announce the bets.

He joked, "The pirates' speed and skill in setting up this Davy Back Fight are incredible. With talents like these, they could be building empires!" The crowd laughed as the commentator stumbled on his unstable podium. Regaining his composure, he added, "The reaction says it all. Now, brace yourselves for the intense showdown between Cornstarch and Smoothie!"

"Remember, devil fruit powers are not an exception."


The commentator's voice filled the arena as the fight between Charlotte Smoothie and Charlotte Cornstarch began:

"Pirates, folks and giants, we're about to witness a clash of epic proportions! On one side, we have the mighty Charlotte Smoothie, wielding her long sword like a force of nature - think tsunami meets tidal wave! And on the other, the agile Charlotte Cornstarch, armed with her Cupid's bow - an ant bravely standing against the oncoming tsunami!"

The crowd watched in rapt attention, as the commentator continued:

"Smoothie charges forward with a mighty swing of her sword - what raw power! But wait! Cornstarch dodges, her bow at the ready. Look at that - Cornstarch is retaliating with a flurry of arrows! It's a truly thrilling exchange, folks! Smoothie's attacks are like crashing waves, and Cornstarch is dancing between them, trying to land a decisive hit!"

"Smoothie's sword may be like a storm crashing against the shore, while Cornstarch's bow is barely a ripple against her might, but Cornstarch's agility might be what dethrones the hopeless Katakuri!"

"Oh, what a sight! Smoothie's sword swoops through the air with sheer power, cutting through the tension!"

As the fight progressed, the commentator's excitement peaked. "Oh! A narrow miss as Smoothie's sword swings just inches from Cornstarch! The crowd gasps - what a close call! Cornstarch has found a moment to counterattack, and - yes! She lands a shot, hitting Smoothie's shoulder. A rare sight indeed!"

The commentator's voice took on a tone of awe and suspense. "Cornstarch is pushing her advantage now, her arrows flying with precision and speed. It looks like she might actually turn the tide! Smoothie's on the defensive for the first time in this fight. The crowd is on edge - could this be Cornstarch's moment?"

A gasp rippled through the crowd as Smoothie's sword slashed through the air, Cornstarch barely managing to evade. "Incredible agility from Cornstarch, but she's clearly overwhelmed. Smoothie's not down yet! She's shaking off that arrow wound and charging."

"Her blade is everywhere, making it nearly impossible for Cornstarch to get a clean shot with her bow. The ground is shaking! The tides have persisted!"

Finally, the decisive moment arrived. "And there it is! Smoothie has cornered Cornstarch! She's advancing with that blade - oh, my! She's pinned Cornstarch's Cupid's bow to the ground!"

The commentator's voice was filled with awe and emotion. "Smoothie stands tall, her blade pressed against Cornstarch's neck. The tension is electric. Cornstarch acknowledges her defeat with a solemn nod, and now - oh, she's offering her Cupid's bow to Smoothie in a gesture of honor!"

He continued with heartfelt admiration, "Smoothie accepts the bow, and Cornstarch is helped from the ground with dignity. It's crucial to note that accepting the bow is more than just a formality here; it's a matter of honor in the Davy Back Fight. By accepting the bow, Smoothie respects the traditional rules of the fight, showing that she values the integrity of the competition and acknowledges Cornstarch's skill and bravery. If she were to refuse, it would tarnish Cornstarch's honor and undermine the spirit of the event."

"And there you have it, folks! A stunning end to an incredible match. Smoothie's power and skill triumphed, but Cornstarch's courage and honor shone brightly. And remember, Katakuri remains a Sweet Commander!"


The commentator's voice rang out again, shifting focus to the next sibling rivalries:

"And now, we turn our attention to the Quintuplets' Sumo for Honor." The commentator's tone grew animated. "Opera, Counter, Cadenza, Cabalette, and Gala are set to compete in a sumo wrestling match for a new title: Lead and most glorious hunter of the Charlotte family!"

"Counter vs. Cabalette kicks off!" the commentator announced. "Strength meets strength. What a clash!"


"Oh, how on Earth did he do it!" the commentator declared with shock. "Somehow, some way, Gala remains in the ring!"


"Tension rises as Mondee challenges Compote for the prestigious Fruits Island!" The commentator's voice cracked through the microphone.

"What effortless domination! Calm and composed: she is not a fighter... Looks like she's getting serious!" As the fight escalated with earth-shaking force, the commentator momentarily lost the microphone to the tremors.

After a while of bouncing around, he retrieved the microphone and continued despite the chaos. "The arena broke apart! The island cracked, and the waves have surged out of the coasts! The sea has fled from Love Island... What are you waiting for? Run for your lives!"

"I should too!"

He lost the microphone again, and by the time he managed to get another, the tension had greatly subsided.

"Big Mom intervenes to stop her incarnate and everyone is saved!" he declared. "Fruits Island remains Compote's following the first ever draw in a Davy Back Fight. But we all know who the winner is."


Moments after the arena was re-established, the rivalries resumed.

After commentating on several more for crews and treasures, the commentator came across one that shocked everyone as they anticipated the worst.

"Cracker challenges for Margarine Island and..." The commentator re-read the challenge, blinking several times before gathering the courage to complete the announcement. "...Keki steps in to fight for their absent sister."

The new arena fell silent before the microphone crackled with an update.

"The terms have changed! Cracker now challenges for the right to be heir!"

"Keki accepts!"


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