
Understanding The Power Of Spirits

4 Days Later

'After I arrive to the Domino City regionals which is held in one of the biggest stadiums in Domino City multiple staff workers herd me and the other contestants through multiple gates leading us to different duel arenas.

I'm lead to arena 4 with 3 other people, I'm then told to wait as 2 of the others will begin to duel shortly after the announcment is said to begin.'

"How are you feeling?" I look over my shoulder and find the Unhappy Maiden looking at me "I'm doing fine but I'm still a little sore over the bonding yesterday." 

Yesterday afternoon me and The Unhappy Maiden bonded which resulted in my physical capabilites growing. It wasn't anything special but after going to a nearby gym I could curl 35's pretty easily and before 25's were a decent challenge.

"That's good the others were worried about you when you suddenly yell out in pain." "So what having your soul strengthened suddenly is not the best feeling"

"Hey Riku your up next and your opponent is Matt White." I was to focused on talking to The Unhappy Maiden to notice that it was my turn to duel. As I step up and into my spot I look over to my opponent, he has frazzled black hair and a almost unhinged look on his face with a black and white trenchcoat over his well built body.

"Hey! Are you finished talking with your imaginary friend, if so lets get a move on I've got a fish to gut." I'm about to repond before the ref cuts me off "Are you both ready?" As we both nod two dice are rolled each representing on person. As I get a 5 I get to go first.

"I draw! First I'll summon Oni Tank T-34 1400/1700 then I'll equip it with 7 completed 2100/1700 and I'll set down one spell or trap to end my turn."

"I'll draw and I'll activate The Forceful Sentry to look at your and shuffle on card back into your deck" My jaw drops as I see The Forceful Sentry being used on me, I then show him my hand to reveal Beast of Talwar and Gradius in my hand. "I shufffle back your Beast of Talwar then I'll summon my Maha Vailo 1550/1400 and equip it with my book of se-" "I'll activate my Trap Hole to destroy your Maha Vailo as soon as its summoned."

Matt 2000--->1225 LP

"Fine then I'll set one card and end my turn." "My turn I'll draw then I'll activate my Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards and I'll end my turn."

"Draw! then I'll activate my face down card my Reckless Greed to draw 2 more cards then I'll activate my spell card Yami which gives all my fiends 200 ATK and DEF. Then I'll summon my Ushi Oni 2350/2150 (field spell boost) in attack mode and I'll have it attack your Oni Tank."

Riku 2000--->1750

"My turn I'll draw I'll summon out my Gradius then I'll equip 2 spells the first being Cyclon Laser and the second being Starship Cannon gives Gradius 300 and 800 ATK respectively. Then I'll activate Starship Cannon that if equiped to a starship monster that already has a equip card on it that monster gains the effect of "This card can remove one card equiped to it and send one card on the field to the graveyard and if that card is a monster deal damage equal to its level x100." And I'll use that effect to remove by Cyclon Laser to send your Ushi Oni to the graveyard.

Matt 1225--->0 LP

'Starship Cannon is another "Starship" card I've found, while I don't know if this card existed in my past world it has a modern effect with it using words like "send" instead of "destroy" to get by the destruction protection of mordern monsters. I found this card in one of the last packs I opened before coming to the tournament and since I have spirits that help lower my chance of bricking I thought I could afford to play card like Starship Cannon even if Gradius is my only "Starship" monster. While I was talking to myself Matt went haywire about me cheating and me stacking my deck and also something about fish???'

'After fighting the referee he was tooken out of the building and disqualified.' Loui- I mean Beaver warrior asked me a question "Do you know why that man was so angry?" "I have no idea."

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