
If it ends with good company, it's a good day.

Two love birds decided to go back into the house, their hands locked together as they walked next to each other.

Sometimes they would glance at one another and exchange a blushing smile, Sometimes it's a light chuckle, and just before they made their way into the drawing room, they stopped holding hands and pretended they weren't just acting all lovey-dovey a second ago.

But the ladies sitting and waiting for them inside that room, knew better than to fall for such act.

When the two men walked inside, Denver immediately jumped from Clara's lap and went straight to Wolfgang, hopping at the man's feet, so Wolfgang picked his eager puppy in his arms and kissed him.

Meanwhile and standing behind him, "Hey little man, did you miss me?" James asked the dog who gave him a curious look.

Suddenly, "Clara dear!" Safa spoke-up in a loud hearable voice, "Is it me or is it unusually 'Hot' today." She said with a sly smirk plastered on her face.

Happy to play along, "Oh yes! Seems like something is in the air today! And it's making the weather...Steamyyyy!" Clara replied, she did her best to hold back from laughing.

Blushing and annoyed, "Alright, You saw us kiss, didn't you?" Wolfgang asked.

"You mean when you two were like this?" Safa said before she started hugging herself and making kissey faces at them, "Mwah Mwah Mwah!"

Embarrassed, "SAFA!" Wolfgang shouted While Clara and James Burst out laughing.

"What? It is not like I was exaggerating, you two were eating each others faces..." Safa replied.


"You should consider yourself lucky Wolfie, thanks to a certain redhead kissing you, I am not no longer in the mood to punish you for carrying me like a sack of flour and throwing me into madam Delacroix's shop."

Sighing, "Alright I see this is your way of getting back at me.

Fine, I know I already apologized but I wish to apologize again...I just wanted you to have fun with Clara." Wolfgang said, "You did have fun, didn't you?" Wolfgang asked.

"Oh yes, I did have fun...i even met lady whistledown, And you missed it!" Safa gloated in his face, "Although she does not call herself whistledown anymore." she added.

With big wide eyes, "YOU MET WHO?!" Wolfgang asked.

"Oh right! You're an admirer of her column!" Clara said, "Hell yes I am!" Wolfgang replied.

"I didn't know you were a lady whistledown enthusiast?" James asked.

"I...well...I don't think we ever had a conversation before that would have led to such information."

"Then I suppose we should have more conversations from now on wolf."

Blushing, "Yes...yes! We should...and speaking of conversations, shouldn't you and Safa be having one about work?

While you two do so, Clara and I will prepare a quick meal, for dinner." Wolfgang said before he put down Denver on his favorite spot in the sofa and dragged Clara with him, "Hey now! I need to change my garments First, I'm still wearing everything Safa gave me." Clara protested but still went with the manservant.

...Few minutes later...

"You what?!"

"Calm down!"

"I will not calm down thank you very much!" Safa replied angrily.

"Listen I swear it was by chance that I ran into Joey." James said, "Oh please, do you expect me to believe that horseshit! You deliberately went to see him!" Safa replied.

"Safa! I have been avoiding him as much as I can just like you asked, but you know I cannot continue doing that." James said.

"Why not?! The boy is bad luck! Last time you met him, he brought you some gossip about a stupid business deal and you took his word despite my protest, you lost money because of that boy! you are quite fortunate you did not end-up bankrupt because of that business deal!" Safa replied.

Sighing, "Last time was an honest mistake but This time will surely work! I mean you said you like the idea!" James said.

"That was before I knew you got it from Joey, and It is a good idea but still not anything mind-blowing, you and I would have thought of that on our own!" Safa replied.

"But we didn't! I promised the boy I let you know this way his idea." James said, "And What do you want me to do? Give him money?" Safa asked.

"I'll pay him again this time." James replied, "I was just wondering...do you have any further use for him?...maybe you could...hire Joey?" He suggested with a hopeful face.

Sighing, "My God, you care About that bloody idiot too much...Fine! I will hire him, but he will be working by your side, like an assistant, however anything you decide to do or any idea you get, you come to me first, I shall evaluate it and decide whether you proceed or not." Safa replied.

Hearing her words, James was overjoyed, "You are an angel! I love you!" He said and hurried to kiss her forehead, "Mwah!"

"Eww!" Safa pushed him away, "Celebrate all you want, just keep your distance from me!" She's said.

...An hour or so later...

In the dinning room, the group of friends sat together to eat, "By the way, Clara...I must go back home after dinner...I figured since you're a lady, you should probably stay the night here with Safa once more, it's pretty dark and dangerous for you to be traveling, even with me." James spoke-up.

"Are you being serious! I can stay!" Clara asked with big sparkling eyes.

"Sure...and while you're at it, you can get some few days off, you have earned them." James replied making her gasp.

Chuckling, "Someone is feeling generous." Safa said, "I'm just happy... that's all " James replied before he looked at Wolfgang and said, "Today was a lovely day."

Blushing, "It was..." Wolfgang nodded.

"I'm so excited! Once I do the dishes I will go and read more of that memoir." Clara said.

"I'll do the dishes, alone...once you finish eating, go enjoy your reading... I'll take care of everything." Wolfgang replied.

"Really?" Clara questioned and he nodded at her.

"I will join you in the library, I would like to read a book as well." Safa said.

Suddenly, "Woof!" Denver who was eating his food from the plate set for him on the ground, started barking happily at them, "I think Denver also want to read." James said making everyone laugh.


As they enjoyed their dinner, "You met who?" Colin didn't believe his ears, Penelope was telling him about her adventure for today.

"Lady Vega? The woman behind the gun salute!" Penelope said.

"You met her, as in person."

"Yes? How else would I meet her? And Why is that strange to you?

"It is rather strange... the woman said something in the funeral about being away from society by choice, I just did not think she would, show herself... especially not around here when Mayfair is crawling with Members of the Ton." Colin replied.

Smiling, "She told me something about that! To be honest, I believe she is on a path of finding herself, who knows maybe she will find what she's looking for here." Penelope said and took a bite, "Mmh, this is quite delicious!" She moaned with satisfaction at the taste.

Colin watched his beloved wife eat with a smile of his own, then it came to his mind.

An idea.

"Pen, you seem to have taken a liking to Lady Vega." He said.

Nodding, "Yes! I found her quite interesting! And I would love to meet her more often, I feel like a woman like her is nice to have around as a friend." Penelope replied.

"Then how about we do something?"

"Do what?"

"Well, I have been meaning to introduce you properly to Fabian.

And i just like you, would also like to meet with lady Vega more often to get to know her better, since she has expressed desire to befriend Fabian." Colin said.

"If I am reading your mind correctly, you want to invite them to dinner, do you not?" Penelope asked.

Chuckling, "A Woman's intuition! Right...I seem to find myself underestimating such powerful tool." Colin said, "Yes I wish to have them both over for dinner, some time soon, once I feel like Fabian is doing better.

I know such a gesture would cheer him, since it has been years for him since he had a meal together with more people." He added.

"I love how soft and sweet you are, well! Once you decide which day suits you, just let me know! I'll be happy to host a nice dinner with you." Penelope replied with a lovely smile.

Smiling back, "I love you Pen." Colin said, "I love you too, Colin! Hehe!" She replied gigging.


"Are you going to ask me to join you in every meal?" Gertrude asked, "Only If you would like to join me, I know I can be a boring person to have a meal with." Fabian replied as he sat down for dinner.

Gertrude sat across from him and smiled, "My late lady always invited me for tea every afternoon, but other meals she would enjoy them in the company of her husband.

I would eat in solitude during that time." She said.

"Well I suppose until I find me a wife, you and I can be each others company." Fabian replied and smiled back at her.

"Well let's hope we can find you one soon enough, i do enjoy my solitude." Gertrude joked making him laugh.

After few bites, "By the way Gertie."

"Yes, young master."

"Do you know a lady by the name, Danbury?"

Surprised, "Oh! I heard of her...they say she is the closest member of the Ton to the queen." Gertrude replied.

"Really? Colin mentioned her during the funeral day." Fabian said.

"What for?"

"He said she helped his mother secure matches for few of his siblings... apparently she is good at matchmaking."

"I heard such thing myself."

"Colin said he would ask for her help but I do not know whether he did already or not." Fabian said, "Forgive me for saying this, but don't you find Mister Bridgerton's interest in finding you a wife, a little unnecessary...I know he's your friend but his insisting nearly drove you mad yesterday." Gertrude replied.

Sighing, "I know his methods...are tiresome to say the least, but Colin means well.

Since he got married, he is seeing everything in a new light and perspective, and wants me to share the experience." Fabian said.

"Well just to give you a heads-up, he had asked me to help him in something, I think you should be aware of... but to be fair he did ask that before you had your mental breakdown, so in his defense he might've abandoned the idea already...but I have a feeling he didn't." She replied.

"What did Colin ask?" He asked.

"He had noted that you've become interested in Safa and wanted my help in bringing you and her, closer...romantically speaking of course." She explained.

"I made it very clear to him, just like I did with you earlier, that I do not plant to persue Safa." Fabian said.

"But I'm afraid, that if lady Danbury has already been enlisted to help in the matter, this will not end yet.

Mister Bridgerton has proven himself to

be a stubborn and determinate man, and As far as I heard, Lady Danbury is even more stubborn and determinate than mister Bridgerton." Gertrude replied.

"Worry not, I trust Colin, and I do not think lady Danbury has a reason to entertain the idea of matching me with Safa, besides.. Colin did not tell me anything about her yet, I think he has yet to speak to lady Danbury about me." Fabian said with a confident smile.

Fun fact: Despite the fact most personal or administrative assistants or secretaries today are women, secretarial roles were traditionally taken by men. Even into the 20th century, positions such as Secretary of State were held only by men.

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