
Chapter 13

Fina. Pentos.

A month later.

- Where are we going today, my lord? - I asked, following Lord Solomon.

- I'm not sure, but something is definitely going to happen today. I can feel it. - He answered, keeping up his pace and passing another shop.

During the first week of his arrival, my lord walked around the temple and studied it. He walked down every corridor and talked to the people, asking them about their lives and service to the Lord of Light.

After that week, Lord Solomon began to explore the city. Sometimes he would just go to what seemed like random places and visit various establishments, listening or studying people. And on some occasions, my lord would leave the city to go out to the sea to admire the scenery or walk around the neighborhood and watch the animals.

Also... Lord Solomon was not what I had imagined him to be. When the Lord of Light told us about my lord, I had a picture in my mind of an old, stern man with a steely gaze and a beard, but seeing him in person and talking to him... I don't know what to say.

I in no way expected to see such a handsome, tall, obliging and kind man. Accompanying him this month, he has become to me something like the sibling I never had.

Just talking to him made my heart feel calmer and my thoughts come to order. It felt like there was no problem I couldn't handle. And our communication changed from formal, that is, maid and master, to something relational.

Remembering the past, I didn't notice that my lord had stopped, and I crashed into his back, starting to fall. But a light breeze caught me and set me on my feet, which I realized was the result of Lord Solomon's magic.

- Careful next time, little Fina. You shouldn't go off on yourself so much. At least when you're going somewhere. - With a smile on his face, Lord Solomon said while looking at me, making me feel embarrassed and nodded briefly.

Shaking off the embarrassment, I looked around, wanting to understand why my lord had stopped, but I was unable to do so. All that caught my eyes were people walking through the streets, shops with merchants, and the sun high in the sky.

- Looking for a reason for my stopping, little Fina? - My lord asked, to which I nodded.

The next moment, I felt my lord's magic flow into me. My eyes seemed to light up for a second, which made me have to close them. And when I opened them and looked around, a sense of intense wonder flashed through my mind.

My eyes could see every wrinkle on people's arms, every bird flying high in the sky and even small insects on tree leaves and building walls.

- The roof of the building ahead.

I obeyed and directed my gaze there. And there I saw a definitely angry Halon, magister Ordello's son, with six men pointing their spears at him and Ordello himself standing in front of them with a serious expression on his face. They were talking about something, but I could see it wasn't going well.

Are they in conflict? Didn't they have an agreement between them?

- What do you plan to do, my lord? - I asked without taking my eyes off the stage.

- After all, it would be foolish to lose such a capable man, wouldn't it? - He answered and snapped his fingers.

My vision was caught in a flash of light, causing me to close my eyes once more for a brief moment. And the next moment, my lord and I found ourselves in the very building where the scene was taking place.

- W-Who are you?! How did you get in here?! - cried out one of the spear wielders who had spotted us.

His shout was heard by the others present and they too turned towards us. Their eyes widened in surprise, but only one of them had a look of recognition in his eyes.

- Solomon? - Halon asked stunned, "What are you doing here?

- Is this your friend, my son? - Ordello questioned, examining my lord with an analytical eye.

- I understand you are in trouble, my friend. Perhaps I can lend you a helping hand. - Lord Solomon spoke softly.

Shifting his gaze from my lord to his son and back again, Ordello decided to speak up.

- What an interesting friend you have, Halon. How did you manage to meet someone like him?

But Halon ignored him.

- I could use your help, Solomon. As you can see, my father has decided to break our pact.

- Оh? - My lord gestured for him to continue.

- 'According to our agreement, I was to do my father's work for five years, after which I and my family become free, and can return to the city with a certain amount of money paid to me. And today that period has come to an end. However, my father is unwilling to honor his end of the bargain, which has led to this situation.

- Is that so? - My lord asked, shifting his gaze to Ordello.

- Do you really think your friend is capable of helping you? - Ordello raised an eyebrow - What's stopping me from just getting rid of him?

Is he... threatening my lord? Threatens us? How dare he?!

- What do you think you're doing, magister?! - I shrieked - If you dare raise your hand against Lord Solomon, you can be sure that every follower of the Lord of Light will take up arms and point them at you!

Ordello froze and looked at me intently. And Halon looked up in surprise and examined my lord.

- So he is an important figure for the Red Faith? Don't we have a mutually beneficial relationship? Aren't you afraid of losing the support of the magisters? - He asked confidently.

- It doesn't matter, - I answered calmly, - Every follower of the Lord of Light is ready to sacrifice his life just on one word of my lord. Or do you doubt my words, magister?

- I don't think I can afford it," Ordello said thoughtfully, "But if no one knows about it, then there is no problem, is there?

Then he raised his hand and waved it, which caused all six of them with spears in their hands to head in our direction.

- How dare you! - I shrieked, standing in front of Lord Solomon, "The Lord of Light will know about this! You're all going to burn-

- Enough, little Fina. Your actions warm my heart, but it is not necessary. - My lord said in a soft voice as he placed his hand on my shoulder and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, wood vines grew out of the floor and grabbed the armed men, wrapping them tightly and depriving them of any movement. They became like skeins of cloth, for even their eyes and mouths were tightly covered by the vines.

And I, feeling a surge of magical energy, staggered in awe and admiration. All scarlet priests and priestesses are sensitive to magic, and to be in such close proximity to such a high manifestation of it was akin to a miracle.

I watched the scene before me with rapt attention, and Lord Solomon's words made a wave of warmth pass through my body. It felt so good that a happy smile appeared on my face at the fact that my lord cared for me and I was useful to him.

- You're a sorcerer?! - Ordello asked stunned, but he was ignored again.

- What do you wish to do with him, my friend? - My lord shifted his gaze to Halon - His fate is in your hands, as it has been the other way around for the past five years. And it is up to you alone to decide if he lives.

Halon pondered, putting a hand to his chin.

- 'Are you really contemplating the idea of killing me, my son? After all I've done for you? Such ingratitude I never expected from you. - Ordello said, looking at his son.

- Before I met Rizza, I had never asked you for anything. It was the only time I ever asked you to approve of my decision," Halon began, looking up at his father, "If you had done otherwise, I would have done what I did for five years and lived happily with her. And you, father, would have remained magister, retaining your power and influence. Both you and I would have been happy... But you chose to do otherwise.

- So that's what you think of it... Don't you realize what your decision to take a slave girl as your wife would have cost you? Don't you realize how much respect and influence I would have lost because of your shenanigans? I love you, my son, but I could never approve of such a thing, nor can I to this day. You break my heart.

- Don't call her a slave! It is not her fault that life in this bloody city has brought her to this! - Halon growled, and then took a deep breath to calm himself - I love you too... and that's why you won't die...

Ordello raised an eyebrow.

- I will give you the same choice you gave me five years ago: Exile or death. I hope you make the right choice. For both of us, Father.

- Death. I choose death," Ordello replied almost instantly, to which Halon sighed sadly, "I see you already understood what decision I would make, and I am glad I taught you well. But let me tell you something, after my death you will have a huge burden of responsibility and problems. I hope you survive them, Halon, my son.

No one has ever seen Ordello like this. I'm sure of it. And I'm naturally stunned. A few moments ago he was a magister, and now... I see a loving father... This whole situation has hundreds of questions running through my head. Has Ordello always been like this or is it just a mask? I just can't understand it.

I didn't see Halon's eyes, but I can guess how difficult his father's decision was. He picked up a dagger from a nearby table and was about to do the deed with his own hands, but, suddenly, the vines stopped him, braiding around his legs. Halon slowly looked up at my lord, and in his eyes was a mute question, "Why?".

- 'I will take on this role,' my lord said in a measured tone, looking at Halon's seemingly icy mask, 'Killing your own father is a heavy burden. Nightmares will haunt you throughout your life, reminding you of the blood you would have spilled.

- But-

- I know, my friend. You think it must be done by your own hands, as if letting go of your past. But do you really want to condemn yourself to suffering? This blow will go much deeper than you realize. Murder could affect not only you, but your wife and daughter as well. And you certainly don't want that. - He continued, causing Halon to freeze like a statue.

- Listen to your friend, Halon. He is wise, even if he looks twenty years old. Even I wouldn't do that. And you have to live with it. - Ordello added, looking softly at his son.

- I... I don't know what to do..." Halon mumbled, lowering his head.

- And you, Solomon, I think I should thank you.

- For what, Magister? - My lord raised an eyebrow.

- You accomplished what I could not. Forcing him to make extreme decisions," he said, looking at his son, "Ever since he was a child, he has preferred not to resort to such actions. Murder. I'd probably be the first person he'd ever killed in his entire life.

- And you won't change your mind? Is exile a better option, magister?

- No," Ordello said flatly, "I cannot go against my nature. As much as I don't want to admit it, my son is only second to the position of magister. It's for the best. For him and for me.

And as they spoke, Halon straightened up. With a hard look on his face and his head held high.

- Do it, Solomon. I am ready. - He declared, to which my lord nodded briefly.

I felt the rush of magic again, and saw a scarlet spear covered with some runes appear behind my lord's back. And his aura spread across the roof, creating the image of a man with eyes as scarlet as blood. He was dressed in strange blue robes, and his hair of the same strange blue was tied into a short ponytail.

The next moment the spear tore in a flash of scarlet and pierced Ordello's heart.

- You have grown, my son. - He smiled as he fell to the ground. And a moment later, his eyes closed forever.

Silence reigned in the room. And Halon's stone-hard gaze never left his father's breathless body.

After a few moments, Halon took a deep breath.

- 'Release the guards, Solomon,' he said, still looking at the body, 'I have a statement to make.

The vines holding the six men and Halon himself slowly returned to the floor, and a moment later not even a trace of them remained.

- What happened? - One of the guards asked, and then saw the dead Ordello - The magister is dead!

- Yes. He's dead. - Halon declared, drawing the attention of all six of them - I am the Magister now. Anyone against?

They were silent in response, apparently remembering my lord's actions, judging by the very cautious glances in his direction.

- Good," Halon nodded, "Inform the others. Magister Ordello is dead, and his place has been taken by his son, Halon. Let every man in Pentos know this. And take the body. We must give the former magister a proper funeral. Dismissed.

The six threw glances at the body, my lord and Halon, and then left in silence. At the same time, he sat down at the table and went into thought. My lord, on the other hand, just stood there staring at him.

It's just as Lord Solomon said. Something happened today... But I never expected it to be this.

Pentos is about to changes. Big changes.


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