
Chapter 60


Goetia looked at Sirzechs, and Sirzechs looked at Goetia. For that matter, so did Greyfia and Katerea. They didn't know exactly who he was, but they had a sense of who he should be.

I, on the other hand, watched them from the sidelines and just quietly sipped my coffee.

By the way, the top three factions chose to withhold information about the Beasts. Which is understandable, considering the possible turmoil not only in the three factions themselves, but also in other mythologies.

I was left to speculate as to what the demons were thinking as they studied Goetia. Well, Beast I's energy signature is very recognizable to demons, even considering he's from another world. It's not because he is an amalgamation of the Demon Pillars, but because his entire essence is imbued with the energy of "hell".

The original demons of both the Nasuverse and DxD were born from this energy. Ancient, powerful, and significant. This means that any local demon in Goetia's presence will feel a familiar, yet not so familiar aura. Which is actually what's happening right now.

Also, one fact has only recently occurred to me. Goetia, who used to use "we", now uses "I". Does this mean that he has realized himself and developed his own identity?

Thinking about this, I wiped away a fatherly tear and looked at Goetia with pride.

I am so proud of him. Children grow up so fast.

As soon as these thoughts ran through my mind, Beast I slowly turned towards me with a stoic face. But I could clearly see the edge of his mouth twitching, apparently in irritation.

- Put such thoughts out of your head, Romany. They only insult me.

- Oh? But that doesn't make them any less true, does it? - I grinned - You wouldn't have noticed it before. You'd have thought you were above it all and just bolted, but somehow that's not the case now, is it, Goetia?

In response, he chose to remain silent. At the same time, Sirzechs, Greyfia, and Katerea rounded their eyes when they heard me call him.

- 'Go... etia...' Sirzechs muttered, 'So it's you, right?

- You are right, Sirzechs Gremory. I am Goetia, King-God of Demons and the antipode of Heaven itself and its power. I am judge, jury and executioner for the entire race of demons if they break the ancient laws. Laws enacted for the preservation and prosperity of the Underworld. - he said dramatically, his face unchanged.

- Ooh, that's hot. If you were a woman, I'd give it to you. - I said casually, waving to myself, to which I received a twitching eyebrow from Goetia and complete ignoring from the demons.

- You were the one who was there then, right? - Reya-chan asked, looking at Beast I with an almost worshipful gaze.

- There? Back then? - Sirzechs didn't understand - Did it have something to do with the wave of demonic energy from the direction of Lucifer's old castle?

- That's right. - Goetia nodded, ignoring Sirzechs.

- But I've heard my ancestor's voice, and yours doesn't sound like his. May I ask why, Your Majesty?

- Your ancestor's? - Sirzechs raised an eyebrow and looked at Reya-chan- What do you mean, Lady Leviathan?

Of course, she ignored him. Goetia, on the other hand, slowly looked over the three demons present and placed his hand on the armrest of the chair, then tapped it twice with his finger.

In the next moment, Sirzechs, Katerea, and Greyfia froze, and their demonic wings opened by themselves as if to salute someone.


Sirzechs had always prided himself on his ability to be prepared for any situation. His position as Demon Lord demanded it.

It is extremely important to be able to maintain composure and clarity of mind in any situation. It allows you to assess the situation sensibly and develop an effective plan of action. And Sirzechs, who had been through the war, seen the death of his friends and spilled a sea of blood, sincerely believed that there was no situation where he would not know what to do. Or rather...

He had thought so until this very moment.

The entire space of his office lit up with a variety of colors that were reflected in the eyes of everyone present. And they were coming from the magic circles. Seventy-two magic circles with the symbols of demonic clans.

Each of them was spreading waves of power. Huge and recognizable. Sirzechs saw the circles of those whose houses had died out, leaving no descendants.

Zagan, Fokalor, Marbas, Marhosias...

He had seen the deaths of the descendants of each of them, and remembered their energy signature, and so he could not be wrong.

Before him were the original Pillar demons.

At that moment, Sirzechs's blood sang, his heartbeat becoming like the sound of a sledgehammer hitting an anvil. His demonic power began to leave his body without any order, destroying nearby objects and creating cracks in the walls. It was tearing free to greet its progenitors.

Gremory and Bael.

It was on them that Sirzechs's eyes focused. And he felt with all his gut that they focused on him in return. The symbol of Gremory shone with a bright scarlet light, and the silhouette of a woman who looked a lot like his grandmother looked at him with an analytical gaze.

The yellow magic circle with the symbol of Bael did the same. The silhouette of an elderly man with an arrogant expression watched Sirzechs without blinking, as if assessing him.

Under those gazes, Sirzechs felt like a child. Small, insignificant, and helpless.

- Did you get your answer, Katerea Leviathan?" came Goetia's deep voice, bringing Sirzechs out of his stupor.

Sirzechs looked around and realized that both Katerea and Greyfia were in a similar state to himself. He didn't see any circles with the symbols Lucifuge and Leviathan. But that was understandable.

Since Goetia is from another world, Lucifug would be very different from his counterpart since he is not a Pillar. Leviathan, on the other hand, is the demon of Sin. One of the seven that represent the vices of mankind. Perhaps his circle can only be seen by his descendants, given Katerea's gaze directed into empty space.

But Sirzechs was really bothered by one fact.

Goetia is subordinate to Romany.

Now, Romani Archaman maintains extreme neutrality towards anyone. But what if the demons provoke him? One thought, one order, and the entire Underworld would be on its knees before him. And no one would be able to stop it. Not the demons themselves, not the angels, not the Fallen. No one.

And the first thing that came to Sirzechs's mind was the faction of the old Demon Lords. By interrogating Shalba, he had failed to get even a little bit of valuable information. Not because the interrogation techniques didn't work, but because Rizevim had provided for it by casting a spell that wiped out the memories of Beelzebub's descendant.

Now Sirzechs began to consider his plans to placate Romany. After all, such a variable really tickled his nerves.


- 'Yes, Your Majesty,' Reya-chan nodded and bowed, 'Thank you for granting my request.

Well, if she's done...

- Wrap it up. My closed field is already cracking at the seams. I don't want every demon in the Underworld to barge in here and stroke your ego. - I said, looking at Goetia.

- My ego is definitely not as inflated as yours, Romani. - he shrugged, and in the next moment, the magical circles of the Pillar demons faded out, returning Sirzechs's office to normal. Unless, of course, you counted the ruined and frozen parts of it.

Looking around at the demons, it was clear to me that they were still reeling from what they had seen. Sirzechs looked thoughtful, though, as if he were thinking up some sinister plan.

- So," I clapped my hands together, catching the attention of the others, "Why did you need me, besides Goetia's question? I doubt it was just because of that.

- Well... It really is," Sirzechs smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, "It... concerns Rias.

Hmm? Did I hear that right?

- You mean your sister, Sirzechs Gremory? - Goetia asked.

- That is correct. Do you have anything to say about her? - Sirzechs inquired - She's great, isn't she?! The best of the lu-

- A complete failure. - Beast I interrupted him, getting a frozen smile on Sirzechs's face.

- What?

- Oh, come on," I said, "Like you don't know what she's like. Vain, overly proud, spoiled and dependent. And it's not her fault she's like that, it's yours.

Sirzechs remained silent and looked at me blankly. Greyfia sighed tiredly, and Reya-chan grinned.

- Your hyper-parenting is just putting a crimp in her self-development. She's used to getting what she wants. Do you have any idea how many times your little sister's made a big deal out of me or demanded something? Maybe you should just let her run free. Or maybe you should break the rose-colored glasses you put on her. Put her through something partly traumatic to make her look at her life from a different angle. Well, or you can screw it up, but then she'll be in the box before her face gets a wrinkle.

At my tirade, Sirzechs stared at me intently while he himself collected Greyfia's and Katerea's gazes. Goetia didn't care and just closed his eyes and enjoyed the atmosphere of the Underworld.

- 'Then...' he began after about ten minutes of thought, 'What exactly do you want to do? I highly doubt you gave all this away without counting on your personal involvement in 'breaking my little sister's rose-colored glasses'."

I grinned wildly in response, which made Sirzechs jump.

Oh, man, you have no idea how good a choice you just made. I'll get the point across, you bet I will. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.


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