
Chapter 51

Lucifer's old castle.

The whole building was shaking and slowly crumbling. The chandeliers swayed from side to side, threatening to fall and shatter, the plaster cracked and crumbled, and the glass in the windows burst, making an unpleasant popping sound.

It wasn't just the castle that was affected. The Underworld itself sang and cheered, welcoming him...

Goetia, Beast I. Demon God King.

And all because I had relegated my consciousness to the background and given it control over my body, becoming an observer. Goetia, on the other hand, changed the body's appearance to Solomon, but sinister and intimidating. The same one he took on in the anime, that is, with eyes as red as blood and fangs instead of human teeth. And a shroud of demonic power formed around his body, with which the Underworld resonated.

I was now in the mental space representing Ars Paulina, surrounded by seventy-two Pillars, which were giant columns with shining emblems of demons on them. My gaze was directed at the wide plasma TV that was broadcasting Goetia's point of view. And in my hand was a basket of popcorn, which I was munching on.

Seeing the change in both appearance and aura, those around me backed away and looked fearfully at Goetia. Private demons fell to their knees or fainted. Shalba, Cruzeray, and Katerea clutched at their chests as if trying to take away the pain there. Rizevim, on the other hand, cast Beast I a very wary and concerned look. His hands were trembling and his lips were quivering, as if he was... frightened. Exactly like the look of a pig being led to slaughter.

How funny.

- Indeed," Goetia said mentally as he looked at Rizevim, "Pathetic and frightened. And this is a descendant of the first Seraphim? I even feel a little sorry for the first Fallen.

- Likewise. - added the demon Leviathan.

Hmm? Unexpectedly, one of the demons of the Deadly Sins spoke up. Each of the seven is pretty reserved, and most of the time doesn't react to anything. But okay, time to watch the show.

- Identify yourself, blood of the Fallen Seraphim. - Goetia began in the most dramatic way possible.

- Rizevim Lebanon Lucifer, - Rizevim said monotonously and mechanically, and then widened his eyes in surprise - Who are you? Why are you in the body of Romani Archaman? Why do your mere presence make demons tremble? Why does your presence make me tremble?

- I did not give you the right to ask questions, Lucifer's blood," Goetia said slowly, and the mouth of Rizevim, who wanted to object, closed instantly. His hands frantically ran over his mouth and tried to force it open, but to no avail - You are nothing but a pacifier. Weak, scared, and pathetic. What makes you think you have the right to want what you want? The Underworld is the antithesis of Heaven itself. The other half of balance. Eternal and unbreakable. Even He knew that and did nothing to destroy it. And you, tainted blood, want to cause chaos and disrupt it? Answer me, Lucifer's blood, what drives you?

- That's what demons were created for. To cause chaos and destruction. - In a robot-like tone, Rizevim replied.

- Absurd! - amplified Goetia's voice - Demons do not care about chaos and destruction. They are only ideas imposed by outsiders. Those who were not born here. The true goal of the demons was, is and will be only one idea. The oath they took. The oath we took: "The preservation of the demon race and the prosperity of the Underworld."

How interesting.

Goetia is not a native of this world, yet he speaks with such profound wisdom about the purpose of the demon race. I don't know what the demons in the Nasuverse were doing before Solomon subjugated them, but I suppose it is exactly as Goetia said.

After all, it's completely consistent with common sense.

Plus, the Beast I mentioned "outsiders." And I'm pretty sure he meant Lilith, the first woman, and Lucifer, the first Fallen.

According to DxD lore, it seems that the Fallen Lucifer descended to the Underworld and, with the help of Lilith, created what are considered here to be the original demons. And for some reason, no one questions what happened to the Underworld before his arrival. It's as if someone just turned off the doubt function in their brains. It's a very entertaining question, you might say.

And actually, Lucifer started the Great War simply because he disagreed with his father's ideas. And depending on that point, he can either be respected or vice versa.

If he thought people were unworthy and inferior just because, then it's not accepted. And if he was just like Goetia, that is, he didn't want to let humans destroy themselves and the planet at the same time, then that's perfectly understandable.

- Who are you to preach to us what we were made for? - Kateria asked, plucking up her courage while the others just stared at Goetia, not knowing what to say - Why did you mention "we" when you said those words?

In response, Goetia gave a very cheeky smile and remained silent. And in the next moment, our consciousnesses returned to their places and I was back in control of my body. The evil aura disappeared and my face returned to normal.

The demons noticed this change, but they didn't lower their tension level in response, still drilling my carcass with their gaze.

- Oya? How curious we are. That's an easy question to answer, Ms. Leviathan, but can you accept it? That's a completely different question. - I grinned, and then slowly raised my right hand.

In the next moment, the usual loud snap of fingers resounded through the hall, but in the absolute silence it sounded extremely loud and clear.

At first, no one realized anything until all eyes turned to Rizevim. The demons' mouths and eyes widened in surprise. They stared at Rizevim without blinking, and some even fainted. At first, he didn't realize what was wrong until he asked Euclid, who was standing nearby.

- What's the matter? Why is everyone throwing such a stunned look at me?

- ...Look in the mirror, mi... lord. - Greyfia's brother replied uncertainly.

Rizevim raised an eyebrow, but did as Beelzebub's descendant advised. In a brief flash of the magic circle, a small mirror appeared in front of him. As he looked into it, he froze, and then began groping his body and face. In the next moment, his face contorted with anger, his hand broke the mirror, and his bloodthirsty gaze swept toward me.

- Did you do it, you insect?! - he growled, but instead of a threatening and ominous voice, it was a rather charming outrage that came out of his throat.

- I can't just forgive you for destroying my home, can I? - I smirked - Don't you like your new look, Rizevim-chan?

Yeah. I changed his gender. Now, instead of a middle-aged man with a ridiculous goatee, he was a juicy milf with huge breasts, sharp eyes, and long white hair. Fem Virgil, for short. Hot and dangerous.

- I WILL KILL YOU! - she shouted and, spreading her twelve wings, rushed towards me with eyes and fists glowing with anger.

I waited until she was almost upon me, and when she did, I stepped aside a little, and then, grabbing her by the wrist of her outstretched arm, stood quickly behind her. My free arm went around her waist, and I pressed myself against her back, regardless of the opening of her wings. Rizevim-chan froze in my embrace as she was in deep shock.

- Oh? A lady like you shouldn't be so angry," I said in a sweet and flirtatious tone and turned her head toward me, taking her by the chin, "It can damage your beauty.

When she came to her senses, which took no more than a couple of seconds, she blushed deeply and, turning around, tried to hit me in the face with her fist... Which I safely blocked and with a seductive smile on my face looked at her face distorted with embarrassment and anger.

- WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! - she screamed - why do I feel so unclear and disgusting?!

- Well, I not only changed your gender, Lady Lucifer, but also your psyche. Do you like it? - I replied, to which her now female fingernails dug into my palms, causing blood to start dripping from them - And, by the way, no one can reverse the process. Except me, of course.

- I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU! KILL! I'LL KILL YOU! - she screamed like a berserker, swinging her fists and trying to hit me, which I just as easily blocked.

- My lady, you're so sweet and charming when you're angry," I said, and then waved my hand in her direction. A strong wind picked up, which threw Rizevim-chan away from me and right onto her throne - Perhaps you should sort yourself out and accept your true nature, Lady Lucifer. In that case, I'll bow out.

A magic circle lit up beneath my feet, at which Rizevim-chan flew at full speed in my direction.


- Nope," I smiled and waved sweetly in forgiveness, "Enjoy your new life, my lady. See you soon.


Without listening to her indignation, I disappeared from the castle.

Not a bad day. Definitely.


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