
Chapter 32

Kuoh Academy.

The next day.

Under a beautiful evening sunset, I and the entire cast of the Occult Studies Club stood across from each other, parodying old 90's cowboy action movies in every tradition.

The battlefield was ready.

Admittedly, as they set up their barriers, my eyebrow occasionally twitched in realization of how weak they were. In the anime, when the battle against Kokabiel was taking place and Sona and her retinue were holding the barrier, I had no questions about the barrier's strength and stability. Now, however, there are. And very big ones at that.

At that point, Sona was far weaker than she is now, and how the hell did their barrier hold back the attacks of the Fallen, who had TEN wings? Even for plot convention, this ranking of forces is just too illogical. So I put my closed field on top of theirs, just in case.

- Master, why do I have to be the one to do this? Again.

Ah, yes. Of course, I brought Archer along. And he'll be the one to test their skills. I think a little change of scenery will do him good. Well, given recent events.

- Well, imagine if I put Gilgamesh against them. What would he do to them? - I began, to which he rubbed his temples and remained silent - Or Lancelot, or Enkidu, or Hera-.

- I get it," he grumbled, "But Saber or Ryder could take over, right? Or, God forbid, Merlin.

- Hmm? Is your inner Hero of Justice messing with your head again? - I rolled my eyes, and his eyebrow twitched - Don't tell me you don't think you're the best fit? Isn't your versatility the deciding factor?

- Tsk," Archer tsked.

While we were talking, an impatient Rias intervened.

- Shall we begin, Sensei?

- Right! - Issei seconded her.

- Uh-huh," I replied and stepped aside, then shouted to Archer one last time, "Remember, Emiya. People die if you kill them.

Shirou froze for a moment and then produced his favorite blades and threw them at me in annoyance. In response, I squatted down, causing the married swords to fly over me.

- Ouch? Why do you have to react like that, Emiya-kun? Just because I'm right doesn't mean I'm right, right?

Now he took out his bow and started shooting Hrunting at me, which of course were blocked against my magic circle.

- To complete the package, throw at me also the very spear whose owner took your heart, aha-ha-ha.

- That's it! You're dead, Master! - he shouted and was about to rush at me when a black and scarlet ball of energy flew towards him.

- Attack! - Rias shouted, and the retinue rushed to the attack, while she kept throwing the orbs as if there were no other use for them.

Kiba was the first to reach Archer with his sword and swing it, but was blocked by Emiya, who wasn't even looking in his direction. Akeno flew up into the sky and raised her hand. From that a magic circle appeared, from which lightning flew out and headed for Archer.

But it too was repelled by him, to which he received the widened eyes of Rias' entourage. She wasn't discouraged and continued to fire lightning bolts while in the air. Though Emiya wasn't really paying much attention to her either. A cost of the battle with Medea, I suppose. Well considering the circumstances preventing him from using devastating Caladbolg-type Noble Phantasms.

Shirou swung his Bakuya and flung Kiba away from him, breaking his sword in the process, then dashed towards Rias. On his way to her, Koneko stood in front of him, which he jumped over and threw his swords at the King of the retinue.

- I will protect the President! - Issei shrieked - Crusher of Balance! Scaly Armor of the Booster Gear!

As he activated it, he was ready to meet Archer's attack when, unexpectedly, Shirou turned sharply towards Asia, who was standing a bit away from Rias. Kiba and Koneko instantly asked after Archer. As well as Issei, for that matter.

- Asia! - Issei shrieked and rushed to defend her.

But it was too late, as Archer quickly reached Asia's figure and knocked her out with a hilt strike to the back of her head.

At full speed, the Issei flying towards him sped up even more and put his fist out, aiming for Shirou's face. Seeing this and thinking quickly, Archer thrust his hand forward.

- Rho Aias! - he shrieked, and a pink-colored flower-shaped shield appeared in front of him.


There was an explosion, and a cloud of dust blocked the view. Rias managed to put a barrier in front of her, and her entourage searched for Emiya with their eyes until they found him standing near me with Asia in his arms.

- I think that's enough. You all suck. - I said in a measured tone and snapped my fingers.

The bodies of the Club members were wrapped around the roots and immobilized.

- But, why? - A perplexed Issei asked.

My eyebrow twitched.

- Really, why? Maybe because you could have killed Asia, hmm, you stupid skillful pervert?

At those words, he froze and turned pale, his eyes widening fearfully. As did the rest of them, though.

- Oh? Your whole look screams that you haven't thought about it, huh? - I said, crossing my arms, "Or did you take advantage of it on purpose, counting on Archer to protect her and set her up for a hit? No, you're not smart enough to think that.

He lowered his head, and the rest of the entourage looked at Asia and Issei with concerned eyes. I snapped my fingers once more, and the roots released them.

- I... thank you for not abandoning Asia, Archer-san. - Rias said and bowed, walking over to us.

- As you wish," Archer shrugged and handed Asia to Kiba, "Next time, watch your surroundings. You have no ability to make quick and thoughtful decisions. And if my hunch is correct, you'll be trained by me. That means you'll have a lot more work to do than Sitri-san and her entourage.

Rias sighed disappointedly, as did the rest of her entourage. Except for Issei, who was still in a downcast state.

- That's right," I nodded, "And anyway, whose idea was it to leave the dumb skillful pervert in reserve? Wouldn't it be preferable to leave the attack to him, and the rest of us to group up and support him from afar? And put Kiba and Koneko in the middle or closer to him, hmm?

- Well..." Akeno started awkwardly, throwing a glance in Rias' direction.

- Heh. Your brains are swollen with the fat of your tits, eh, tomato-san? Didn't you already know that Archer was strong, and your standard tactics could go in the trash?

- But... It worked in the Rating Game..." she muttered.

TWO of my eyebrows twitched.

How did you even get the idea to compare soap to an airplane! And anyway, Riser gave in to you, for crying out loud! Didn't you notice the look he gave you when he gave in?!

I'm just shocked. She's either playing dumb or she is. Yeah... And to pull a stick the size of a skyscraper out of her ass and break her rose-colored glasses is gonna take a lot of time and effort, which, frankly, I'm sorry for.

- Okay," I rubbed my temples, "To summarize, it turns out to be: a dumb, skillful pervert who doesn't look where to hit. A tomato who can't sensibly assess the situation and strategize. Homo-eyes who is unable to create even a somewhat acceptable sword. White Cat, who has no speed at all on principle, and Healer, who can't defend himself in any way. Only Akeno, who more or less fulfills her role as fire support, has no special complaints. Anything else to add, Archer?

- Nope. - he shrugged.

But in the next moment, a scarlet spear exuding a bloodthirsty aura was aimed at my face... which I blocked with my index finger.

- Oh? Isn't saving everyone your credo, Emiya-kun? Don't I fall under that category? - With a cute smile on my face, I asked, already knowing where the punch was coming from.

- All Magicians are annoying bastards that need to be destroyed," Emiya said confidently, holding up his spear, "That you, Master, that Zelretch, that flower bastard. And if you all disappear, the world will only thank me.

- Thank you for the compliment, Mother Emiya," I grinned, and the edge of his mouth twitched - And I wouldn't give the interdimensional troll a bad word if I were you. Given our current circumstances, he could very well come here and play a joke on you. And you certainly don't want that.

- Tch.

Turning to the side, I saw all the Club members tensely staring at the spear in Archer's hand, and Koneko had even fainted from its aura.

- W-what kind of spear is that, Sensei? Why does it have such a terrifying aura? - Kiba asked in a trembling voice.

Ouch. Did Gae Bolg scare them? Yeah... Their mental defenses are in the shitter too....

I rubbed my temples and grabbed the spear and broke it with two fingers. To which I received stunned looks from Rias's entourage and Emiya's annoyed face.

I guess he's going to have a lot of work to do with them... A lot of work....


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