
Mother Made a Decision

Finally morning came, and Wijaya woke up as usual, this time Wijaya had a class schedule in the afternoon.

So then he could help his father to prepare his merchandise more.

So soon the exam started his usual routine, preparing hot water, boiling eggs, and cleaning his father's cart.

And all other preparations, which could be prepared to help his father so that the work of preparing the merchandise done by his father could be completed quickly.

On the other hand, he also did not forget to wake his mother up again and ask her to make breakfast for all of them.

Time passed so quickly, and Wijaya had finished half of the merchandise preparations for his father, while his mother had now finished making breakfast.

And in the middle of taking a shower to get ready to go to work to the factory, as for Celine as usual.

She had also prepared herself well, because as a junior high school student she had a school schedule in the morning.

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