
Cry More Poor Fuckers...

In the grand classroom, a peaceful atmosphere prevailed as students sat in meditation position, their bodies straight and their minds focused, gathering mana. 

Jessica moved among them, her presence calm and reassuring, ensuring each student was comfortable while consuming the high-tier breakthrough potion.

These potions were coveted by many for their ability to break through anyone to the next grade. Even the Low-Tier Breakthrough potions were rare and highly sought-after, enough to make a poor family rich by just selling one. But as a member of Black Dragon WG, one of the top ten guilds, such resources were abundant here.

In just 1 hour of consuming, Leo was the first to experience a breakthrough. A subtle but noticeable change occurred as his energy elevated from D grade to -C grade. 


Even making Jessica astonished, who had seen countless talents in her time, As a powerhouse of the Black Dragons. but this speed of breakthrough was just unbelievable, even more so from a pervert like Leo.

Leo's eyes flickered open, a faint glow illuminating them as he effortlessly calmed the wild mana surging through him.

Jessica's gaze then shifted to the back of the room where Aang was seated. He, too, was undergoing a breakthrough, followed by Jane and Grey.

In just two hours, nearly the entire class had broken through to the next grade. Some had moved up a single grade, while the most talented among them had jumped two grades up. 

"Congratulations, everyone, on your breakthroughs," Jessica clapped at last, though this was a shortcut method, it had no significant side effects. But there was still a limitation, it could only be used on lower grades, breakthrough potions were totally ineffective on Warden B grades and up.

But amid the celebratory heat, one student remained unchanged. Jessica's eyes fell on Asuka, who was seated in the middle of the first row, still attempting to break through.

"Asuka," Jessica said, her tone firm, "Let it be you are near your potential grade it will be hard to break through from here."

Her keen eyes, trained to observe the nuances of power and injury, noticed the deep cut on Asuka's chest, hidden beneath his long-sleeved shirt with a high collar. The wound was significant, and she could tell it was impeding his progress. 

As an A-grade warden, she could clearly notice the deep cut on Asuka's chest, hidden beneath his long-sleeved shirt with a high collar. But for now, she decided to ignore it.

"If a useless person somehow gets into an important place, it doesn't change the fact that he's still useless."

"I thought it was unfair that two top scorers were in the same squad, but with Asuka there, Now I think it's pretty much balanced after all."

Laughter and murmurs of insults surrounded Asuka, but he simply ignored them. seating in meditation position, his expression indifferent as he focused inward. 

He already knew that making breakthroughs was difficult with his potential. So, instead, he focused on his Status window, which appeared in his mind thanks to the CAD's mind-screening technology:


[Evolution complete...]



Master's Insight Incomplete Version [Form 1 and 2: Eyes of White and Black Master] (C): 


The user gains enhanced awareness in combat, and can perceive the flow of mana around him. With the Master's Insight Form 1, the user can also see through the mana streams of others and detect their physical and magical weaknesses. When Black Master's Insight is in use, the gate of void opens for the user, allowing teleportation anywhere within their line of sight instantly.


Duration: 3 minutes 


Cooldown: Twice per day 



- The detection of weaknesses and mana streams is only effective against opponents who are at most two grades higher than the user. 

- Teleportation is limited to places within the user's direct line of sight.

- Using both Forms simultaneously imposes a severe penalty: the user cannot use any Blessing for 2 days.



A slow grin spread across Asuka's face as watched his evolved blessing. The excitement coursing through him completely fade out the insults ringing in his ears.

Why did Aang save me?' he wondered, his grin widening. 'Looks like I'll get my answers after I beat the shit out of him.'

The grin on his face stood in stark contrast to the insults he was receiving, making most frown. "Is he finally gone crazy?" someone muttered.

Jessica's voice cut through the chatter, commanding attention. "Listen up, everyone!" she called out, standing tall in front of the class. "I've already told you about the points system here. These points are absolute and can be exchanged for anything—Weapons, skill books, personal tutors, potions..."

Before she could continue, Leo's eager voice interrupted her. "Anything? Even you?" He leaned forward, his eyes alight with passion.

Jessica's expression remained unchanged, though her eyes briefly rolled in mild annoyance. "If you have enough points, yes." Her tone was indifferent, as she resumed her explanation. "So, as those points are valuable, the opportunities to earn them are equally significant. Today, you will get your first chance to change the squad rankings."

"More points mean a better ranking and more privileges."

Leo, unable to resist again, chimed in with a playful smile. "So, what's that opportunity, my soon-to-be…" His gaze lingered on Jessica, filled with a mixture of challenge and flirtation.

Jessica completely ignored him and moved forward. "Your first trial is a classic one, Capture the Flag," she announced, her voice clear and commanding. 


<Black Dragon WG> 

<Inside the Office>

A muscular, bald man dressed in a monk's outfit sat on a sofa, smoking a cigarette. His gaze was fixed on the young man sitting across him.

"Sword Saint, I just got a message from Aang. Asuka can't even break through. I don't think we can awaken his bloodline blessing without a growth potion," the monk said, exhaling smoke.

"The only growth potion left is in Ragnar's hands. We must try other methods quick before the two-year contract is up. If he still can't awaken by then, it would be better to kill him than to hand him over to Ragnar," the Sword Saint replied in a grim and serious tone, waiting for the monk's response.

"There is no other way. It's better to just kill Asuka," the monk said, resting one hand on his chin thoughtfully.

"No, we will wait for the two years. We can't just kill him before that. Tell Aang to keep acting normal around him,"





Ragnar has his own reasons, and the Sword Saint and Black Dragon only want to use him. His squad members hate him, so right now, there is no one on his side.

Truly like the third rate villain.

However, there are two individuals who were introduced earlier that genuinely support him and wish him the best.

Who are they??

2 Extra chapters for right answer...


Thanks for reading!!!

Golden Ticket!!!

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