
Nao Long


After a few minutes more of walking inside the deep caverns of a mysterious beast lair, Azmodeus found himself next to a colossal hill.

Sitting in the middle of a group of dripping stalactites, they drizzled droplets of water onto the hill from the roof.

There was a single ray of light shining down from a hole in the roof that seemed to stretch all the way to the outside world.

This ray of light was focused on the very top of the vast hill that sat beneath the stalactites, seemingly absorbing the water that drizzled down constantly.


Azmodeus looked around him and saw no more tunnels besides the one he just came out of. Thus, it was pretty clear that this was where the beast was, but why didn't he see anything even remotely beast-like?

Am I missing something here…? Maybe some sort of cloaking monster??

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