
Two days of separation

Artie didn't see the men who had pestered her for a full week the entire day. Nor the next one either. Artie wasn't sure why she was so concerned she hadn't seen them. She hadn't seen plenty of the other knights, including her 'best friend' Sir Percy for a couple of days too. 

Hell, she'd barely seen Sir Lancelot when the trio had been around, so why was she so antsy?

It eventually accumulated into Artie giving in, and after not seeing them for a full two days, Artie asked Sir Lancelot when they were on their way back from tea time with the Ladies what had happened to them. 

"Sir Lancelot, uh, this might sound a bit strange, but where are they?" She asked, and Sir Lancelot's mouth twitched. He turned his green gaze towards her, and widened his eyes. Artie watched as the man put on a show, pretending to have no clue who she was talking about. 

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